throw cce ;
// XXX I18N, logging needed.
throw new StreamCorruptedException("Unknown kind: "
+ fields[i].type.kind().value());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
/* This case should never happen. If the field types
are not the same, InvalidClassException is raised when
matching the local class to the serialized ObjectStreamClass. */
// XXX I18N, logging needed.
ClassCastException cce = new ClassCastException("Assigning instance of class " + fields[i].id +
" to field " + currentClassDesc.getName() + '#' + fields[i].name);
cce.initCause( e ) ;
throw cce ;
} catch(Throwable t){
// XXX I18N, logging needed.
StreamCorruptedException sce = new StreamCorruptedException(t.getMessage());
sce.initCause(t) ;
throw sce ;