int GROUPS = (int) (88022 / 0.7); // presizing
HashMap<String,ArrayList<Integer>> word2Groups = new HashMap<String,ArrayList<Integer>>(WORDS); // Map<String word, int[] groups>
HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<String>> group2Words = new HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<String>>(GROUPS); // Map<int group, String[] words>
HashMap<String,String> internedWords = new HashMap<String,String>(WORDS);// Map<String word, String word>
Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
int lastNum = -1;
Integer lastGroup = null;
int len = data.length;
int i=0;
while (i < len) { // until EOF
/* Part A: Parse a line */
// scan to beginning of group
while (i < len && data[i] != '(') i++;
if (i >= len) break; // EOF
// parse group
int num = 0;
while (i < len && data[i] != ',') {
num = 10*num + (data[i] - 48);
// if (DEBUG) System.err.println("num="+ num);
// scan to beginning of word
while (i < len && data[i] != '\'') i++;
// scan to end of word
int start = i;
do {
while (i < len && data[i] != '\'') i++;
} while (i < len && data[i] != ','); // word must end with "',"
if (i >= len) break; // EOF
String word = charset.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(data, start, i-start-1)).toString();
// String word = new String(data, 0, start, i-start-1); // ASCII
* Part B: ignore phrases (with spaces and hyphens) and
* non-alphabetic words, and let user customize word (e.g. do some