
Examples of$Static

    public void send(MailMessage mailMessage) throws MessagingException {
        Properties props = (Properties) System.getProperties().clone();
        props.put("", smtp);
        LogOutputStream logStream = new LogOutputStream(log, LogOutputStream.LEVEL_DEBUG);
        PrintStream debugOut = new PrintStream(logStream, true);

        Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props);
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     * @param defaultPrintStream if not null, this utility will always write to this stream. Typically this is System.out
     * @return the single PrintStream that wraps all the input streams for writing and comparison.
     * @since 4.2
    public static PrintStream getPrintStream(OutputStream resultsOutput, BufferedReader expectedResultsInput, PrintStream defaultPrintStream) {
        PrintStream out = null;
        if (defaultPrintStream == null) {
            defaultPrintStream = new PrintStream(new OutputStream () {
                                                     public void write(int b) throws IOException {}
        if (resultsOutput == null && expectedResultsInput == null) {
            out = defaultPrintStream;
        } else if (resultsOutput == null && expectedResultsInput != null) {
            out = new ComparingPrintStream(defaultPrintStream, expectedResultsInput);
        } else if (resultsOutput!= null && expectedResultsInput == null) {
            PrintStream filePrintStream = new PrintStream(resultsOutput);
            out = new MuxingPrintStream(new PrintStream[] {defaultPrintStream, filePrintStream});
        } else {
            PrintStream filePrintStream = new PrintStream(resultsOutput);
            out = new ComparingPrintStream(new MuxingPrintStream(new PrintStream[] {defaultPrintStream, filePrintStream}), expectedResultsInput);
        return out;
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     * @param defaultPrintStream the default stream to which to write the results. Can be null.
     * @return The List of line numbers which differ between the actual and expected results.
     * @since 4.3
    public static List writeAndCompareUpdateCount(int updateCount, OutputStream resultsOutput, BufferedReader expectedResultsInput, PrintStream defaultPrintStream) {
        PrintStream out = getPrintStream(resultsOutput, expectedResultsInput, defaultPrintStream);
        printUpdateCount(updateCount, out);
        return getUnequalLines(out);
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     * @param defaultPrintStream the default stream to which to write the results. Can be null.
     * @return The List of line numbers which differ between the actual and expected results.
     * @since 4.3
    public static List writeAndCompareBatchedUpdateCounts(int[] counts, OutputStream resultsOutput, BufferedReader expectedResultsInput, PrintStream defaultPrintStream) {
        PrintStream out = getPrintStream(resultsOutput, expectedResultsInput, defaultPrintStream);
        printBatchedUpdateCounts(counts, out);
        return getUnequalLines(out);
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     * @return The List of line numbers which differ between the actual and expected results.
     * @throws SQLException
     * @since 4.3
    public static List writeAndCompareResultSet(ResultSet rs, int maxColWidth, boolean printMetadata, OutputStream resultsOutput, BufferedReader expectedResultsInput, PrintStream defaultPrintStream) throws SQLException {
        PrintStream out = getPrintStream(resultsOutput, expectedResultsInput, defaultPrintStream);
        printResultSet(rs, maxColWidth, printMetadata, out);
        return getUnequalLines(out);
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        return writeAndCompareThrowable(t, resultsOutputStream, expectedResultsReader, printToConsole ? System.out : null);
    public static List writeAndCompareThrowable(Throwable t, OutputStream resultsOutput, BufferedReader expectedResultsInput, PrintStream defaultPrintStream) throws SQLException {
        PrintStream out = getPrintStream(resultsOutput, expectedResultsInput, defaultPrintStream);
        printThrowable(t, out);
        return getUnequalLines(out);
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        BufferedReader expectedResultsReader = null;
        if (expectedResultsFile != null && expectedResultsFile.exists() && expectedResultsFile.canRead()) {
            expectedResultsReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(expectedResultsFile));
        PrintStream out =  TestResultSetUtil.getPrintStream(null,expectedResultsReader, printToConsole ? System.out : null);
         printThrowable(t, query, out);
        return TestResultSetUtil.getUnequalLines(out);
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     * @param defaultPrintStream if not null, this utility will always write to this stream. Typically this is System.out
     * @return the single PrintStream that wraps all the input streams for writing and comparison.
     * @since 4.2
    public static PrintStream getPrintStream(OutputStream resultsOutput, BufferedReader expectedResultsInput, PrintStream defaultPrintStream) {
        PrintStream out = null;
        if (defaultPrintStream == null) {
            defaultPrintStream = new PrintStream(new OutputStream () {
                                                     public void write(int b) throws IOException {}
        if (resultsOutput == null && expectedResultsInput == null) {
            out = defaultPrintStream;
        } else if (resultsOutput == null && expectedResultsInput != null) {
            out = new ComparingPrintStream(defaultPrintStream, expectedResultsInput);
        } else if (resultsOutput!= null && expectedResultsInput == null) {
            PrintStream filePrintStream = new PrintStream(resultsOutput);
            out = new MuxingPrintStream(new PrintStream[] {defaultPrintStream, filePrintStream});
        } else {
            PrintStream filePrintStream = new PrintStream(resultsOutput);
            out = new ComparingPrintStream(new MuxingPrintStream(new PrintStream[] {defaultPrintStream, filePrintStream}), expectedResultsInput);
        return out;
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     * @return The List of line numbers which differ between the actual and expected results.
     * @throws SQLException
     * @since 4.3
    public static List writeAndCompareResultSet(ResultSet rs, String query, int maxColWidth, boolean printMetadata, OutputStream resultsOutput, BufferedReader expectedResultsInput, PrintStream defaultPrintStream) throws SQLException {
        PrintStream out = getPrintStream(resultsOutput, expectedResultsInput, defaultPrintStream);
        printResultSet(rs, query, maxColWidth, printMetadata, out);
        return getUnequalLines(out);
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    public void test() throws Exception {
        Shell shell = new Shell();
        ByteArrayOutputStream buff = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        shell.setOut(new PrintStream(buff));
        shell.runTool("-url", "jdbc:h2:mem:", "-driver", "org.h2.Driver",
                "-user", "sa", "-password", "sa", "-properties", "null", "-sql", "select 'Hello ' || 'World' as hi");
        String s = new String(buff.toByteArray());
        assertContains(s, "HI");
        assertContains(s, "Hello World");
        assertContains(s, "(1 row, ");

        shell = new Shell();
        buff = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        shell.setOut(new PrintStream(buff));
        s = new String(buff.toByteArray());
        assertContains(s, "Interactive command line tool to access a database using JDBC.");

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Related Classes of$Static

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