Package java.text

Examples of java.text.AttributedString$AttributeMap

    private AttributedCharacterIterator createModifiedACIForFontMatching
        (TextNode node, AttributedCharacterIterator aci) {

        AttributedString as = null;
        int asOff = 0;
        int begin = aci.getBeginIndex();
        boolean moreChunks = true;
        int start, end   = aci.getRunStart(TEXT_COMPOUND_DELIMITER);
        while (moreChunks) {
            start = end;
            end = aci.getRunLimit(TEXT_COMPOUND_DELIMITER);
            int aciLength = end-start;

            Vector fontFamilies;
            fontFamilies = (Vector)aci.getAttributes().get(GVT_FONT_FAMILIES);
            if (fontFamilies == null) {
                // no font families set this chunk so just increment...
                asOff += aciLength;
                moreChunks = (aci.setIndex(end) != aci.DONE);

            // resolve any unresolved font families in the list
            List resolvedFontFamilies = new ArrayList(fontFamilies.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < fontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                GVTFontFamily fontFamily = (GVTFontFamily)fontFamilies.get(i);
                if (fontFamily instanceof UnresolvedFontFamily) {
                    fontFamily = FontFamilyResolver.resolve
                if (fontFamily != null) // Add font family if resolved

            // if could not resolve at least one of the fontFamilies
            // then use the default font
            if (resolvedFontFamilies.size() == 0) {

            // create a list of fonts of the correct size
            float fontSize = 12;
            Float fsFloat = (Float)aci.getAttributes().get(TextAttribute.SIZE);
            if (fsFloat != null) {
                fontSize = fsFloat.floatValue();

            // now for each char or group of chars in the string,
            // find a font that can display it.
            boolean[] fontAssigned = new boolean[aciLength];

            if (as == null)
                as = new AttributedString(aci);

            GVTFont defaultFont = null;;
            int numSet=0;
            int firstUnset=start;
            boolean firstUnsetSet;
            for (int i = 0; i < resolvedFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                // assign this font to all characters it can display if it has
                // not already been assigned
                int currentIndex = firstUnset;
                firstUnsetSet = false;

                GVTFontFamily ff;
                ff = ((GVTFontFamily)resolvedFontFamilies.get(i));
                GVTFont font = ff.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
                if (defaultFont == null)
                    defaultFont = font;

                while (currentIndex < end) {
                    int displayUpToIndex = font.canDisplayUpTo
                        (aci, currentIndex, end);

                    if (displayUpToIndex == -1) {
                        // Can handle the whole thing...
                        displayUpToIndex = end;

                    if (displayUpToIndex <= currentIndex) {
                        if (!firstUnsetSet) {
                            firstUnset = currentIndex;
                            firstUnsetSet = true;
                        // couldn't display the current char
                    } else {
                        // could display some text, so for each
                        // char it can display, if char not already
                        // assigned a font, assign this font to it
                        int runStart = -1;
                        for (int j = currentIndex; j < displayUpToIndex; j++) {
                            if (fontAssigned[j - start]) {
                                if (runStart != -1) {
            // System.out.println("Font 1: " + font);
                                    as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, font,
                                                    runStart-begin, j-begin);
                            } else {
                                if (runStart == -1)
                                    runStart = j;
                            fontAssigned[j - start] = true;
                        if (runStart != -1) {
          // System.out.println("Font 2: " + font);
                            as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, font,

                        // set currentIndex to be one after the char
                        // that couldn't display
                        currentIndex = displayUpToIndex+1;

                if (numSet == aciLength) // all chars have font set;

            // assign the first font to any chars haven't alreay been assigned
            int           runStart = -1;
            GVTFontFamily prevFF   = null;
            GVTFont       prevF    = defaultFont;
            for (int i = 0; i < aciLength; i++) {
                if (fontAssigned[i]) {
                    if (runStart != -1) {
      // System.out.println("Font 3: " + prevF);
                        as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                        runStart+asOff, i+asOff);
                        runStart = -1;
                        prevF  = null;
                        prevFF = null;
                } else {
                    char c = aci.setIndex(start+i);
                    GVTFontFamily fontFamily;
                    fontFamily = FontFamilyResolver.getFamilyThatCanDisplay(c);

                    if (runStart == -1) {
                        // Starting a new run...
                        runStart = i;
                        prevFF   = fontFamily;
                        if (prevFF == null)
                            prevF = defaultFont;
                            prevF = fontFamily.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
                    } else if (prevFF != fontFamily) {
                        // Font family changed...
      // System.out.println("Font 4: " + prevF);
                        as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                        runStart+asOff, i+asOff);
                        runStart = i;
                        prevFF = fontFamily;
                        if (prevFF == null)
                            prevF = defaultFont;
                            prevF = fontFamily.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
            if (runStart != -1) {
    // System.out.println("Font 5: " + prevF);
                as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                runStart+asOff, aciLength+asOff);

            asOff += aciLength;
            if (aci.setIndex(end) == aci.DONE) {
                moreChunks = false;
            start = end;
        if (as != null)
            return as.getIterator();

        // Didn't do anything return original ACI
        return aci;
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    public void buildGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx,
                                  Element e,
                                  GraphicsNode node) {
        AttributedString as = buildAttributedString(ctx, e);
        addGlyphPositionAttributes(as, e, ctx);
        if (ctx.isDynamic()) {
            layoutedText = new AttributedString(as.getIterator());
        TextNode tn = (TextNode)node;

        // now add the painting attributes, cannot do it before this because
        // some of the Paint objects need to know the bounds of the text
        // and this isn't know until the text node aci is set
        TextDecoration textDecoration =
            getTextDecoration(e, tn, new TextDecoration(), ctx);
        addPaintAttributes(as, e, tn, textDecoration, ctx);

        // DO NOT CALL super, 'opacity' is handle during addPaintAttributes()

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     * update <code>layoutedText</code> with the new
     * value.
    protected void computeLayoutedText()
        AttributedString as = buildAttributedString(ctx, e);
        addGlyphPositionAttributes(as, e, ctx);
        layoutedText = new AttributedString(as.getIterator());
        TextNode tn = (TextNode)node;
        TextDecoration textDecoration =
            getTextDecoration(e, tn, new TextDecoration(), ctx);
        addPaintAttributes(as, e, tn, textDecoration, ctx);
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            case SVGCSSEngine.LETTER_SPACING_INDEX:
            case SVGCSSEngine.WORD_SPACING_INDEX:
            case SVGCSSEngine.KERNING_INDEX: {
                if (!hasNewACI) {
                    hasNewACI = true;
                    AttributedString as = buildAttributedString(ctx, e);
                    addGlyphPositionAttributes(as, e, ctx);
                    layoutedText = new AttributedString(as.getIterator());
                    TextNode tn = (TextNode)node;
                    TextDecoration textDecoration =
                        getTextDecoration(e, tn, new TextDecoration(), ctx);
                    addPaintAttributes(as, e, tn, textDecoration, ctx);
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     * @param element the text element
    protected AttributedString buildAttributedString(BridgeContext ctx,
                                                     Element element) {
        List rgns = getRegions(ctx, element);
        AttributedString ret = getFlowDiv(ctx, element);
        ret.addAttribute(FLOW_REGIONS, rgns, 0, 1);
        return ret;
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        // Layer in the PARAGRAPH/LINE_BREAK Attributes so we can
        // break up text chunks.
        AttributedString ret = asb.toAttributedString();

        // Note: The Working Group (in conjunction with XHTML working
        // group) has decided that multiple line elements collapse.
        int prevLN = 0;
        int lnCount = 0;
        Iterator lnIter = lnLocs.iterator();
        while (lnIter.hasNext()) {
            int nextLN = ((Integer);
            if (nextLN == prevLN) continue;

                             new Object(),
                             prevLN, nextLN);
            // System.out.println("Attr: [" + prevLN + "," + nextLN + "]");
            prevLN  = nextLN;

        int start=0;
        int end;
        List emptyPara = null;
        for (int i=0; i<paraElems.size(); i++, start=end) {
            Element elem = (Element)paraElems.get(i);
            end  = ((Integer)paraEnds.get(i)).intValue();
            if (start == end) {
                if (emptyPara == null)
                    emptyPara = new LinkedList();
            // System.out.println("Para: [" + start + ", " + end + "]");
            ret.addAttribute(FLOW_PARAGRAPH, makeMarginInfo(elem), start, end);
            if (emptyPara != null) {
                ret.addAttribute(FLOW_EMPTY_PARAGRAPH, emptyPara, start, end);
                emptyPara = null;

        return ret;
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    public void buildGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx,
                                  Element e,
                                  GraphicsNode node) {
        AttributedString as = buildAttributedString(ctx, e);
        addGlyphPositionAttributes(as, e, ctx);
        if (ctx.isDynamic()) {
            layoutedText = new AttributedString(as.getIterator());
        TextNode tn = (TextNode)node;

        // now add the painting attributes, cannot do it before this because
        // some of the Paint objects need to know the bounds of the text
        // and this isn't know until the text node aci is set
        TextDecoration textDecoration =
            getTextDecoration(e, tn, new TextDecoration(), ctx);
        addPaintAttributes(as, e, tn, textDecoration, ctx);

        // DO NOT CALL super, 'opacity' is handle during addPaintAttributes()

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     * the new recomputed AtrributedString. Also
     * update <code>layoutedText</code> with the new
     * value.
    protected void computeLayoutedText() {
        AttributedString as = buildAttributedString(ctx, e);
        addGlyphPositionAttributes(as, e, ctx);
        layoutedText = new AttributedString(as.getIterator());
        TextNode tn = (TextNode)node;
        TextDecoration textDecoration =
            getTextDecoration(e, tn, new TextDecoration(), ctx);
        addPaintAttributes(as, e, tn, textDecoration, ctx);
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            case SVGCSSEngine.LETTER_SPACING_INDEX:
            case SVGCSSEngine.WORD_SPACING_INDEX:
            case SVGCSSEngine.KERNING_INDEX: {
                if (!hasNewACI) {
                    hasNewACI = true;
                    AttributedString as = buildAttributedString(ctx, e);
                    addGlyphPositionAttributes(as, e, ctx);
                    layoutedText = new AttributedString(as.getIterator());
                    TextNode tn = (TextNode)node;
                    TextDecoration textDecoration =
                        getTextDecoration(e, tn, new TextDecoration(), ctx);
                    addPaintAttributes(as, e, tn, textDecoration, ctx);
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            if (!hasNewACI) {
                hasNewACI = true;
                TextNode tn = (TextNode)node;
                AttributedString as;

                TextDecoration parentDecoration;

                if ( cssProceedElement == e ){
                    parentDecoration = new TextDecoration();
                    as = new AttributedString(layoutedText.getIterator());
                    //if a child CSS property has changed, then
                    //retrieve the parent text decoration
                    //and only update the section of the AtrtibutedString of
                    //the child
                    parentDecoration = getParentTextDecoration
                    as = new AttributedString
                TextDecoration textDecoration = getTextDecoration
                    (cssProceedElement, tn, parentDecoration, ctx);
                    (as, cssProceedElement, tn, textDecoration, ctx);
            RenderingHints hints = node.getRenderingHints();
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Related Classes of java.text.AttributedString$AttributeMap

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