Package java.lang

Examples of java.lang.StringBuffer

     * @param   fileTemplate    the regex to be used to identify dspace log files
    public static void setRegex(String fileTemplate)
        // build the exclude characters regular expression
        StringBuffer charRegEx = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < excludeChars.size(); i++)
            charRegEx.append("\\" + (String) excludeChars.get(i));
        excludeCharRX = Pattern.compile(charRegEx.toString());
        // regular expression to find handle indicators in strings
        handleRX = Pattern.compile("handle=");
        // regular expression to find item_id indicators in strings
        itemRX = Pattern.compile(",item_id=.*$");
        // regular expression to find query indicators in strings
        queryRX = Pattern.compile("query=");
        // regular expression to find collections in strings
        collectionRX = Pattern.compile("collection_id=[0-9]*,");
        // regular expression to find communities in strings
        communityRX = Pattern.compile("community_id=[0-9]*,");
        // regular expression to find search result sets
        resultsRX = Pattern.compile(",results=(.*)");
        // regular expressions to find single characters anywhere in the string
        singleRX = Pattern.compile("( . |^. | .$)");
        // set up the standard log file line regular expression
        String logLine13 = "^(\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d\\-\\d\\d) \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d,\\d\\d\\d (\\w+)\\s+\\S+ @ ([^:]+):[^:]+:([^:]+):(.*)";
        String logLine14 = "^(\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d\\-\\d\\d) \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d,\\d\\d\\d (\\w+)\\s+\\S+ @ ([^:]+):[^:]+:[^:]+:([^:]+):(.*)";
        valid13 = Pattern.compile(logLine13);
        valid14 = Pattern.compile(logLine14);
        // set up the pattern for validating log file names
        logRegex = Pattern.compile(fileTemplate);
        // set up the pattern for matching any of the query types
        StringBuffer typeRXString = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < excludeTypes.size(); i++)
            if (i > 0)
            typeRXString.append((String) excludeTypes.get(i));
        typeRX = Pattern.compile(typeRXString.toString());
        // set up the pattern for matching any of the words to exclude
        StringBuffer wordRXString = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < excludeWords.size(); i++)
            if (i > 0)
            wordRXString.append(" " + (String) excludeWords.get(i) + " ");
            wordRXString.append("^" + (String) excludeWords.get(i) + " ");
            wordRXString.append(" " + (String) excludeWords.get(i) + "$");
        wordRX = Pattern.compile(wordRXString.toString());
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                        " WHERE element = 'type' " +
                        " AND qualifier IS NULL) ";
        // start the date constraint query buffer
        StringBuffer dateQuery = new StringBuffer();
        if (oracle)
            dateQuery.append("SELECT /*+ ORDERED_PREDICATES */ item_id ");
            dateQuery.append("SELECT item_id ");

        dateQuery.append("FROM metadatavalue " +
                          "WHERE metadata_field_id = (" +
                          " SELECT metadata_field_id " +
                          " FROM metadatafieldregistry " +
                          " WHERE element = 'date' " +
                          " AND qualifier = 'accessioned') ");
        if (startDate != null)
            if (oracle)
                dateQuery.append(" AND TO_TIMESTAMP( TO_CHAR(text_value), "+
                        "'yyyy-mm-dd\"T\"hh24:mi:ss\"Z\"' ) > TO_DATE('" +
                        unParseDate(startDate) + "', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ");
                dateQuery.append(" AND text_value::timestamp > '" +
                        unParseDate(startDate) + "'::timestamp ");

        if (endDate != null)
            if (oracle)
                dateQuery.append(" AND TO_TIMESTAMP( TO_CHAR(text_value), "+
                        "'yyyy-mm-dd\"T\"hh24:mi:ss\"Z\"' ) < TO_DATE('" +
                        unParseDate(endDate) + "', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ");
                dateQuery.append(" AND text_value::timestamp < '" +
                        unParseDate(endDate) + "'::timestamp ");
        // build the final query
        StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
        query.append("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num " +
                  "FROM item " +
                  "WHERE in_archive = " + (oracle ? "1 " : "true ") +
                  "AND withdrawn = " + (oracle ? "0 " : "false "));
        if (startDate != null || endDate != null)
            query.append(" AND item_id IN ( " +
                         dateQuery.toString() + ") ");

        if (type != null)
            query.append(" AND item_id IN ( " +
                         typeQuery + ") ");
        TableRow row = DatabaseManager.querySingle(context, query.toString());

        Integer numItems;
        if (oracle)
            numItems = new Integer(row.getIntColumn("num"));
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      if (tmp.length() == 0)
        return tmp;
      String arrRows [] = tmp.split("\n");
      StringBuffer sp = new StringBuffer ();
      int max = arrRows.length;
      String row;
      int cntTyhjia_riveja = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < max; i++)
        row = arrRows[i];
        if (row == null || row.trim().length() == 0)
          if (tyhjien_rivien_lkm < 1)
          if (cntTyhjia_riveja >= tyhjien_rivien_lkm)
        cntTyhjia_riveja = 0;
      return sp.toString();     
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    char [] arrCh = tmp.toCharArray();
    int max = arrCh.length;
    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(tmp);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    String token;
    token = tokens.nextToken();
    if (token == null)
    if (token.trim().length() == 0)
      //System.out.println("if (token.trim().length() == 0)");
    arrCh = tmp.trim().toCharArray();
    max = arrCh.length;
    boolean hasOnlyEnters = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < max; i++)
      if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(arrCh[i]))
        hasOnlyEnters = false;
    if (!hasOnlyEnters)
      sb.append(token +' ');   
    //System.out.println("d:removeDupleSpace 4 tmp='" +tmp +"'");
    return sb.toString();
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        public ConvertedRow
        removeOrConvertChars(String tmp, String [] arrSearch,
            String [] arrReplace, boolean bRegexReplace,
            CharArea [] arrExcludeAreas)
           StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
           String strSearch, strReplace;
           int max_search = arrSearch.length;
           int max_replace = arrReplace.length;
           int max = tmp.length();
           byte [] arrByteChangedChars = new byte[max];
           for(int i = 0; i < max; i++)
           arrByteChangedChars[i] = 0;
           // String inputString = new String(tmp);
           char chCurrent = 0;
           char chReplace = 0;
           int ichCurrent;
           boolean bCharFounded = false;
           for(int k = 0 ; k < max; k++ )
             chCurrent = tmp.charAt(k);
             ichCurrent = chCurrent;
             chReplace = chCurrent;
             bCharFounded = false;
             strReplace = null;
             for(int i = 0 ; i < max_search; i++ )
                 strSearch = arrSearch[i];
               if (strSearch == null)
               if (strSearch.toString().trim().length() == 0)
                 //System.out.println("if (token.trim().length() == 0)");
               strReplace = arrReplace[i];
               if (tmp.contains(strMuutettava))
                 int ind = tmp.indexOf(strMuutettava);
                 //System.out.println(strMuutettava +"='" + strMuutettava +" " +ind);
               if (strReplace == null)
                 strReplace = ""; // tmp = tmp.replaceAll(strSearch, "");
               char chSearch = 0; // testi koodia:
               if (strSearch.length()>0)
                  chSearch = strSearch.charAt(0);
               int iSearch = chSearch;
               char chReplaceNewValue = 0;
               if (strReplace.length()>0)
                 chReplaceNewValue = strReplace.charAt(0);
               int iReplaceNewValue = chReplaceNewValue; // testikoodia loppu
               // regex-muutos kutsu: jos regexin erikoismerkkejä hakuarvoissa,
               // ne pitää koodata hakuarvoihin erikseen!!! Huom! Erotin merkkeinä \\\\
               // eli kääntäjä muuttaa sen ajossa \\ merkkeiksi.
               //if (bRegexReplace)
                 //tmp = tmp.replaceAll(strMuutettava, strkorvattava);
                 //tmp = replaceAll(tmp, strMuutettava, strkorvattava);
               if (chCurrent == chSearch)
                 chReplace = chReplaceNewValue;
                 bCharFounded = true;
             //if (chReplace == chCurrent || chReplace != 0)
             if (!bCharFounded)
             if (strReplace != null)
             if (bCharFounded && (strReplace != null
               && !strReplace.equals("" +chCurrent))
               || strReplace == null /* chReplace != chCurrent */ )
             arrByteChangedChars[k] = 1;
           /*  Vanhaa koodia; ei toimi, koska StringTokenizer ei selviydy jakamisesta
            * oikein esim: \\\\ , vaan ohittaa kyseisen kohdan siististi päätyen \\\\
            * kohdan jälkeiseen taulukon alkioon.
           StringTokenizer tokenMuutettavat = new StringTokenizer(muutettavatMerkit, haeMerkkeja);
           StringTokenizer tokenkorvattavat = new StringTokenizer(korvattavatMerkit, haeMerkkeja);
           //System.out.println("d:removeDupleSpace 4 tmp='" +tmp +"'");
           int maxEA = arrExcludeAreas.length;
           int ind, chEnd;
           CharArea ca;
         int max = tmp.length();
           byte [] arrByteChangedChars = new byte[max];
           for(int i = 0; i < max; i++)
           arrByteChangedChars[i] = 0;
           for(int i = 0; i < maxEA; i++)
           ca = arrExcludeAreas[i];
           if (ca == null)
           chEnd = ca.getChEndChar();
           for (int j = ca.getChStartChar(); j < chEnd; j++)
             if (isCharIn((char)j, arrMuutettavat))
             ind = tmp.indexOf("" + j);
             if (ind == -1)
             arrByteChangedChars[i] = 1;  // wrong none-changed excluded char founded
           return new ConvertedRow(tmp, sb.toString(), arrByteChangedChars);
           // return tmp;
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     final String cnstII = "<i><i>";
     newData = tmp.replaceAll(cnstII, "<i>");
     tmp = newData;
     if (newData != null)
       sp = new StringBuffer(newData);
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   private  String
     int cntPTR = sp.length();
     int i = cntPTR-1;
     StringBuffer spTmp = new StringBuffer (sp.toString());
       char ch;
     while(i > -1)
       ch = spTmp.charAt(i);
       if ( ch != '\n' && !Character.isWhitespace(ch))
         sp = spTmp;        
         return spTmp.toString();


     sp = spTmp;
     return spTmp.toString();
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     int len = value.length(), i = 0;
     if (strErikoismerkkijono_rivin_alussa != null)
       i = strErikoismerkkijono_rivin_alussa.length();
     boolean isWhiteSpace = false;
     StringBuffer spTmp = new StringBuffer (value);
     while(cntPTR > 0 && i < len)
       isWhiteSpace = false;
       if (!Character.isWhitespace(spTmp.charAt(i)))
         return false;
       isWhiteSpace = true;
       len = spTmp.length();

       //System.out.println("1strErikoismerkkijono_rivin_alussa=" + value);
     return true;
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         htValues.put(htKey, htValue);        
         bEkaKierros = false;
       StringBuffer configIsMissing = new StringBuffer();
       if (str_readcharacterset == null)
         configIsMissing.append("config value readcharacterset is missing!\n");
       if (str_writecharacterset == null)
         configIsMissing.append("config value writecharacterset is missing!\n");
       if (str_allowedcharacterset == null)
         configIsMissing.append("config value allowedcharacterset is missing!\n");
       if (str_allowedcharareas == null)
         configIsMissing.append("config value allowedcharareas is missing!\n");
       if (str_excludecharareas == null)
         configIsMissing.append("config value excludecharareas is missing!\n");
       if (configIsMissing.length() > 0)
         throw new CharConvertRowsException("Error: " + configIsMissing.toString());
       // arvoilla kutsutaan: m_dtBook2Genre.removeOrConvertChars(..,..,..)
       //m_strKorvattavat = spKorvattavat.toString().trim();
       //m_strMuutettavat  = spMuutettavat.toString().trim();
       Object arrObjMuutettavat [] =  htValues.keySet().toArray();
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   throws Exception
     int i, iRow, iRowChar, indErrorPos, iChError,
     iLen = text.length();    
    char ch, chCharSet;
     StringBuffer sbErrorRow = new StringBuffer();
     StringBuffer sbErrorData = new StringBuffer();
     boolean bErrorFounded = false;
     String strCh, strCharSet, strErrorRow;
     iRowChar = 0;
     iRow = 1;
     for(i = 0; i < iLen; i++)
       ch = text.charAt(i);
       if (ch == '\n')
        iRowChar = 0;
        if (bErrorFounded)
             m_bPossibleErrorCharachters = true;
         bErrorFounded = false;
        strErrorRow = "";
        sbErrorRow = new StringBuffer ();
        // dddd sbErrorRowPosition
       strCh = "" + ch;
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Related Classes of java.lang.StringBuffer

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