if (intersectionCount == 2
&& doorPoints.length == 4) {
// Find the intersection of the door with home walls
Area wallsDoorIntersection = new Area(getWallsArea());
wallsDoorIntersection.intersect(new Area(getPath(doorPoints)));
// Reduce the size of intersection to its half
float [][] intersectionPoints = getPathPoints(getPath(wallsDoorIntersection), false);
Shape halfDoorPath = null;
if (intersectionPoints.length == 4) {
float epsilon = 0.05f;
for (int i = 0; i < intersectionPoints.length; i++) {
// Check point in room with rectangle intersection test otherwise we miss some points
if (roomPath.intersects(intersectionPoints [i][0] - epsilon / 2,
intersectionPoints [i][1] - epsilon / 2, epsilon, epsilon)) {
int inPoint1 = i;
int inPoint2;
int outPoint1;
int outPoint2;
if (roomPath.intersects(intersectionPoints [i + 1][0] - epsilon / 2,
intersectionPoints [i + 1][1] - epsilon / 2, epsilon, epsilon)) {
inPoint2 = i + 1;
outPoint2 = (i + 2) % 4;
outPoint1 = (i + 3) % 4;
} else {
outPoint1 = (i + 1) % 4;
outPoint2 = (i + 2) % 4;
inPoint2 = (i + 3) % 4;
intersectionPoints [outPoint1][0] = (intersectionPoints [outPoint1][0]
+ intersectionPoints [inPoint1][0]) / 2;
intersectionPoints [outPoint1][1] = (intersectionPoints [outPoint1][1]
+ intersectionPoints [inPoint1][1]) / 2;
intersectionPoints [outPoint2][0] = (intersectionPoints [outPoint2][0]
+ intersectionPoints [inPoint2][0]) / 2;
intersectionPoints [outPoint2][1] = (intersectionPoints [outPoint2][1]
+ intersectionPoints [inPoint2][1]) / 2;
GeneralPath path = getPath(intersectionPoints);
// Enlarge the intersection path to ensure its union with room builds only one path
AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
Rectangle2D bounds2D = path.getBounds2D();
transform.translate(bounds2D.getCenterX(), bounds2D.getCenterY());
double min = Math.min(bounds2D.getWidth(), bounds2D.getHeight());
double scale = (min + epsilon) / min;
transform.scale(scale, scale);
transform.translate(-bounds2D.getCenterX(), -bounds2D.getCenterY());
halfDoorPath = path.createTransformedShape(transform);
if (halfDoorPath != null) {
Area halfDoorRoomUnion = new Area(halfDoorPath);
halfDoorRoomUnion.add(new Area(roomPath));
roomPath = getPath(halfDoorRoomUnion);