String dataSource = Settings.getInstance().getSiteInfo(CVUtility.getHostName(super.getServlet().getServletContext())).getDataSource();
// CompanionLink expects plain text, and we're printing
// directly to STDOUT, so set the content type
PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
UserObject userObject = (UserObject)session.getAttribute("userobject");
int individualID = userObject.getIndividualID(); // logged in user
// "activtyListForm" defined in struts-config-sync.xml
DynaActionForm activityForm = (DynaActionForm)form;
String sessionID = (String)activityForm.get("sessionID");
SyncUtils syncUtils = new SyncUtils();
// check to see if CompanionLink Agent has signed in
if (syncUtils.checkSession(userObject, activityForm) == false)
writer.print("FAIL: You are not logged in.");
// decode all characters that are encoded by CompanionLink Agent
activityForm = syncUtils.parseSpecialChars(activityForm);
// get an EJB connection
SyncFacadeHome syncHome = (SyncFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject("com.centraview.syncfacade.SyncFacadeHome", "SyncFacade");
com.centraview.syncfacade.SyncFacade sfremote = (com.centraview.syncfacade.SyncFacade)syncHome.create();
// get the list of individuals from the ejb layer
Collection activityList = sfremote.getActivityList(individualID);
// get the logged-in user's field-level privileges and
// store for use when printing fields later.
ModuleFieldRightMatrix rightsMatrix = userObject.getUserPref().getModuleAuthorizationMatrix();
HashMap fieldRights = rightsMatrix.getFieldRights("Activities");
// activityList shouldn't be null. If it is, there's a problem
// SyncFacadeEJB should always return a valid Collection (an
// empty Collection is still a valid Collection, but null is not)
if (activityList != null)
// print the header row, even if there are not results returned...
StringBuffer headers = new StringBuffer();
writer.print(headers.toString() + "\n");
// we successfully got the Activities list, let's process it :-)
if (activityList.size() > 0)
Iterator it = activityList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
HashMap activityDetails = (HashMap);
String activityType = (String)activityDetails.get("activityType");
if (activityType != null && (activityType.equals("Forecast Sale") || activityType.equals("Task") || activityType.equals("Literature Request")))
// We do not send Opportunity, Task, or Literture Request
// records to CompanionLink, so skip this iteration of the
// while loop.
// This hashmap will temporarily hold all field values until
// we are ready to print them out. It will be helpful to us
// when we need to encode special characters.
HashMap record = new HashMap();
// activityID
int activityID = ((Number)activityDetails.get("activityID")).intValue();
record.put("activityID", String.valueOf(activityID));
// type
record.put("type", activityType);
// First check field rights privileges (of certain fields),
// if user has sufficient privilege, print field, if user
// does not have sufficient privilege, print a "-".
// ***IMPORTANT!!*** If the user does not have privilege to
// a given field, CompanionLink expects a "-". Sending a null
// or blank string will cause CompanionLink to believe this
// is the CONTENT of the field, and will update the record
// with that information. It is extremely important to make
// sure this is done properly.
// ***IMPORTANT!!*** It is also extremely important to note
// that we can never set any field to the java NULL value. This
// will cause "null" to be printed out to the CompanionLink
// client, in which case CompanionLink will evaluate the String
// "null" as the content of the field. Therefore, ALWAYS CHECK
// FOR NULL VALUES BEFORE PRINTING!!! (or adding to our temp
// HashMap)...
// Title
if (((Integer)fieldRights.get("title")).intValue() < ModuleFieldRightMatrix.NONE_RIGHT)
// user has privilege to View this field (or greater)
String title = (String)activityDetails.get("title");
record.put("title", (title != null) ? title : "");
// user has None privilege to this field
record.put("title", "-");
// lastModified
record.put("lastModified", syncUtils.formatDate((Timestamp)activityDetails.get("lastModified")));
// dueDate
record.put("dueDate", syncUtils.formatDate((Timestamp)activityDetails.get("dueDate")));
// Priority
if (((Integer)fieldRights.get("priority")).intValue() < ModuleFieldRightMatrix.NONE_RIGHT)
String priority = (String)activityDetails.get("priority");
record.put("priority", (priority != null) ? priority : "");
record.put("priority", "-");
// Status
if (((Integer)fieldRights.get("status")).intValue() < ModuleFieldRightMatrix.NONE_RIGHT)
String status = (String)activityDetails.get("status");
record.put("status", (status != null) ? status : "");
record.put("status", "-");
// CreatedBy
if (((Integer)fieldRights.get("creator")).intValue() < ModuleFieldRightMatrix.NONE_RIGHT)
String createdBy = (String)activityDetails.get("createdBy");
record.put("createdBy", (createdBy != null) ? createdBy : "");
record.put("createdBy", "-");
// startDateTime
if (((Integer)fieldRights.get("start")).intValue() < ModuleFieldRightMatrix.NONE_RIGHT)
record.put("startDateTime", syncUtils.formatDate((Timestamp)activityDetails.get("startDateTime")));
record.put("startDateTime", "-");
// endDateTime
if (((Integer)fieldRights.get("end")).intValue() < ModuleFieldRightMatrix.NONE_RIGHT)
record.put("endDateTime", syncUtils.formatDate((Timestamp)activityDetails.get("endDateTime")));
record.put("endDateTime", "-");
// description
if (((Integer)fieldRights.get("details")).intValue() < ModuleFieldRightMatrix.NONE_RIGHT)
String description = (String)activityDetails.get("description");
record.put("description", (description != null) ? description : "");
record.put("description", "-");
// private
if (((Integer)fieldRights.get("visibility")).intValue() < ModuleFieldRightMatrix.NONE_RIGHT)
String privateStatus = (String)activityDetails.get("private");
if (privateStatus != null && privateStatus.equals("PRIVATE"))
record.put("private", "Yes");
record.put("private", "No");
record.put("private", "-");
// recurrenceStartDate
java.sql.Date recurrStartDate = (java.sql.Date)activityDetails.get("recurrenceStartDate");
if (recurrStartDate != null)
Timestamp recurrStartTimestamp = new Timestamp(recurrStartDate.getTime());
record.put("recurrenceStartDate", syncUtils.formatDate(recurrStartTimestamp));
record.put("recurrenceStartDate", "");
// recurrenceEndDate
java.sql.Date recurrEndDate = (java.sql.Date)activityDetails.get("recurrenceEndDate");
if (recurrEndDate != null)
Timestamp recurrEndTimestamp = new Timestamp(recurrEndDate.getTime());
record.put("recurrenceEndDate", syncUtils.formatDate(recurrEndTimestamp));
record.put("recurrenceEndDate", "");
// recurrenceType
String recurrenceType = (String)activityDetails.get("recurrenceType");
record.put("recurrenceType", (recurrenceType != null) ? recurrenceType : "");
// every
Number every = (Number)activityDetails.get("every");
if (every != null)
record.put("every", every.toString());
record.put("every", "");
// on
Number on = (Number)activityDetails.get("recurrOn");
if (on != null)
record.put("on", on.toString());
record.put("on", "");
// alarmDateTime
record.put("alarmDateTime", syncUtils.formatDate((Timestamp)activityDetails.get("alarmDateTime")));
// linkCompany
String linkCompany = (String)activityDetails.get("linkCompany");
record.put("LinkCompany", (linkCompany != null) ? linkCompany : "");
// linkContact
String linkContact = (String)activityDetails.get("linkContact");
record.put("LinkContact", (linkContact != null) ? linkContact : "");
// now encode all strings in the record properly
record = syncUtils.encodeRecord(record);
// time to print out the record and move on
// NOTE that we did not add the "\t" delimiter
// to each field, but instead we're adding it here
// as we print out each field. That is because we
// encode the "record" HashMap as a whole, and part
// of that encoding encodes tabs into a non-printable
// character. If we had added the tab to our fields,
// then we would lose our field delimiter...
writer.print(record.get("activityID") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("type") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("title") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("lastModified") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("dueDate") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("priority") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("status") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("createdBy") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("startDateTime") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("endDateTime") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("description") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("private") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("recurrenceStartDate") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("recurrenceEndDate") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("recurrenceType") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("every") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("on") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("alarmDateTime") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("LinkCompany") + "\t");
writer.print(record.get("LinkContact") + "\n"); // NOTE THE NEWLINE HERE!!!
} // end while(it.hasNext()) (activityList)
// activity list was null. Something must have gone wrong.
writer.print("FAIL: An unknown error occurred.");
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][Sync][ActivityList] Exception thrown in execute(): " + e);
// TODO: remove stack trace