Package java.lang.reflect

Examples of java.lang.reflect.Method$MethodData

              // if we need to improve on this then we'll have to move to a system more akin to
              // the dir-loaded plugins
            Class  cla = root_class_loader.loadClass( builtin_plugins[i][1]);
                Method  load_method = cla.getMethod( "load", new Class[]{ PluginInterface.class });
                load_method.invoke( null, new Object[]{ getDefaultInterfaceSupport() });
          Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_WARNING,
              "Built-in plugin '" + builtin_plugins[i][0] + "' ok"));
              }catch( NoSuchMethodException e ){
              }catch( Throwable e ){
          if ( builtin_plugins[i][4].equalsIgnoreCase("true" )){
            Debug.printStackTrace( e );
            Logger.log(new LogAlert(LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE,
                "Load of built in plugin '" + builtin_plugins[i][2] + "' fails", e));
            loading_builtin = false;
          if (Logger.isEnabled())
            Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_WARNING,
                "Built-in plugin '" + builtin_plugins[i][2] + "' is disabled"));
     if (Logger.isEnabled())
      Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "Loading dynamically registered plugins"));
    for (int i=0;i<registration_queue.size();i++){
      Object  entry = registration_queue.get(i);
      Class  cla;
      String  id;
      if ( entry instanceof Class ){
          cla = (Class)entry;
          id  = cla.getName();     
        Object[]  x = (Object[])entry;
        Plugin  plugin = (Plugin)x[0];
        cla  = plugin.getClass();
        id  = (String)x[1];
          // lazyness here, for dynamic we use static load method with default plugin interface
          // if we need to improve on this then we'll have to move to a system more akin to
          // the dir-loaded plugins
        Method  load_method = cla.getMethod( "load", new Class[]{ PluginInterface.class });
            load_method.invoke( null, new Object[]{ getDefaultInterfaceSupport() });
        }catch( NoSuchMethodException e ){
        }catch( Throwable e ){
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            boolean bEnabled = (loading_for_startup) ? plugin_interface.getPluginState().isLoadedAtStartup() : initialise;


              Method  load_method = plugin.getClass().getMethod( "load", new Class[]{ PluginInterface.class });

              load_method.invoke( plugin, new Object[]{ plugin_interface });

            }catch( NoSuchMethodException e ){

            }catch( Throwable e ){
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               throws PluginException

                 Method  load_method = plugin_class.getMethod( "load", new Class[]{ PluginInterface.class });

                 load_method.invoke( plugin, new Object[]{ plugin_interface });

               }catch( NoSuchMethodException e ){

               }catch( Throwable e ){
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            // attempt to set up 1.4 and later's Socket.connect method which
            // provides a timeout
            try {
                // get the correct connect method
                Class socketAddress = Class.forName("");
                Method connectMethod = Socket.class.getMethod("connect", new Class[] {
                        socketAddress, int.class });
                // create an unconnected socket instance
                Socket sock = (Socket) Socket.class.newInstance();

                // need an InetSocketAddress instance for connect()
                Class inetSocketAddress = Class.forName("");
                Constructor inetSocketAddressCtr =
                            new Class[] { InetAddress.class, int.class });
                Object address = inetSocketAddressCtr.newInstance(
                        new Object[] { host, new Integer(port) });

                // now invoke the connect method with the timeout
                log.debug("Invoking connect with timeout=" + timeout);
                connectMethod.invoke(sock, new Object[]{address, new Integer(timeout)});
                log.debug("Connected successfully");
                return sock;
            catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
                Throwable target = ex.getTargetException();
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    public static boolean isConnected(Socket sock) throws IOException {
        if (!isConnectedSupported)
            return true;
        try {
            // get the isConnected method
            Method connectedMethod = Socket.class.getMethod("isConnected", (Class[])null);
            Boolean result = (Boolean)connectedMethod.invoke(sock, (Object[])null);
            return result.booleanValue();
        catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
            Throwable target = ex.getTargetException();
            if (target instanceof IOException)
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            TvDataServiceProxy service = TvDataServiceProxyManager.getInstance().findDataServiceById(
                pluginName.toLowerCase() + '.' + pluginName);

            Class<?> pluginClass = classLoader.loadClass(pluginName.toLowerCase() + '.' + pluginName);

            Method getVersion = pluginClass.getMethod("getVersion", new Class[0]);

            Version version1 = null;
            try {
              version1 = (Version) getVersion.invoke(pluginClass, new Object[0]);
            } catch (Throwable t1) {

            if (installedPlugin != null && (installedPlugin.getInfo().getVersion().compareTo(version1) > 0 || (installedPlugin.getInfo().getVersion().compareTo(version1) == 0 && version1.isStable()))) {
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                log.trace("[sender=" + req.getSrc() + "], method_call: " + method_call);

            if(method_call.getMode() == MethodCall.ID) {
                if(method_lookup == null)
                    throw new Exception("MethodCall uses ID=" + method_call.getId() + ", but method_lookup has not been set");
                Method m=method_lookup.findMethod(method_call.getId());
                if(m == null)
                    throw new Exception("no method found for " + method_call.getId());
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  public void setCVID(Object obj, String moduleName, String className)
    Class classCV[] = new Class[1];
    Class arg[] = new Class[1];
    Object idCV[] = new Object[1];
    Method method = null;
    Object ret = null;
    String met = "";
    String id = "";

      if (moduleName.equals("Invoice"))

      classCV[0] = Class.forName(className);
      method = classCV[0].getMethod("getExternalID", null);
      ret = method.invoke(obj, null);

      id = getIDFromEXID(moduleName, ret.toString());

      if (isEntityModule(moduleName))
        moduleName = "Entity";
        met = "setContactID";
      } else if (moduleName.equals("Individual"))
        met = "setIndividualID";
      } else if (moduleName.equals("PurchaseOrder"))
        met = "setPurchaseOrderId";
      } else if (moduleName.equals("Expense"))
        met = "setExpenseID";
      } else if (isItemModule(moduleName))
        moduleName = "Item";
        met = "setItemId";
      } else if (moduleName.equals("Payment"))
        met = "setPaymentID";
      } else if (moduleName.equals("PaymentMethod"))
        met = "setMethodID";
      } else if (moduleName.equals("GLAccount"))
        met = "setGlaccountID";
      arg[0] = Integer.TYPE;
      idCV[0] = getObjectByName("int", id);
      method = classCV[0].getMethod(met, arg);
      method.invoke(obj, idCV);
    } catch (Exception e)
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      Class argumentType[] = new Class[1];
      Method method = null;
      Class classCV[] = new Class[1];
      classCV[0] = Class.forName(className);
      Object arguments[] = new Object[1];

      if (className.equals("") || className.equals(""))

        if (className.equals(""))
          argumentType[0] = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
          sep = getValueOfNodeByTagName(configXML, TAG_SEPARATOR);
          method = classCV[0].getMethod("setCustomType", argumentType);
          arguments[0] = sep;
          method.invoke(objectCV, arguments);

          arguments[0] = getObjectByName("int", "1");
        } else
          arguments[0] = getObjectByName("int", "2");
        argumentType[0] = Integer.TYPE;
        method = classCV[0].getMethod("setContactType", argumentType);
        method.invoke(objectCV, arguments);
      } else if (className.equals("com.centraview.account.item.ItemVO"))
        String type = "";
        sep = getValueOfNodeByTagName(configXML, TAG_SEPARATOR);
        if (sep.equals("ItemInventory"))
          type = "1";
        } else if (sep.equals("ItemNonInventory"))
          type = "2";
        } else if (sep.equals("ItemService"))
          type = "3";
        argumentType[0] = Integer.TYPE;
        arguments[0] = getObjectByName("int", type);
        method = classCV[0].getMethod("setItemTypeId", argumentType);
        method.invoke(objectCV, arguments);

    } catch (Exception e)
      logger.error("[setType] Exception thrown.", e);
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      int length = listItem.getLength();

      classCV[0] = Class.forName(className);
      objectCV = classCV[0].newInstance();

      Method method = null;
      setType(objectCV, configXML, className);

      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        tagName = listItem.item(i).getNodeName();

        if (tagName.equals("#text") || !listItem.item(i).hasAttributes())

        attr = listItem.item(i).getAttributes();

        if (attr.getNamedItem("aatocv") != null)
          tmpNodeList = getDocumentFromString(xml.toString()).getElementsByTagName(tagName);

          if (tmpNodeList.getLength() != 0)
            setAAtoCV(objectCV, attr, tmpNodeList, classCV, tagName);

        if (attr.getNamedItem("xml") != null)
          configForQBXML = getDocumentFromString(getDocumentFromString(attr.getNamedItem("xml").getNodeValue()).getElementsByTagName(attr.getNamedItem("tag").getNodeValue()).item(0).toString());
          tmpNodeList = getDocumentFromString(xml.toString()).getElementsByTagName(tagName);

          if (tmpNodeList.item(0) != null)
            forward(objectCV, attr, tmpNodeList.item(0), classCV, className, configForQBXML);

        value = getValueOfNodeByTagName(xml, tagName);

        if (value == null)

        typeArg = attr.getNamedItem("type").getNodeValue();

        argumentType[0] = getArgType(typeArg);
        arguments[0] = getObjectByName(typeArg, value);

        method = classCV[0].getMethod(attr.getNamedItem("set").getNodeValue(), argumentType);
        method.invoke(objectCV, arguments);
    } catch (Exception e)
      logger.error("QBXMLTag = <" + tagName + "> ********* Error while loading up/down classes : ", e);
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Related Classes of java.lang.reflect.Method$MethodData

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