// Create base driver properties
List<DriverPropertyInfo> baseProps = new ArrayList<DriverPropertyInfo>();
// JDBC compatibility level
DriverPropertyInfo jdbcCompatLevel = new DriverPropertyInfo(PARAM_JDBC_COMPATIBILITY, ps.getProperty(
PARAM_JDBC_COMPATIBILITY, Integer.toString(JdbcCompatibility.DEFAULT)));
jdbcCompatLevel.description = "Configures how compatible the driver will attempt to be with JDBC, primarily affects reported column types for result sets";
jdbcCompatLevel.required = false;
String[] choices = new String[9];
for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
choices[i] = Integer.toString(i + 1);
jdbcCompatLevel.choices = choices;
// Pre-processors
DriverPropertyInfo preProcessor = new DriverPropertyInfo(PARAM_PRE_PROCESSOR, StrUtils.strjoin(",",
this.getValues(ps, PARAM_PRE_PROCESSOR)));
preProcessor.description = "Configures pre-processors which are used to amend SPARQL text, queries or updates before these are passed to the underlying SPARQL engine, multiple fully qualified class names may be specified";
preProcessor.required = false;
// Logging config
DriverPropertyInfo logging = new DriverPropertyInfo(PARAM_LOGGING, ps.getProperty(PARAM_LOGGING));
logging.description = "Sets the path to a log4j properties file for configuring logging, the file system is considered first and then the classpath. If not set defaults to log4j.properties";
logging.required = false;
// Have the derived implementation create the final property information