Package java.awt.geom

Examples of java.awt.geom.Path2D$Double$TxIterator

            else {
                outer = new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, width, height);
                inner = new Rectangle2D.Float(x + offs, y + offs, width - size, height - size);
            Path2D path = new Path2D.Float(Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD);
            path.append(outer, false);
            path.append(inner, false);
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                else {
                    Graphics g2 = g.create();
                    if (g2 instanceof Graphics2D) {
                        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g2;
                        Path2D path = new Path2D.Float();
                        path.append(new Rectangle(borderX, borderY, borderW, labelY - borderY), false);
                        path.append(new Rectangle(borderX, labelY, labelX - borderX - TEXT_SPACING, labelH), false);
                        path.append(new Rectangle(labelX + labelW + TEXT_SPACING, labelY, borderX - labelX + borderW - labelW - TEXT_SPACING, labelH), false);
                        path.append(new Rectangle(borderX, labelY + labelH, borderW, borderY - labelY + borderH - labelH), false);
                    border.paintBorder(c, g2, borderX, borderY, borderW, borderH);
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            return convertCoords(coords, coords.length);

        // For Path2D, the integer path type is inserted before the coordinates of each segment
        if (shape instanceof Path2D) {
            Path2D p = (Path2D) shape;
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            coords = new double[6];
            PathIterator pathIter = p.getPathIterator(null);
            while (!pathIter.isDone()) {
                int subPathType = pathIter.currentSegment(coords);
                buf.append(subPathType).append(" ");
                if (subPathType == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO || subPathType == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) {
                    buf.append(convertCoords(coords, 2)).append(" ");
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                yPoints[i] = (int) graphicInfo.getY() - minY;

            int radius = 15;

            Path2D path = new Path2D.Double();

            for (int i = 0; i < xPoints.length; i++) {
                Integer anchorX = xPoints[i];
                Integer anchorY = yPoints[i];

                double targetX = anchorX;
                double targetY = anchorY;

                double ax = 0;
                double ay = 0;
                double bx = 0;
                double by = 0;
                double zx = 0;
                double zy = 0;

                if ((i > 0) && (i < (xPoints.length - 1))) {
                    Integer cx = anchorX;
                    Integer cy = anchorY;

                    // pivot point of prev line
                    double lineLengthY = yPoints[i] - yPoints[i - 1];

                    // pivot point of prev line
                    double lineLengthX = xPoints[i] - xPoints[i - 1];
                    double lineLength = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(lineLengthY, 2)
                            + Math.pow(lineLengthX, 2));
                    double dx = (lineLengthX * radius) / lineLength;
                    double dy = (lineLengthY * radius) / lineLength;
                    targetX = targetX - dx;
                    targetY = targetY - dy;

                    // isDefaultConditionAvailable = isDefault && i == 1 && lineLength > 10;
                    if ((lineLength < (2 * radius)) && (i > 1)) {
                        targetX = xPoints[i] - (lineLengthX / 2);
                        targetY = yPoints[i] - (lineLengthY / 2);

                    // pivot point of next line
                    lineLengthY = yPoints[i + 1] - yPoints[i];
                    lineLengthX = xPoints[i + 1] - xPoints[i];
                    lineLength = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(lineLengthY, 2)
                            + Math.pow(lineLengthX, 2));

                    if (lineLength < radius) {
                        lineLength = radius;

                    dx = (lineLengthX * radius) / lineLength;
                    dy = (lineLengthY * radius) / lineLength;

                    double nextSrcX = xPoints[i] + dx;
                    double nextSrcY = yPoints[i] + dy;

                    if ((lineLength < (2 * radius))
                            && (i < (xPoints.length - 2))) {
                        nextSrcX = xPoints[i] + (lineLengthX / 2);
                        nextSrcY = yPoints[i] + (lineLengthY / 2);

                    double dx0 = (cx - targetX) / 3;
                    double dy0 = (cy - targetY) / 3;
                    ax = cx - dx0;
                    ay = cy - dy0;

                    double dx1 = (cx - nextSrcX) / 3;
                    double dy1 = (cy - nextSrcY) / 3;
                    bx = cx - dx1;
                    by = cy - dy1;

                    zx = nextSrcX;
                    zy = nextSrcY;

                if (i == 0) {
                    path.moveTo(targetX, targetY);
                } else {
                    path.lineTo(targetX, targetY);

                if ((i > 0) && (i < (xPoints.length - 1))) {
                    // add curve
                    path.curveTo(ax, ay, bx, by, zx, zy);


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    Font originalFont = g.getFont();
    Stroke originalStroke = g.getStroke();
    Path2D path = new Path2D.Double();
    x += .5;
    int lineLength = 18;
    path.moveTo(x + lineLength, y);
    path.lineTo(x, y);
    path.lineTo(x, y + height);
    path.lineTo(x + lineLength, y + height);
    path.lineTo(x + lineLength, y + height -1);
    path.lineTo(x + 1, y + height -1);
    path.lineTo(x + 1, y + 1);
    path.lineTo(x + lineLength, y + 1);
    int boxWidth = width - (2 * ANNOTATION_TEXT_PADDING);
    int boxHeight = height - (2 * ANNOTATION_TEXT_PADDING);
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                                    int join,
                                    float miterlimit,
                                    float dashes[],
                                    float dashphase)
        final Path2D p2d = new Path2D.Float();

                 new LineSink() {
                     public void moveTo(int x0, int y0) {
                         p2d.moveTo(S15_16ToFloat(x0), S15_16ToFloat(y0));
                     public void lineJoin() {}
                     public void lineTo(int x1, int y1) {
                         p2d.lineTo(S15_16ToFloat(x1), S15_16ToFloat(y1));
                     public void close() {
                     public void end() {}

        return p2d;
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                        if (lassoPath.size() > 2) {

                            Axis xAxis = scatterPlot.xAxis;
                            Axis yAxis = scatterPlot.yAxis;

                            Path2D path = new Path2D.Double(java.awt.geom.Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, lassoPath.size());
                            Iterator<Point> iter = lassoPath.getPoints().iterator();
                            Point p =;
                            double x = xAxis.getDataValueForPixel(p.x);
                            double y = yAxis.getDataValueForPixel(p.y);
                            path.moveTo(x, y);
                            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                                p =;
                                x = xAxis.getDataValueForPixel(p.x);
                                y = yAxis.getDataValueForPixel(p.y);
                                path.lineTo(x, y);
                            Rectangle damageRect = lassoPath.getBounds();
                            lassoPath = null;
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            Shape outer, inner;

            outer = new RoundRectangle2D.Float(insets.left,, width - insets.left - insets.right, height - - insets.bottom, arc, arc);
            inner = new Rectangle2D.Float(insets.left + dr, + dr, width - insets.left - insets.right - 2 * dr, height - - insets.bottom - 2 * dr);

            Path2D path = new Path2D.Float(Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD);

            path.append(outer, false);
            path.append(inner, false);


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    if (radius >= DistanceUtils.HALF_EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE) {
      return new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, 360.0, 180.0);
    int numberOfCrossOvers = 0;

    Path2D path = new Path2D.Double();
    DirectPosition2D initPT = DistanceUtils.getPointOnGreatCircle(center.getOrdinate(1),
        center.getOrdinate(0), radius, 0);
    path.moveTo(initPT.x + 180.0, initPT.y + 90.0);

    DirectPosition2D currPT = initPT;

    for (int i = 1; i < 360; i++) {

      DirectPosition2D pt = DistanceUtils.getPointOnGreatCircle(center.getOrdinate(1),
          center.getOrdinate(0), radius, i);
      path.lineTo(pt.x + 180.0, pt.y + 90.0);

      if (dateLineCrossOver(Longitude.normalize(currPT.x), Longitude.normalize(pt.x))) {
      currPT = pt;
    if (dateLineCrossOver(Longitude.normalize(initPT.x), Longitude.normalize(currPT.x))) {

     * If the path crosses the dateline once, it's a special case, so take care
     * of it differently. It will need to include areas around the pole.
    if (numberOfCrossOvers == 1) {
      Rectangle2D r = path.getBounds2D();
      Rectangle2D lowerHalf = new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, 360.0, r.getMaxY());
      if (lowerHalf.contains(center.getOrdinate(0) + 180.0, center.getOrdinate(1) + 90.0)) {
        return lowerHalf;
      } else {
        return new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, r.getMinY(), 360.0, 180.0 - r.getMinY());

    if (path.contains(center.getOrdinate(0) + 180.0, center.getOrdinate(1) + 90.0)) {
      Rectangle2D r = path.getBounds2D();
      if ((r.getMaxX() - r.getMinX()) > 359.0) {
        return new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, 360.0, 180.0);
      } else if (r.getMinX() < 0 || r.getMaxX() > 360.0) {
         * For circles that crosses the dateline instead of splitting in half
         * and having to go down the tree twice, for first version span
         * longitude 360.0 and use the exact height of the box
        return new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, r.getY(), 360.0, r.getHeight());
      } else {
        return path.getBounds2D();
    } else {
      Area pathArea = new Area(path);
      Area wholeMap = new Area(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, 360.0, 180.0));
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                    return rect;
        if (shape instanceof Path2D) {
            final Path2D path = (Path2D) shape;
            if (allowOverwrite) {
            } else {
                shape = path.createTransformedShape(transform);
        } else if (shape instanceof Area) {
            final Area area = (Area) shape;
            if (allowOverwrite) {
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Related Classes of java.awt.geom.Path2D$Double$TxIterator

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