
Examples of

        dst = new FileRepository(remoteGitDir);
      } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new TransportException(uri, JGitText.get().notAGitDirectory);

      final PipedInputStream in_r;
      final PipedOutputStream in_w;

      final PipedInputStream out_r;
      final PipedOutputStream out_w;
      try {
        in_r = new PipedInputStream();
        in_w = new PipedOutputStream(in_r);

        out_r = new PipedInputStream() {
          // The client (BasePackFetchConnection) can write
          // a huge burst before it reads again. We need to
          // force the buffer to be big enough, otherwise it
          // will deadlock both threads.
            buffer = new byte[MIN_CLIENT_BUFFER];
        out_w = new PipedOutputStream(out_r);
      } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new TransportException(uri, JGitText.get().cannotConnectPipes, err);

      worker = new Thread("JGit-Upload-Pack") {
        public void run() {
          try {
            final UploadPack rp = createUploadPack(dst);
            rp.upload(out_r, in_w, null);
          } catch (IOException err) {
            // Client side of the pipes should report the problem.
          } catch (RuntimeException err) {
            // Clients side will notice we went away, and report.
          } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e2) {
              // Ignore close failure, we probably crashed above.

            try {
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        dst = new FileRepository(remoteGitDir);
      } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new TransportException(uri, JGitText.get().notAGitDirectory);

      final PipedInputStream in_r;
      final PipedOutputStream in_w;

      final PipedInputStream out_r;
      final PipedOutputStream out_w;
      try {
        in_r = new PipedInputStream();
        in_w = new PipedOutputStream(in_r);

        out_r = new PipedInputStream();
        out_w = new PipedOutputStream(out_r);
      } catch (IOException err) {
        throw new TransportException(uri, JGitText.get().cannotConnectPipes, err);

      worker = new Thread("JGit-Receive-Pack") {
        public void run() {
          try {
            final ReceivePack rp = createReceivePack(dst);
            rp.receive(out_r, in_w, System.err);
          } catch (IOException err) {
            // Client side of the pipes should report the problem.
          } catch (RuntimeException err) {
            // Clients side will notice we went away, and report.
          } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e2) {
              // Ignore close failure, we probably crashed above.

            try {
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            cmdString = "CD /D " + workingDirectory.getPath() + " & " + cmdString;

        final WinRmClient winRmClient = createWinrmClient();
        try {
            final PipedInputStream fromCallersStdin = new PipedInputStream();
            final PipedOutputStream callersStdin = new PipedOutputStream(fromCallersStdin);
            final PipedInputStream callersStdout = new PipedInputStream();
            final PipedOutputStream toCallersStdout = new PipedOutputStream(callersStdout);
            final PipedInputStream callersStderr = new PipedInputStream();
            final PipedOutputStream toCallersStderr = new PipedOutputStream(callersStderr);

            final String commandId = winRmClient.executeCommand(cmdString);
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            tc.addOptionHandler(new WindowSizeOptionHandler(299, 25, true, false, true, false));
  "Connecting to telnet://{}@{}", username, address);
            tc.connect(address, port);
            final InputStream stdout = tc.getInputStream();
            final OutputStream stdin = tc.getOutputStream();
            final PipedInputStream callersStdout = new PipedInputStream();
            final PipedOutputStream toCallersStdout = new PipedOutputStream(callersStdout);
            final ByteArrayOutputStream outputBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            final int[] exitValue = new int[1];
            exitValue[0] = -1;
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    * @throws IOException {@link IOException}
   public InputStream getContentAsStream(final String rootHref) throws IOException
      final PipedOutputStream po = new PipedOutputStream();
      final PipedInputStream pi = new PipedInputStream(po);
      new Thread()
         public void run()
               XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
               XMLStreamWriter writer = factory.createXMLStreamWriter(po, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

               writer.writeStartDocument(Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING, "1.0");
               writer.writeAttribute(PREFIX_XMLNS, PREFIX_LINK);
               writer.writeAttribute(XLINK_XMLNS, XLINK_LINK);
               writer.writeAttribute(XML_NAME, node.getName());
               writer.writeAttribute(XML_HREF, rootHref + TextUtil.escape(node.getPath(), '%', true));

               if (!node.getPath().equals("/"))
                  // this is added to fix EXOJCR-1379
                  // XSLT string operations with actual node href, (which are used during XSLT transformation
                  // to receive parent href) produce wrong parent-href if node path containes non-latin symbols,
                  // so instead we simply add one more attribute which already contains parent-href
                  // as result: no XLST processor string manipulation is needed
                  String nodeParentHref = rootHref + TextUtil.escape(node.getParent().getPath(), '%', true);
                  writer.writeAttribute(XML_PARENT_HREF, nodeParentHref);

               // add properties
               for (PropertyIterator pi = node.getProperties(); pi.hasNext();)
                  Property curProperty = pi.nextProperty();
                  writer.writeAttribute(XML_NAME, curProperty.getName());
                  String propertyHref = rootHref + curProperty.getPath();
                  writer.writeAttribute(XML_HREF, propertyHref);
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                    // pipe from
                    if (pipeOut != null) {
                        // the previous stage is sending stdout to the pipe
                        if (in == CommandLine.DEFAULT_STDIN) {
                            // this stage is going to read from the pipe
                            PipedInputStream pipeIn = new PipedInputStream();
                            try {
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                                throw new ShellInvocationException(
                                        "Problem connecting pipe", ex);
                            in = new CommandInput(pipeIn);
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    * @throws IOException {@link IOException}
   public InputStream getContentAsStream(final String rootHref) throws IOException
      final PipedOutputStream po = new PipedOutputStream();
      final PipedInputStream pi = new PipedInputStream(po);
      new Thread()
         public void run()
               XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
               XMLStreamWriter writer = factory.createXMLStreamWriter(po, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

               writer.writeStartDocument(Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING, "1.0");
               writer.writeAttribute(PREFIX_XMLNS, PREFIX_LINK);
               writer.writeAttribute(XLINK_XMLNS, XLINK_LINK);
               writer.writeAttribute(XML_NAME, node.getName());
               writer.writeAttribute(XML_HREF, rootHref + TextUtil.escape(node.getPath(), '%', true));
               // add properties
               for (PropertyIterator pi = node.getProperties(); pi.hasNext();)
                  Property curProperty = pi.nextProperty();
                  writer.writeAttribute(XML_NAME, curProperty.getName());
                  String propertyHref = rootHref + curProperty.getPath();
                  writer.writeAttribute(XML_HREF, propertyHref);
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      final LargeMessageControllerImpl outBuffer = new LargeMessageControllerImpl(new FakeConsumerInternal(),
                                                                          1024 * 11 + 123,

      final PipedOutputStream output = new PipedOutputStream();
      final PipedInputStream input = new PipedInputStream(output);

      final AtomicInteger errors = new AtomicInteger(0);

      // Done reading 3 elements
      final CountDownLatch done1 = new CountDownLatch(1);
      // Done with the thread
      final CountDownLatch done2 = new CountDownLatch(1);

      final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
      final AtomicInteger totalBytes = new AtomicInteger(0);

      Thread treader = new Thread("treader")
         public void run()

               byte line[] = new byte[1024];
               int dataRead = 0;
               while (dataRead >= 0)
                  dataRead =;
                  if (dataRead > 0)
                     System.out.println("Read one line with " + dataRead + " bytes");
                     if (count.incrementAndGet() == 3)
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    private CommandRegistry registry;

    public AeshTestCommons() {
        pos = new PipedOutputStream();
        try {
            pis = new PipedInputStream(pos);
        catch (IOException e) {
        stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
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      private void configureStreams()
          // First, create a dataSink pipe
          dataSink = new PipedInputStream();
          moteIn = dataSink;

          // Then, attach a log stream if logging is enabled
          if (logging)
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