Package java.nio

Examples of java.nio.ShortBuffer

            Geometry inGeom = inGeoms[inGeomIndex];
            Mesh in = inGeom.getMesh();
            Mesh out = new Mesh();

            int outElementCount = outLength * 3;
            ShortBuffer ib = BufferUtils.createShortBuffer(outElementCount);
            out.setBuffer(Type.Index, 3, ib);

            // generate output buffers based on input buffers
            IntMap<VertexBuffer> bufs = in.getBuffers();
            for (Entry<VertexBuffer> ent : bufs){
                VertexBuffer vb = ent.getValue();
                if (vb.getBufferType() == Type.Index)

                // NOTE: we are not actually sure
                // how many elements will be in this buffer.
                // It will be compacted later.
                Buffer b = VertexBuffer.createBuffer(vb.getFormat(),

                VertexBuffer outVb = new VertexBuffer(vb.getBufferType());
                outVb.setupData(vb.getUsage(), vb.getNumComponents(), vb.getFormat(), b);

            int currentVertex = 0;
            for (int i = outOffset; i < outOffset + outLength; i++){
                OCTTriangle t = tris.get(i);

                // find vertex indices for triangle t
                in.getTriangle(t.getTriangleIndex(), vertIndicies);

                // find indices in new buf
                Integer i0 = indexCache.get(vertIndicies[0]);
                Integer i1 = indexCache.get(vertIndicies[1]);
                Integer i2 = indexCache.get(vertIndicies[2]);

                // check which ones were not created
                // if not created in new IB, create them
                if (i0 == null){
                    vertexCreated[0] = true;
                    newIndices[0] = currentVertex++;
                    indexCache.put(vertIndicies[0], newIndices[0]);
                    newIndices[0] = i0.intValue();
                    vertexCreated[0] = false;
                if (i1 == null){
                    vertexCreated[1] = true;
                    newIndices[1] = currentVertex++;
                    indexCache.put(vertIndicies[1], newIndices[1]);
                    newIndices[1] = i1.intValue();
                    vertexCreated[1] = false;
                if (i2 == null){
                    vertexCreated[2] = true;
                    newIndices[2] = currentVertex++;
                    indexCache.put(vertIndicies[2], newIndices[2]);
                    newIndices[2] = i2.intValue();
                    vertexCreated[2] = false;

                // if any verticies were created for this triangle
                // copy them to the output mesh
                IntMap<VertexBuffer> inbufs = in.getBuffers();
                for (Entry<VertexBuffer> ent : inbufs){
                    VertexBuffer vb = ent.getValue();
                    if (vb.getBufferType() == Type.Index)
                    VertexBuffer outVb = out.getBuffer(vb.getBufferType());
                    // copy verticies that were created for this triangle
                    for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++){
                        if (!vertexCreated[v])

                        // copy triangle's attribute from one
                        // buffer to another
                        vb.copyElement(vertIndicies[v], outVb, newIndices[v]);

                // write the indices onto the output index buffer

            // since some verticies were cached, it means there's
            // extra data in some buffers
            IntMap<VertexBuffer> outbufs = out.getBuffers();
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        for (Geometry g : geometries) {
            numOfVertices = g.getVertexCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < lodLevels; i++) {
                boolean isShortBuffer = g.getMesh().getLodLevel(i).getFormat() == VertexBuffer.Format.UnsignedShort;
                    ShortBuffer buffer = (ShortBuffer) g.getMesh().getLodLevel(i).getDataReadOnly();
                    for (int j = 0; j < buffer.limit(); j++) {
                        lodData[i][bufferPos[i]] = (buffer.get()& 0xffff) + indexPos[i];
                    IntBuffer buffer = (IntBuffer) g.getMesh().getLodLevel(i).getDataReadOnly();
                    for (int j = 0; j < buffer.limit(); j++) {
                        lodData[i][bufferPos[i]] = buffer.get() + indexPos[i];
                indexPos[i] += numOfVertices;
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            // too many verticies: use intbuffer instead of shortbuffer
            IntBuffer ib = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(newFaces.size() * 3);
            m.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Index, 3, ib);
            indexBuf = new IndexIntBuffer(ib);
            ShortBuffer sb = BufferUtils.createShortBuffer(newFaces.size() * 3);
            m.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Index, 3, sb);
            indexBuf = new IndexShortBuffer(sb);

        int numFaces = newFaces.size();
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        for (int i=0;i < buf.capacity();i++) {
            assertEquals("Bad value at index " + i, MAGIC, buf.get(i));
    public void testShortBufferArgument() {
        ShortBuffer buf  = ShortBuffer.allocate(1024);
        final short MAGIC = (short)0xABED;
        lib.fillInt16Buffer(buf, 1024, MAGIC);
        for (int i=0;i < buf.capacity();i++) {
            assertEquals("Bad value at index " + i, MAGIC, buf.get(i));
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    public void testDirectShortBufferArgument() {
        ByteBuffer buf  = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1024*2).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
        ShortBuffer shortBuf = buf.asShortBuffer();
        final short MAGIC = (short)0xABED;
        lib.fillInt16Buffer(shortBuf, 1024, MAGIC);
        for (int i=0;i < shortBuf.capacity();i++) {
            assertEquals("Bad value at index " + i, MAGIC, shortBuf.get(i));
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                         i < 512 ? 0 : MAGIC, array[i]);
    public void testWrappedShortArrayArgument() {
        short[] array = new short[1024];
        ShortBuffer buf = ShortBuffer.wrap(array, 512, 512).slice();
        final short MAGIC = (short)0xABED;
        lib.fillInt16Buffer(buf, 512, MAGIC);
        for (int i=0;i < array.length;i++) {
            assertEquals("Bad value at index " + i,
                         i < 512 ? 0 : MAGIC, array[i]);
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                buf.get(array, i * sizeof, sizeof).rewind();
        } else {
            // duplicate buffer to allow modification of limit/position without changing original.
            final ShortBuffer value = source.duplicate();

            // create little endian store
            final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(array.length).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);

            // place buffer into store. Rewind buffers

            // Pull out store as array
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        normalized = capsule.readBoolean("normalized", false);
        unsigned = capsule.readBoolean("unsigned", false);
        data = (ShortBufferData) capsule.readSavable("data", null);
        // XXX: transitional
        if (data == null) {
            final ShortBuffer buff = capsule.readShortBuffer("data", null);
            if (buff != null) {
                data = new ShortBufferData(buff);
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     * @param size
     *            required number of shorts to store.
     * @return the new ShortBuffer
    public static ShortBuffer createShortBufferOnHeap(final int size) {
        final ShortBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * size).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asShortBuffer();
        return buf;
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     * @param size
     *            required number of shorts to store.
     * @return the new ShortBuffer
    public static ShortBuffer createShortBuffer(final int size) {
        final ShortBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(2 * size).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asShortBuffer();
        if (Constants.trackDirectMemory) {
            trackingHash.put(buf, ref);
        return buf;
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Related Classes of java.nio.ShortBuffer

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