* so if information from the InstructionInfo is to be retained, it must be copied.
public void enter(InstructionInfo info, XPathContext context) {
int lineNumber = info.getLineNumber();
String systemId = info.getSystemId();
int constructType = info.getConstructType();
if (utilsStylesheet == null &&
systemId.indexOf("generate-tests-utils.xsl") != -1) {
utilsStylesheet = systemId;
out.println("<u u=\"" + systemId + "\" />");
} else if (xspecStylesheet == null &&
systemId.indexOf("/xspec/") != -1) {
xspecStylesheet = systemId;
out.println("<x u=\"" + systemId + "\" />");
if (systemId != xspecStylesheet && systemId != utilsStylesheet) {
Integer module;
if (modules.containsKey(systemId)) {
module = (Integer)modules.get(systemId);
} else {
module = new Integer(moduleCount);
moduleCount += 1;
modules.put(systemId, module);
out.println("<m id=\"" + module + "\" u=\"" + systemId + "\" />");
if (!constructs.contains(constructType)) {
String construct;
if (constructType < 1024) {
construct = StandardNames.getClarkName(constructType);
} else {
switch (constructType) {