st.setBytes(3, tmp.getBytes());
st.setString(4, "name");
st.setLong(5, 1L);
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
Clob clob = st.getClob(1);
long len = clob.length();
byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len];
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + new String(buf) + "'");
assertEquals("", "TEST", new String(buf));
catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
assertTrue("an exception should not occur when testing '" + sql + "'", false);
{ // test the test methods themselves first
sql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "test_clob(?,?,?,?)}";
try {
CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall(sql);
st.setString(2, "TEST");
String tmp = new String("Haloooooo");
st.setString(3, tmp);
st.setString(4, "name");
st.setLong(5, 1L);
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
Clob clob = st.getClob(1);
long len = clob.length();
byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len];
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + new String(buf) + "'");
assertEquals("", "TEST", new String(buf));
catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
assertTrue("an exception should not occur when testing '" + sql + "'", false);
sql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "base64_helper(?, ?)}";
try {
CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall(sql);
st.setInt(2, 2);
st.setLong(3, 1000L);
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
String ret = st.getString(1);
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + ret + "'");
// no assert here, just testing for exceptions
catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
assertTrue("an exception should not occur when testing '" + sql + "'", false);
sql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "base64_enc_raw_t(?)}"; // name text, content text)
try {
CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall(sql);
// int nmax = 256;
int nmax = 2000;
byte[] in = new byte[nmax];
for (int i=0; i < nmax; i++) {
in[i] = (byte)i;
st.setBytes(2, in);
// st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR); // worked for oracle 10
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
// String ret = st.getString(1);
Clob clob = st.getClob(1);
long len = clob.length();
byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len];
byte[] out = Base64.decode(buf);
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + new String(buf) + "'");
assertEquals("wrong number of return values ", in.length, out.length);
for (int i=0; i < in.length; i++) {
assertEquals("entry '" + i + "' is wrong: ", in[i], out[i]);
catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
assertTrue("an exception should not occur when testing '" + sql + "'", false);
sql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "base64_enc_vch_t(?)}"; // name text, content text)
try {
CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall(sql);
String test = "this is a simple base64 encoding test for clobs";
st.setString(2, test);
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
// String ret = st.getString(1);
Clob clob = st.getClob(1);
long len = clob.length();
byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len];
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + new String(buf) + "'");
String out = new String(Base64.decode(buf));
assertEquals("invocation '" + sql + "' gave the wrong result ", test, out);
catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
assertTrue("an exception should not occur when testing '" + sql + "'", false);
// base64_enc_blob(?)
sql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "test_blob(?,?,?,?)}"; // name text, content text)
try {
CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall(sql);
int nmax = 2000;
byte[] in = new byte[nmax];
for (int i=0; i < nmax; i++) {
in[i] = (byte)i;
st.setString(2, "BASE64_ENC_BLOB");
st.setBytes(3, in);
st.setString(4, "unused");
st.setLong(5, 1L); // loop only once
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
Clob clob = st.getClob(1);
long len = clob.length();
byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len];
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + new String(buf) + "'");
byte[] out = Base64.decode(buf);
assertEquals("wrong number of return values ", in.length, out.length);
for (int i=0; i < in.length; i++) {
assertEquals("entry '" + i + "' is wrong: ", in[i], out[i]);
catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
assertTrue("an exception should not occur when testing '" + sql + "'", false);
sql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "base64_enc_blob(?)}"; // name text, content text)
try {
// conn.setAutoCommit(false); // needed since reusing lob objects
// first retreiving the LOB object
// String tmpSql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "create_blob()}"; // name text, content text)
// CallableStatement tmpSt = conn.prepareCall(tmpSql);
// tmpSt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.BLOB);
// ResultSet tmpRs = tmpSt.executeQuery();
// Blob blob = tmpSt.getBlob(1);
CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall(sql);
int nmax = 32000;
byte[] in = new byte[nmax];
for (int i=0; i < nmax; i++) {
in[i] = (byte)i;
// ByteArray works for ora10
// ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(in);
// st.setBinaryStream(2, bais, in.length);
BLOB blob = BLOB.createTemporary(conn, true, BLOB.MODE_READWRITE);;
// The following did not work for 8.1.6. To make it
// work it needed the old driver and the next line code
// which in the new driver is deprecated.
// OutputStream os = blob.setBinaryStream(1);
// this raises an AbstractMethodError with both old and new driver
// OutputStream os = ((java.sql.Blob)blob).setBinaryStream(1L);
// This works with old driver on 8.1.6 (but oracle specific)
// OutputStream os = blob.getBinaryOutputStream();
// os.write(in);
// os.close();
// this raises an AbstractMethodError too in oracle with old and new driver
// ((java.sql.Blob)blob).setBytes(1, in);
((java.sql.Blob)blob).setBytes(1, in, 0, in.length);
st.setBlob(2, blob);
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
// String ret = st.getString(1);
Clob clob = st.getClob(1);
long len = clob.length();
byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len];
// tmpRs.close();
// tmpSt.close();
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + new String(buf) + "'");
byte[] out = Base64.decodeBase64(buf);
assertEquals("wrong number of return values ", in.length, out.length);
for (int i=0; i < in.length; i++) {
assertEquals("entry '" + i + "' is wrong: ", in[i], out[i]);
catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
assertTrue("an exception should not occur when testing '" + sql + "'", false);
// base64_enc_clob(?)
sql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "test_clob(?,?,?,?)}"; // name text, content text)
try {
CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall(sql);
String test = "this is a simple base64 encoding test for clobs";
st.setString(2, "BASE64_ENC_CLOB");
st.setString(3, test);
st.setString(4, "unused");
st.setLong(5, 1L); // loop only once
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
Clob clob = st.getClob(1);
long len = clob.length();
byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len];
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + new String(buf) + "'");
String out = new String(Base64.decode(buf));
assertEquals("invocation '" + sql + "' gave the wrong result ", test, out);
catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
assertTrue("an exception should not occur when testing '" + sql + "'", false);
// fill_blob_char(?)
sql = "{? = call " + this.replPrefix + "test_clob(?,?,?,?)}"; // name text, content text)
try {
CallableStatement st = conn.prepareCall(sql);
String result = "<col name=\"fill\">this is a simple test string for the fill_blob_char</col>";
String test = "this is a simple test string for the fill_blob_char";
st.setString(2, "FILL_BLOB_CHAR2");
st.setString(3, test);
st.setString(4, "fill");
st.setLong(5, 1L); // loop only once
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
Clob clob = st.getClob(1);
long len = clob.length();
byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len];
log.fine("The return value of the query '" + sql + "' is '" + new String(buf) + "'");
String out = new String(buf);
assertEquals("invocation '" + sql + "' gave the wrong result ", result+result, out);