private void expandConfigDoc( String configDocFilename )
File configDocFile = new File( configDocFilename);
URI configDocUri = configDocFile.toURI();
InputStream configDocIs = null;
configDocIs = new FileInputStream( configDocFile);
catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
String tmpMsg = "FileNotFoundException when creating InputStream on file <" + configDocFile.getAbsolutePath() + ">: " + e.getMessage();
log.debug( "expandConfigDoc(): " + tmpMsg, e);
assertTrue( tmpMsg, false);
// Create the CatalogGen with the config doc InputStream
me = new CatalogGen( configDocIs, configDocUri.toURL());
catch ( MalformedURLException e )
String tmpMsg = "MalformedURLException thrown creating URL w/ resource URI <" + configDocUri.toString() + ">: " + e.getMessage();
log.debug( "expandConfigDoc(): " + tmpMsg, e);
assertTrue( tmpMsg, false);
// Check that CatalogGen is valid.