dummy d = new dummy();
// Check that we can create and getValue a expression
Object arg1[] = {"test"};
Expression expr = new Expression(d, "method", arg1);
harness.check(expr != null, "Construct an Expression");
harness.check(expr.getTarget() == d);
String res1 = "";
res1 = (String) expr.getValue();
catch (Exception e)
harness.fail("Expression getValue failed");
harness.check(d.s.equals("test"), "Test getValue with method of single arg");
harness.check(d.x == 5);
harness.check(res1.equals("test 5"));
// Check that we can create and getValue a expression and that a
// wrapper class resolves to a method taking a primitive.
Object arg2[] = {"test", new Integer(6) };
expr = new Expression(d, "method", arg2);
harness.check(expr != null, "Construct an Expression with 2 args");
Object exprArgs[] = expr.getArguments();
harness.check(exprArgs.length == arg2.length && exprArgs[0] == arg2[0]
&& exprArgs[1] == arg2[1]);
String res2 = "";
res2 = (String) expr.getValue();
catch (Exception e)
harness.fail("Expression getValue failed");
harness.check(d.s.equals("test"), "Test getValue with method of single arg");
harness.check(d.x == 7);
harness.check(res2.equals("test 7"));
// Check that we can create and getValue a expression for a static method.
Object arg3[] = {new Integer(1)};
expr = new Expression(this, "test1", arg3);
int res3 = 0;
res3 = ((Integer)expr.getValue()).intValue();
catch (Exception e)
harness.fail("Static method getValue " + e.toString());
harness.check(res3 == 1, "Test Expression with static method");
// Check that we can call get and set on an array object in a expression
int iarray[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Object arg4[] = { new Integer(2), new Integer(6) };
expr = new Expression(iarray, "set", arg4);
Object res4 = new Object();
res4 = expr.getValue();
catch (Exception e)
harness.fail("Expression set failed");
//Array.set is public static void and should have no return value
harness.check(res4 == null);
harness.check(iarray[2] == 6);
Object arg5[] = { new Integer(2) };
expr = new Expression(iarray, "get", arg5);
int res5 = 0;
res5 = ((Integer)expr.getValue()).intValue();
catch (Exception e)
harness.fail("Expression get failed");
harness.check(res5 == 6, "Test Expression of array and method named get");
// check that Expression can call object constructor
Object arg6[] = { this };
expr = new Expression(d.getClass(), "new", arg6);
dummy d1 = null;
d1 = (dummy) expr.getValue();
catch (Exception e)
harness.fail("Expression using new failed");
harness.check(d1 != d, "Test expr using new");
// check that Expression constructer with val uses val
expr = new Expression(d, d, "new", arg6);
d1 = null;
d1 = (dummy) expr.getValue();
catch (Exception e)
harness.fail("Constructor failed");
harness.check(d1 == d, "Test expr constructor with value");
// check that setvalue works and getvalue returns it
String s1 = "t";
String s2 = "";
s2 = (String) expr.getValue();
catch (Exception e)
harness.fail("Constructor failed");
harness.check(s1 == s2, "Test expr setValue and getValue");
// check that tostring does something
String s3 = expr.toString();