if (command.equals(CMD_VERSION)) {
CmdLineParser parser = initParser(command);
// Parse optional arguments (switches, etc)
try {
} catch (CmdLineParser.OptionException e) {
userMessageWriter.println("Enter igvtools help " + command + " for help on this command");
String tmpDirName = null;
if (tmpDirOption != null) {
tmpDirName = (String) parser.getOptionValue(tmpDirOption, null);
int maxRecords = MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM;
if (maxRecordsOption != null) {
maxRecords = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(maxRecordsOption, MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM);
String[] nonOptionArgs = parser.getRemainingArgs();
try {
String basic_syntax = "Error in syntax. Enter igvtools help " + command + " for usage instructions.";
// All remaining commands require an input file, and most need the file extension. Do that here.
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 2, "Error: No input file provided");
String ifile = nonOptionArgs[1];
boolean isList = ifile.indexOf(",") > 0;
if (!isList && !FileUtils.resourceExists(ifile)) {
throw new PreprocessingException("File not found: " + ifile);
String typeString = null;
if (typeOption != null) {
typeString = (String) parser.getOptionValue(typeOption);
if (typeString == null || typeString.length() == 0) {
typeString = Preprocessor.getExtension(ifile).toLowerCase();
} else {
typeString = typeString.toLowerCase();
if (command.equals(CMD_COUNT) || command.equals(CMD_TILE) || command.equals(CMD_TOTDF)) {
// Parse out options common to both count and tile
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 4, basic_syntax);
int maxZoomValue = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(maxZoomOption, MAX_ZOOM);
String ofile = nonOptionArgs[2];
String genomeId = nonOptionArgs[3];
boolean isGCT = typeString.endsWith("gct") || typeString.equals("mage-tab");
String wfsString = (String) parser.getOptionValue(windowFunctions);
Collection<WindowFunction> wfList = parseWFS(wfsString, isGCT);
if (command.equals(CMD_COUNT)) {
String trackLine = null;
String color = (String) parser.getOptionValue(colorOption);
if (color != null) {
trackLine = "track color=\"" + color + "\"";
int extFactorValue = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(extFactorOption, EXT_FACTOR);
int preFactorValue = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(preExtFactorOption, 0);
int posFactorValue = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(postExtFactorOption, 0);
int countFlags = parseCountFlags(parser);
String queryString = (String) parser.getOptionValue(queryStringOpt);
int minMapQuality = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(minMapQualityOpt, 0);
int windowSizeValue = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(windowSizeOption, WINDOW_SIZE);
doCount(ifile, ofile, genomeId, maxZoomValue, wfList, windowSizeValue, extFactorValue,
preFactorValue, posFactorValue,
trackLine, queryString, minMapQuality, countFlags);
} else {
String probeFile = (String) parser.getOptionValue(probeFileOption, PROBE_FILE);
toTDF(typeString, ifile, ofile, probeFile, genomeId, maxZoomValue, wfList, tmpDirName, maxRecords);
} else if (command.equals(CMD_SORT)) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 3, basic_syntax);
String ofile = nonOptionArgs[2];
doSort(ifile, ofile, tmpDirName, maxRecords);
} else if (command.equals(CMD_INDEX)) {
int indexType = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(indexTypeOption, LINEAR_INDEX);
int defaultBinSize = indexType == LINEAR_INDEX ? LINEAR_BIN_SIZE : INTERVAL_SIZE;
int binSize = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(binSizeOption, defaultBinSize);
String outputDir = (String) parser.getOptionValue(outputDirOption, null);
doIndex(ifile, typeString, outputDir, indexType, binSize);
} else if (command.equals(CMD_FORMATEXP)) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 3, basic_syntax);
File inputFile = new File(nonOptionArgs[1]);
File outputFile = new File(nonOptionArgs[2]);
(new ExpressionFormatter()).convert(inputFile, outputFile);
} else if (command.equals("wibtowig")) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 4, "Error in syntax. Expected: " + command + " [options] txtfile wibfile wigfile");
File txtFile = new File(nonOptionArgs[1]);
File wibFile = new File(nonOptionArgs[2]);
File wigFile = new File(nonOptionArgs[3]);
String trackLine = nonOptionArgs.length > 4 ? nonOptionArgs[4] : null;
doWIBtoWIG(txtFile, wibFile, wigFile, trackLine);
} else if (command.equals("splitgff")) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 3, "Error in syntax. Expected: " + command + " [options] inputfile outputdir");
String outputDirectory = nonOptionArgs[2];
GFFParser.splitFileByType(ifile, outputDirectory);
} else if(command.equals("gfftobed")){
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 3, "Error in syntax. Expected: " + command + " inputfile outputfile");
String ofile = nonOptionArgs[2];
GFFToBed(ifile, ofile);
} else if (command.toLowerCase().equals("gcttoigv")) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 4, basic_syntax + " genomeId");
String ofile = nonOptionArgs[2];
// Output files must have .igv extension
if (!ofile.endsWith(".igv")) {
ofile = ofile + ".igv";
String genomeId = nonOptionArgs[3];
Genome genome = loadGenome(genomeId);
if (genome == null) {
throw new PreprocessingException("Genome could not be loaded: " + genomeId);
String probeFile = (String) parser.getOptionValue(probeFileOption, PROBE_FILE);
doGCTtoIGV(typeString, ifile, new File(ofile), probeFile, maxRecords, tmpDirName, genome);
} else if (command.toLowerCase().equals("tdftobedgraph")) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 3, basic_syntax);
String ofile = nonOptionArgs[2];
TDFUtils.tdfToBedgraph(ifile, ofile);
} else if (command.equals("wigtobed")) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 2, "Error in syntax. Expected: " + command + " [options] inputfile");
String inputFile = nonOptionArgs[1];
float hetThreshold = 0.17f;
if (nonOptionArgs.length > 2) {
hetThreshold = Float.parseFloat(nonOptionArgs[2]);
float homThreshold = 0.55f;
if (nonOptionArgs.length > 3) {
homThreshold = Float.parseFloat(nonOptionArgs[3]);
WigToBed.run(inputFile, hetThreshold, homThreshold);
} else if (command.equals("vcftobed")) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 3, basic_syntax);
String inputFile = nonOptionArgs[1];
String outputFile = nonOptionArgs[2];
VCFtoBed.convert(inputFile, outputFile);
} else if (command.equals("sumwigs")) {
sumWigs(nonOptionArgs[1], nonOptionArgs[2]);
} else if (command.equals("densitiestobedgraph")) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 3, "Error in syntax. Expected: " + command + " [options] inputdir outputdir");
File inputDir = new File(nonOptionArgs[1]);
File outputDir = new File(nonOptionArgs[2]);
if (inputDir.isDirectory() && outputDir.isDirectory()) {
DensitiesToBedGraph.convert(inputDir, outputDir);
} else if (inputDir.isFile() && outputDir.isFile()) {
DensitiesToBedGraph.convert(inputDir, outputDir);
} else if (command.equals(CMD_BAMTOBED)) {
validateArgsLength(nonOptionArgs, 3, basic_syntax);
String ofile = nonOptionArgs[2];
Boolean pairOption = (Boolean) parser.getOptionValue(pairedCoverageOpt, false);
BamToBed.convert(new File(ifile), new File(ofile), pairOption);
} else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("genGenomeList")) {
//Generate a genomes.txt list file based on a directory
//TODO Probably a better place for this. Users won't generally use it
File inDir = new File(ifile);