if (e.getSource() instanceof JScrollBar &&
((JScrollBar)e.getSource()).getParent() instanceof JScrollPane) {
// TF:04/09/2009:We only want to post the event if we're currently processing either a keyboard or mouse event. Otherwise
// we can fire listener events when the window is resized (unlike Forte). We can only do this if we are not adjusting.
AWTEvent currentEvent = GlassPaneWithEvents.getCurrentEvent();
if ((currentEvent instanceof MouseEvent || currentEvent instanceof KeyEvent) && !e.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
// TF:31 Oct 2008:Don't post the event if we're in the process of laying out.
Component source = ((JScrollPane)((JScrollBar)e.getSource()).getParent()).getViewport().getView();
RepaintManager manager = RepaintManager.currentManager(source);
if (!(manager instanceof ForteRepaintManager && ((ForteRepaintManager)manager).isValidating())) {