
Examples of

      if (instance == null) throw new NullPointerException("Null values cannot be wrapped as MarshalledValues!");

      if (instance instanceof Serializable)
         this.instance = instance;
         throw new NotSerializableException("Marshalled values can only wrap Objects that are serializable!  Instance of " + instance.getClass() + " won't Serialize.");
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      if (instance == null) throw new NullPointerException("Null values cannot be wrapped as MarshalledValues!");

      if (marshaller.isMarshallable(instance))
         this.instance = instance;
         throw new NotSerializableException("Marshalled values can only wrap Objects that can be serialized or marshalled!  Instance of "
               + instance.getClass() + " won't serialize or marshall.");
      this.equalityPreferenceForInstance = equalityPreferenceForInstance;
      this.marshaller = marshaller;
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            // a null response is 99% likely to be due to a marshalling problem - we throw a NSE, this needs to be changed when
            // JGroups supports
            // the serialization problem could be on the remote end and this is why we cannot catch this above, when marshalling.
            if (retval == null)
               throw new NotSerializableException("RpcDispatcher returned a null.  This is most often caused by args for "
                     + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " not being serializable.");

            if (supportReplay) {
               boolean replay = false;
               Vector<Address> ignorers = new Vector<Address>();
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            // a null response is 99% likely to be due to a marshalling problem - we throw a NSE, this needs to be changed when
            // JGroups supports
            // the serialization problem could be on the remote end and this is why we cannot catch this above, when marshalling.
            if (retval == null)
               throw new NotSerializableException("RpcDispatcher returned a null.  This is most often caused by args for "
                     + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " not being serializable.");

            if (supportReplay) {
               boolean replay = false;
               Vector<Address> ignorers = new Vector<Address>();
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      if (instance == null) throw new NullPointerException("Null values cannot be wrapped as MarshalledValues!");

      if (marshaller.isMarshallable(instance))
         this.instance = instance;
         throw new NotSerializableException("Marshalled values can only wrap Objects that can be serialized or marshalled!  Instance of "
               + instance.getClass() + " won't serialize or marshall.");
      this.equalityPreferenceForInstance = equalityPreferenceForInstance;
      this.marshaller = marshaller;
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            // a null response is 99% likely to be due to a marshalling problem - we throw a NSE, this needs to be changed when
            // JGroups supports
            // the serialization problem could be on the remote end and this is why we cannot catch this above, when marshalling.
            if (retval == null)
               throw new NotSerializableException("RpcDispatcher returned a null.  This is most often caused by args for "
                                                        + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " not being serializable.");

            if (supportReplay) {
               boolean replay = false;
               Vector<Address> ignorers = new Vector<Address>();
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         // a null response is 99% likely to be due to a marshalling problem - we throw a NSE, this needs to be changed when
         // JGroups supports
         // the serialization problem could be on the remote end and this is why we cannot catch this above, when marshalling.
         if (retval == null)
            throw new NotSerializableException("RpcDispatcher returned a null.  This is most often caused by args for "
                  + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " not being serializable.");

         if (supportReplay) {
            boolean replay = false;
            Vector<Address> ignorers = new Vector<Address>();
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        RPC.streamResponseForSuccess(clientOracle, result, message);
        return new String(result.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
    catch (SerializationException e) {
      throw new NotSerializableException("Unable to serialize object, message: " + e.getMessage());
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            request.getPortletSession().setAttribute(key, message, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
            throw new NotSerializableException("Message not serializable for " + key);
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            request.getPortletSession().setAttribute(key, message, PortletSession.PORTLET_SCOPE);
            throw new NotSerializableException("Message not serializable for " + key);
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