catch (Exception e)
//AS ToDo: must be checked later how to go ahead here
throw new RemoteException("Could not create a MBean on the cluster", e);
Iterator i = lValues.iterator();
ObjectInstance lInstance = null;
Throwable lException = null;
while (i.hasNext())
Object lValue = i.next();
if (lValue instanceof ObjectInstance)
if (lInstance == null)
lInstance = (ObjectInstance) lValue;
else if (lValue instanceof Throwable)
if (lException == null)
lException = (Throwable) lValue;
if (lException != null)
if (lInstance != null)
// Remove all existing MBeans
catch (Exception e)
// Ignore any exception
if (lException instanceof InstanceAlreadyExistsException)
throw (InstanceAlreadyExistsException) lException;
if (lException instanceof MBeanException)
throw (MBeanException) lException;
if (lException instanceof MBeanRegistrationException)
throw (MBeanRegistrationException) lException;
if (lException instanceof NotCompliantMBeanException)
throw (NotCompliantMBeanException) lException;
if (lException instanceof ReflectionException)
throw (ReflectionException) lException;
throw new RemoteException(lException.toString());
return lInstance;