super.initialize(type, oldInstance, newInstance, enc);
if (type != oldInstance.getClass()) {
Menu menu = (Menu) oldInstance;
int count = menu.getItemCount();
Expression getterExp = null;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
getterExp = new Expression(menu.getItem(i), "getLabel", null);
try {
// Calculate the old value of the property
Object oldVal = getterExp.getValue();
// Write the getter expression to the encoder
// Get the target value that exists in the new environment
Object targetVal = enc.get(oldVal);
// Get the current property value in the new environment
Object newVal = null;
try {
newVal = new Expression(((Menu) newInstance).getItem(i),
"getLabel", null).getValue();
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
// The newInstance has no elements, so current property
// value remains null
* Make the target value and current property value equivalent
* in the new environment
if (null == targetVal) {
if (null != newVal) {
// Set to null
Statement setterStm = new Statement(oldInstance, "insert",
new Object[] { null, i });
} else {
PersistenceDelegate pd = enc
if (!pd.mutatesTo(targetVal, newVal)) {
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem((String) oldVal);
Statement setterStm = new Statement(oldInstance,
"add", new Object[] { menuItem });