This class defines four categories of operations upon long buffers:
Absolute and relative {@link #get() get} and{@link #put(long)
put} methods that read and writesingle longs;
Relative {@link #get(long[]) bulk get}methods that transfer contiguous sequences of longs from this buffer into an array; and
Relative {@link #put(long[]) bulk put}methods that transfer contiguous sequences of longs from a long array or some other long buffer into this buffer; and
Methods for {@link #compact compacting}, {@link #duplicate
duplicating}, and {@link #slice
slicing} a long buffer.
Long buffers can be created either by {@link #allocate allocation Like a byte buffer, a long buffer is either direct or non-direct. A long buffer created via the wrap methods of this class will be non-direct. A long buffer created as a view of a byte buffer will be direct if, and only if, the byte buffer itself is direct. Whether or not a long buffer is direct may be determined by invoking the {@link #isDirect isDirect} method. Methods in this class that do not otherwise have a value to return are specified to return the buffer upon which they are invoked. This allows method invocations to be chained.
@author Mark Reinhold
@author JSR-51 Expert Group
@version 1.62, 06/07/10
@since 1.4
}, which allocates space for the buffer's content, by {@link #wrap(long[])
wrapping} an existinglong array into a buffer, or by creating a view of an existing byte buffer.