public void buildChildElementUnmarshallers(UnmarshallerChain chain, QNameMap<ChildLoader> handlers) {
JAXBContextImpl context = chain.context;
for (TypeRef<Type,Class> e : prop.getTypes()) {
JaxBeanInfo bi = context.getOrCreate((RuntimeTypeInfo) e.getTarget());
// if the expected Java type is already final, type substitution won't really work anyway.
// this also traps cases like trying to substitute xsd:long element with xsi:type='xsd:int'
Loader l = bi.getLoader(context,!Modifier.isFinal(bi.jaxbType.getModifiers()));
l = new DefaultValueLoaderDecorator(l,e.getDefaultValue());
if(nillable || chain.context.allNillable)
l = new XsiNilLoader.Single(l,acc);
handlers.put( e.getTagName(), new ChildLoader(l,acc));