Rendering text with tabs. For simplicity, the overall text direction is assumed to be left-to-right
@see TextLayoutpublic void paint(Graphics graphics) { float leftMargin = 10, rightMargin = 310; float[] tabStops = { 100, 250 }; // assume styledText is an AttributedCharacterIterator, and the number // of tabs in styledText is tabCount int[] tabLocations = new int[tabCount+1]; int i = 0; for (char c = styledText.first(); c != styledText.DONE; c = { if (c == '\t') { tabLocations[i++] = styledText.getIndex(); } } tabLocations[tabCount] = styledText.getEndIndex() - 1; // Now tabLocations has an entry for every tab's offset in // the text. For convenience, the last entry is tabLocations // is the offset of the last character in the text. LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(styledText); int currentTab = 0; float verticalPos = 20; while (measurer.getPosition() < styledText.getEndIndex()) { // Lay out and draw each line. All segments on a line // must be computed before any drawing can occur, since // we must know the largest ascent on the line. // TextLayouts are computed and stored in a Vector; // their horizontal positions are stored in a parallel // Vector. // lineContainsText is true after first segment is drawn boolean lineContainsText = false; boolean lineComplete = false; float maxAscent = 0, maxDescent = 0; float horizontalPos = leftMargin; Vector layouts = new Vector(1); Vector penPositions = new Vector(1); while (!lineComplete) { float wrappingWidth = rightMargin - horizontalPos; TextLayout layout = measurer.nextLayout(wrappingWidth, tabLocations[currentTab]+1, lineContainsText); // layout can be null if lineContainsText is true if (layout != null) { layouts.addElement(layout); penPositions.addElement(new Float(horizontalPos)); horizontalPos += layout.getAdvance(); maxAscent = Math.max(maxAscent, layout.getAscent()); maxDescent = Math.max(maxDescent, layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading()); } else { lineComplete = true; } lineContainsText = true; if (measurer.getPosition() == tabLocations[currentTab]+1) { currentTab++; } if (measurer.getPosition() == styledText.getEndIndex()) lineComplete = true; else if (horizontalPos >= tabStops[tabStops.length-1]) lineComplete = true; if (!lineComplete) { // move to next tab stop int j; for (j=0; horizontalPos >= tabStops[j]; j++) {} horizontalPos = tabStops[j]; } } verticalPos += maxAscent; Enumeration layoutEnum = layouts.elements(); Enumeration positionEnum = penPositions.elements(); // now iterate through layouts and draw them while (layoutEnum.hasMoreElements()) { TextLayout nextLayout = (TextLayout) layoutEnum.nextElement(); Float nextPosition = (Float) positionEnum.nextElement(); nextLayout.draw(graphics, nextPosition.floatValue(), verticalPos); } verticalPos += maxDescent; } }