
Examples of$MyPermissionCollection

  public void addPermission(Permission perm)
    if (_permissions == null) {
      _permissions = new Permissions();
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        PolicyContext policyContext = new PolicyContext(ejbJar.moduleId);

        for (EnterpriseBeanInfo enterpriseBean : ejbJar.enterpriseBeans) {
            CoreDeploymentInfo deployment = (CoreDeploymentInfo) deployments.get(enterpriseBean.ejbDeploymentId);

            Permissions permissions = new Permissions();

            String ejbName = enterpriseBean.ejbName;

            for (InterfaceType type : InterfaceType.values()) {
                if (type == InterfaceType.UNKNOWN) continue;
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                // if this is unchecked, mark it as unchecked; otherwise assign the roles
                if (unchecked) {
                } else {
                    for (String roleName : roleNames) {
                        Permissions permissions = (Permissions) rolePermissions.get(roleName);
                        if (permissions == null) {
                            permissions = new Permissions();
                            rolePermissions.put(roleName, permissions);


         * JACC v1.0 section
        for (MethodInfo method : ejbJar.excludeList) {
            if (!ejbName.equals(method.ejbName)) {

            // method name
            String methodName = method.methodName;
            // method interface
            String methodIntf = method.methodIntf;

            // method parameters
            String[] methodParams;
            if (method.methodParams != null) {
                List<String> paramList = method.methodParams;
                methodParams = paramList.toArray(new String[paramList.size()]);
            } else {
                methodParams = null;

            // create the permission object
            EJBMethodPermission permission = new EJBMethodPermission(ejbName, methodName, methodIntf, methodParams);

            notAssigned = cullPermissions(notAssigned, permission);

         * JACC v1.0 section
        for (SecurityRoleReferenceInfo securityRoleRef : beanInfo.securityRoleReferences) {

            if (securityRoleRef.roleLink == null) {
                throw new OpenEJBException("Missing role-link");

            String roleLink = securityRoleRef.roleLink;

            PermissionCollection roleLinks = (PermissionCollection) rolePermissions.get(roleLink);
            if (roleLinks == null) {
                roleLinks = new Permissions();
                rolePermissions.put(roleLink, roleLinks);

            roleLinks.add(new EJBRoleRefPermission(ejbName, securityRoleRef.roleName));

         * EJB v2.1 section 21.3.2
         * <p/>
         * It is possible that some methods are not assigned to any security
         * roles nor contained in the <code>exclude-list</code> element. In
         * this case, it is the responsibility of the Deployer to assign method
         * permissions for all of the unspecified methods, either by assigning
         * them to security roles, or by marking them as <code>unchecked</code>.
        PermissionCollection permissions;
        if (defaultRole == null) {
            permissions = uncheckedPermissions;
        } else {
            permissions = (PermissionCollection) rolePermissions.get(defaultRole);
            if (permissions == null) {
                permissions = new Permissions();
                rolePermissions.put(defaultRole, permissions);

        Enumeration e = notAssigned.elements();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            Permission p = (Permission) e.nextElement();

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     * @param toBeChecked the permissions that are to be checked and possibly culled
     * @param permission  the permission that is to be used for culling
     * @return the culled set of permissions that are not implied by <code>permission</code>
    private Permissions cullPermissions(Permissions toBeChecked, Permission permission) {
        Permissions result = new Permissions();

        for (Enumeration e = toBeChecked.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            Permission test = (Permission) e.nextElement();
            if (!permission.implies(test)) {

        return result;
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        PermissionCollection excludedPermissions = new Permissions();
        PermissionCollection uncheckedPermissions = new Permissions();

        for (URLPattern pattern : excludedPatterns.values()) {
            String name = pattern.getQualifiedPattern(allSet);
            String actions = pattern.getMethods();

            excludedPermissions.add(new WebResourcePermission(name, actions));
            excludedPermissions.add(new WebUserDataPermission(name, actions));

        for (URLPattern pattern : rolesPatterns.values()) {
            String name = pattern.getQualifiedPattern(allSet);
            String actions = pattern.getMethods();
            WebResourcePermission permission = new WebResourcePermission(name, actions);

            for (String roleName : pattern.getRoles()) {
                addPermissionToRole(roleName, permission, rolePermissions);
            HTTPMethods methods = pattern.getHTTPMethods();
            int transportType = pattern.getTransport();

            addOrUpdatePattern(uncheckedUserPatterns, name, methods, transportType);

        for (URLPattern pattern : uncheckedPatterns.values()) {
            String name = pattern.getQualifiedPattern(allSet);
            HTTPMethods methods = pattern.getHTTPMethods();

            addOrUpdatePattern(uncheckedResourcePatterns, name, methods, URLPattern.NA);

            int transportType = pattern.getTransport();
            addOrUpdatePattern(uncheckedUserPatterns, name, methods, transportType);

         * A <code>WebResourcePermission</code> and a <code>WebUserDataPermission</code> must be instantiated for
         * each <tt>url-pattern</tt> in the deployment descriptor and the default pattern "/", that is not combined
         * by the <tt>web-resource-collection</tt> elements of the deployment descriptor with ever HTTP method
         * value.  The permission objects must be contructed using the qualified pattern as their name and with
         * actions defined by the subset of the HTTP methods that do not occur in combination with the pattern.
         * The resulting permissions that must be added to the unchecked policy statements by calling the
         * <code>addToUncheckedPolcy</code> method on the <code>PolicyConfiguration</code> object.
        for (URLPattern pattern : allSet) {
            String name = pattern.getQualifiedPattern(allSet);
            HTTPMethods methods = pattern.getComplementedHTTPMethods();

            if (methods.isNone()) {

            addOrUpdatePattern(uncheckedResourcePatterns, name, methods, URLPattern.NA);
            addOrUpdatePattern(uncheckedUserPatterns, name, methods, URLPattern.NA);

        URLPattern pattern = new URLPattern("/");
        if (!allSet.contains(pattern)) {
            String name = pattern.getQualifiedPattern(allSet);
            HTTPMethods methods = pattern.getComplementedHTTPMethods();

            addOrUpdatePattern(uncheckedResourcePatterns, name, methods, URLPattern.NA);
            addOrUpdatePattern(uncheckedUserPatterns, name, methods, URLPattern.NA);

        //Create the uncheckedPermissions for WebResourcePermissions
        for (UncheckedItem item : uncheckedResourcePatterns.keySet()) {
            HTTPMethods methods = uncheckedResourcePatterns.get(item);
            String actions = URLPattern.getMethodsWithTransport(methods, item.getTransportType());

            uncheckedPermissions.add(new WebResourcePermission(item.getName(), actions));
        //Create the uncheckedPermissions for WebUserDataPermissions
        for (UncheckedItem item : uncheckedUserPatterns.keySet()) {
            HTTPMethods methods = uncheckedUserPatterns.get(item);
            String actions = URLPattern.getMethodsWithTransport(methods, item.getTransportType());

            uncheckedPermissions.add(new WebUserDataPermission(item.getName(), actions));

        return new ComponentPermissions(excludedPermissions, uncheckedPermissions, rolePermissions);

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    protected void addPermissionToRole(String roleName, Permission permission, Map<String, PermissionCollection> rolePermissions) {
        PermissionCollection permissionsForRole = rolePermissions.get(roleName);
        if (permissionsForRole == null) {
            permissionsForRole = new Permissions();
            rolePermissions.put(roleName, permissionsForRole);
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    public ComponentPermissions buildComponentPermissions() throws DeploymentException {
        ComponentPermissions componentPermissions = new ComponentPermissions(new Permissions(), new Permissions(), new HashMap<String, PermissionCollection>());
        for (EnterpriseBean enterpriseBean : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()) {
            addSecurityData(enterpriseBean, componentPermissions);
        return componentPermissions;
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            GBeanData gbean = getEjbGBean(enterpriseBean.getEjbName());
            if (enterpriseBean instanceof RemoteBean) {
                RemoteBean remoteBean = (RemoteBean) enterpriseBean;

                SecurityBuilder securityBuilder = new SecurityBuilder();
                PermissionCollection permissions = new Permissions();

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        AbstractName moduleName = module.getModuleName();
        EARContext earContext = createEARContext(outputPath, defaultEnvironment, repository, configStore, moduleName);
        AbstractName jaccBeanName = kernel.getNaming().createChildName(moduleName, "foo", NameFactory.JACC_MANAGER);
        GBeanData jaccBeanData = new GBeanData(jaccBeanName, ApplicationPolicyConfigurationManager.GBEAN_INFO);
        PermissionCollection excludedPermissions= new Permissions();
        PermissionCollection uncheckedPermissions= new Permissions();
        ComponentPermissions componentPermissions = new ComponentPermissions(excludedPermissions, uncheckedPermissions, new HashMap());
        Map contextIDToPermissionsMap = new HashMap();
        contextIDToPermissionsMap.put("test_J2EEApplication=null_J2EEServer=bar_j2eeType=WebModule_name=geronimo/test/1.0/war", componentPermissions);
        jaccBeanData.setAttribute("contextIdToPermissionsMap", contextIDToPermissionsMap);
//        jaccBeanData.setAttribute("principalRoleMap", new HashMap());
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                    // if this is unchecked, mark it as unchecked; otherwise assign the roles
                    if (unchecked) {
                    } else {
                        for (String roleName : roleNames) {
                            Permissions permissions = (Permissions) rolePermissions.get(roleName);
                            if (permissions == null) {
                                permissions = new Permissions();
                                rolePermissions.put(roleName, permissions);


             * JACC v1.0 section
            ExcludeList excludeList = assemblyDescriptor.getExcludeList();
            if (excludeList != null) {
                for (Method method : excludeList.getMethod()) {
                    if (!ejbName.equals(method.getEjbName())) {

                    // method name
                    String methodName = method.getMethodName();
                    // method interface
                    String methodIntf = method.getMethodIntf() == null? null: method.getMethodIntf().toString();

                    // method parameters
                    String[] methodParams;
                    if (method.getMethodParams() != null) {
                        List<String> paramList = method.getMethodParams().getMethodParam();
                        methodParams = paramList.toArray(new String[paramList.size()]);
                    } else {
                        methodParams = null;

                    // create the permission object
                    EJBMethodPermission permission = new EJBMethodPermission(ejbName, methodName, methodIntf, methodParams);

                    notAssigned = cullPermissions(notAssigned, permission);

             * JACC v1.0 section
            for (SecurityRoleRef securityRoleRef : securityRoleRefs) {

                String roleLink = securityRoleRef.getRoleLink() == null? securityRoleRef.getRoleName(): securityRoleRef.getRoleLink();

                PermissionCollection roleLinks = rolePermissions.get(roleLink);
                if (roleLinks == null) {
                    roleLinks = new Permissions();
                    rolePermissions.put(roleLink, roleLinks);

                roleLinks.add(new EJBRoleRefPermission(ejbName, securityRoleRef.getRoleName()));

         * EJB v2.1 section 21.3.2
         * <p/>
         * It is possible that some methods are not assigned to any security
         * roles nor contained in the <code>exclude-list</code> element. In
         * this case, it is the responsibility of the Deployer to assign method
         * permissions for all of the unspecified methods, either by assigning
         * them to security roles, or by marking them as <code>unchecked</code>.
        PermissionCollection permissions;
        if (defaultRole == null) {
            permissions = uncheckedPermissions;
        } else {
            permissions = rolePermissions.get(defaultRole);
            if (permissions == null) {
                permissions = new Permissions();
                rolePermissions.put(defaultRole, permissions);

        Enumeration e = notAssigned.elements();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            Permission p = (Permission) e.nextElement();

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