public static Map<String, Object> parseQuery(String uri, boolean useRaw) throws URISyntaxException {
// must check for trailing & as the uri.split("&") will ignore those
if (uri != null && uri.endsWith("&")) {
throw new URISyntaxException(uri, "Invalid uri syntax: Trailing & marker found. "
+ "Check the uri and remove the trailing & marker.");
if (ObjectHelper.isEmpty(uri)) {
// return an empty map
return new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(0);
// need to parse the uri query parameters manually as we cannot rely on splitting by &,
// as & can be used in a parameter value as well.
try {
// use a linked map so the parameters is in the same order
Map<String, Object> rc = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
boolean isKey = true;
boolean isValue = false;
boolean isRaw = false;
StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder();
// parse the uri parameters char by char
for (int i = 0; i < uri.length(); i++) {
// current char
char ch = uri.charAt(i);
// look ahead of the next char
char next;
if (i <= uri.length() - 2) {
next = uri.charAt(i + 1);
} else {
next = '\u0000';
// are we a raw value
isRaw = value.toString().startsWith(RAW_TOKEN_START);
// if we are in raw mode, then we keep adding until we hit the end marker
if (isRaw) {
if (isKey) {
} else if (isValue) {
// we only end the raw marker if its )& or at the end of the value
boolean end = ch == RAW_TOKEN_END.charAt(0) && (next == '&' || next == '\u0000');
if (end) {
// raw value end, so add that as a parameter, and reset flags
addParameter(key.toString(), value.toString(), rc, useRaw || isRaw);
isKey = true;
isValue = false;
isRaw = false;
// skip to next as we are in raw mode and have already added the value
// if its a key and there is a = sign then the key ends and we are in value mode
if (isKey && ch == '=') {
isKey = false;
isValue = true;
isRaw = false;
// the & denote parameter is ended
if (ch == '&') {
// parameter is ended, as we hit & separator
addParameter(key.toString(), value.toString(), rc, useRaw || isRaw);
isKey = true;
isValue = false;
isRaw = false;
// regular char so add it to the key or value
if (isKey) {
} else if (isValue) {
// any left over parameters, then add that
if (key.length() > 0) {
addParameter(key.toString(), value.toString(), rc, useRaw || isRaw);
return rc;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
URISyntaxException se = new URISyntaxException(e.toString(), "Invalid encoding");
throw se;