Package java.awt

Examples of java.awt.PaintContext

        ColorSpace rgbCS = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
        ColorModel rgbCM = new DirectColorModel
            (rgbCS, 32, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF, 0xFF000000,
             false, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);

        PaintContext pctx = paint.createContext(rgbCM, devBounds, usrBounds,
                                                at, getRenderingHints());
        PDFXObject imageInfo = pdfDoc.getImage
            ("TempImage:" + pctx.toString());
        if (imageInfo != null) {
        } else {
            Raster r = pctx.getRaster(devX, devY, devW, devH);
            WritableRaster wr = (WritableRaster)r;
            wr = wr.createWritableTranslatedChild(0, 0);

            ColorModel pcm = pctx.getColorModel();
            BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage
                (pcm, wr, pcm.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
            final byte[] rgb  = new byte[devW * devH * 3];
            final int[]  line = new int[devW];
            final byte[] mask;
            int x, y, val, rgbIdx = 0;
            if (pcm.hasAlpha()) {
                mask = new byte[devW * devH];
                int maskIdx = 0;
                for (y = 0; y < devH; y++) {
                    bi.getRGB(0, y, devW, 1, line, 0, devW);
                    for (x = 0; x < devW; x++) {
                        val = line[x];
                        mask[maskIdx++] = (byte)(val >>> 24);
                        rgb[rgbIdx++]   = (byte)((val >> 16) & 0x0FF);
                        rgb[rgbIdx++]   = (byte)((val >> 8 ) & 0x0FF);
                        rgb[rgbIdx++]   = (byte)((val      ) & 0x0FF);
            } else {
                mask = null;
                for (y = 0; y < devH; y++) {
                    bi.getRGB(0, y, devW, 1, line, 0, devW);
                    for (x = 0; x < devW; x++) {
                        val = line[x];
                        rgb[rgbIdx++= (byte)((val >> 16) & 0x0FF);
                        rgb[rgbIdx++= (byte)((val >> 8 ) & 0x0FF);
                        rgb[rgbIdx++= (byte)((val      ) & 0x0FF);

            String maskRef = null;
            if (mask != null) {
                BitmapImage fopimg = new BitmapImage
                    ("TempImageMask:" + pctx.toString(), devW, devH, mask, null);
                fopimg.setColorSpace(new PDFColorSpace(PDFColorSpace.DEVICE_GRAY));
                PDFXObject xobj = pdfDoc.addImage(resourceContext, fopimg);
                maskRef = xobj.referencePDF();

                if (outputStream != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        // ignore exception, will be thrown again later
            BitmapImage fopimg;
            fopimg = new BitmapImage("TempImage:" + pctx.toString(),
                                     devW, devH, rgb, maskRef);
            fopimg.setTransparent(new PDFColor(255, 255, 255));
            imageInfo = pdfDoc.addImage(resourceContext, fopimg);
            if (outputStream != null) {
                try {
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Related Classes of java.awt.PaintContext

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