Examples of JavaMethodDescriptor

Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

        if (jrubyMethod == null) return false;

            if(jrubyMethod.compat() == BOTH ||
                    getRuntime().getInstanceConfig().getCompatVersion() == jrubyMethod.compat()) {
            JavaMethodDescriptor desc = new JavaMethodDescriptor(method);
            DynamicMethod dynamicMethod = methodFactory.getAnnotatedMethod(this, desc);
            define(this, desc, dynamicMethod);

            return true;
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

     * method.
     * @see org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.MethodFactory#getAnnotatedMethod
    public DynamicMethod getAnnotatedMethod(RubyModule implementationClass, List<JavaMethodDescriptor> descs) {
        JavaMethodDescriptor desc1 = descs.get(0);
        String javaMethodName = desc1.name;
        if (DEBUG) out.println("Binding multiple: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);
        synchronized (syncObject) {
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

     * method. Return the resulting generated or loaded class.
     * @see org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.MethodFactory#getAnnotatedMethod
    public Class getAnnotatedMethodClass(List<JavaMethodDescriptor> descs) throws Exception {
        JavaMethodDescriptor desc1 = descs.get(0);

        if (!Modifier.isPublic(desc1.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) {
            System.err.println("warning: binding non-public class" + desc1.declaringClassName + "; reflected handles won't work");
        String javaMethodName = desc1.name;
        if (DEBUG) {
            if (descs.size() > 1) {
                out.println("Binding multiple: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);
            } else {
                out.println("Binding single: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);
        String generatedClassName = CodegenUtils.getAnnotatedBindingClassName(javaMethodName, desc1.declaringClassName, desc1.isStatic, desc1.actualRequired, desc1.optional, descs.size() > 1, desc1.anno.frame());
        if (RubyInstanceConfig.FULL_TRACE_ENABLED) {
            // in debug mode we append _DBG to class name to force it to regenerate (or use pre-generated debug version)
            generatedClassName += "_DBG";
        String generatedClassPath = generatedClassName.replace('.', '/');
        synchronized (syncObject) {
            Class c = tryClass(generatedClassName, desc1.getDeclaringClass());

            DescriptorInfo info = new DescriptorInfo(descs);
            if (DEBUG) out.println(" min: " + info.getMin() + ", max: " + info.getMax() + ", hasBlock: " + info.isBlock() + ", rest: " + info.isRest());

            if (c == null) {
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

        populator.populate(this, clazz);
    public boolean defineAnnotatedMethod(String name, List<JavaMethodDescriptor> methods, MethodFactory methodFactory) {
        JavaMethodDescriptor desc = methods.get(0);
        if (methods.size() == 1) {
            return defineAnnotatedMethod(desc, methodFactory);
        } else {
            DynamicMethod dynamicMethod = methodFactory.getAnnotatedMethod(this, methods);
            define(this, desc, dynamicMethod);
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

        if (jrubyMethod == null) return false;

            if(jrubyMethod.compat() == BOTH ||
                    getRuntime().getInstanceConfig().getCompatVersion() == jrubyMethod.compat()) {
            JavaMethodDescriptor desc = new JavaMethodDescriptor(method);
            DynamicMethod dynamicMethod = methodFactory.getAnnotatedMethod(this, desc);
            define(this, desc, dynamicMethod);

            return true;
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

            Method[] declaredMethods = cls.getDeclaredMethods();
            for (Method method: declaredMethods) {
                JRubyMethod anno = method.getAnnotation(JRubyMethod.class);
                if (anno == null) continue;
                JavaMethodDescriptor desc = new JavaMethodDescriptor(method);
                String name = anno.name().length == 0 ? method.getName() : anno.name()[0];
                List<JavaMethodDescriptor> methodDescs;
                Map<String, List<JavaMethodDescriptor>> methodsHash = null;
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

     * method.
     * @see org.jruby.runtime.MethodFactory#getAnnotatedMethod
    public DynamicMethod getAnnotatedMethod(RubyModule implementationClass, List<JavaMethodDescriptor> descs) {
        JavaMethodDescriptor desc1 = descs.get(0);
        String javaMethodName = desc1.name;
        if (DEBUG) out.println("Binding multiple: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);

        try {
            Class c = getAnnotatedMethodClass(descs);

            DescriptorInfo info = new DescriptorInfo(descs);
            if (DEBUG) out.println(" min: " + info.getMin() + ", max: " + info.getMax());

            JavaMethod ic = (JavaMethod)c.getConstructor(new Class[]{RubyModule.class, Visibility.class}).newInstance(new Object[]{implementationClass, desc1.anno.visibility()});

                    CallConfiguration.getCallConfig(info.isFrame(), info.isScope()),
            return ic;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            throw implementationClass.getRuntime().newLoadError(e.getMessage());
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

     * method. Return the resulting generated or loaded class.
     * @see org.jruby.runtime.MethodFactory#getAnnotatedMethod
    public Class getAnnotatedMethodClass(List<JavaMethodDescriptor> descs) throws Exception {
        JavaMethodDescriptor desc1 = descs.get(0);

        if (!Modifier.isPublic(desc1.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) {
            LOG.warn("warning: binding non-public class {}; reflected handles won't work", desc1.declaringClassName);
        String javaMethodName = desc1.name;
        if (DEBUG) {
            if (descs.size() > 1) {
                out.println("Binding multiple: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);
            } else {
                out.println("Binding single: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);
        String generatedClassName = CodegenUtils.getAnnotatedBindingClassName(javaMethodName, desc1.declaringClassName, desc1.isStatic, desc1.actualRequired, desc1.optional, descs.size() > 1, desc1.anno.frame());
        if (RubyInstanceConfig.FULL_TRACE_ENABLED) {
            // in debug mode we append _DBG to class name to force it to regenerate (or use pre-generated debug version)
            generatedClassName += "_DBG";
        String generatedClassPath = generatedClassName.replace('.', '/');

        Class c = tryClass(generatedClassName, desc1.getDeclaringClass());
        if (c == null) {
            synchronized (syncObject) {
                // try again
                c = tryClass(generatedClassName, desc1.getDeclaringClass());
                if (c == null) {
                    DescriptorInfo info = new DescriptorInfo(descs);
                    if (DEBUG) out.println("Generating " + generatedClassName + ", min: " + info.getMin() + ", max: " + info.getMax() + ", hasBlock: " + info.isBlock() + ", rest: " + info.isRest());

                    Class superClass = null;
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

     * method.
     * @see org.jruby.runtime.MethodFactory#getAnnotatedMethod
    public DynamicMethod getAnnotatedMethod(RubyModule implementationClass, List<JavaMethodDescriptor> descs) {
        JavaMethodDescriptor desc1 = descs.get(0);
        JRubyMethod anno = desc1.anno;
        String javaMethodName = desc1.name;
        if (DEBUG) out.println("Binding multiple: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);

        try {
            Class c = getAnnotatedMethodClass(descs);

            DescriptorInfo info = new DescriptorInfo(descs);
            if (DEBUG) out.println(" min: " + info.getMin() + ", max: " + info.getMax());

            JavaMethod ic = (JavaMethod)c.getConstructor(new Class[]{RubyModule.class, Visibility.class}).newInstance(new Object[]{implementationClass, desc1.anno.visibility()});

            return ic;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            throw implementationClass.getRuntime().newLoadError(e.getMessage());
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Examples of org.jruby.anno.JavaMethodDescriptor

     * method. Return the resulting generated or loaded class.
     * @see org.jruby.runtime.MethodFactory#getAnnotatedMethod
    public Class getAnnotatedMethodClass(List<JavaMethodDescriptor> descs) throws Exception {
        JavaMethodDescriptor desc1 = descs.get(0);

        if (!Modifier.isPublic(desc1.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) {
            LOG.warn("warning: binding non-public class {}; reflected handles won't work", desc1.declaringClassName);
        String javaMethodName = desc1.name;
        if (DEBUG) {
            if (descs.size() > 1) {
                out.println("Binding multiple: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);
            } else {
                out.println("Binding single: " + desc1.declaringClassName + "." + javaMethodName);
        String generatedClassName = CodegenUtils.getAnnotatedBindingClassName(javaMethodName, desc1.declaringClassName, desc1.isStatic, desc1.actualRequired, desc1.optional, descs.size() > 1, desc1.anno.frame());
        if (RubyInstanceConfig.FULL_TRACE_ENABLED) {
            // in debug mode we append _DBG to class name to force it to regenerate (or use pre-generated debug version)
            generatedClassName += "_DBG";
        String generatedClassPath = generatedClassName.replace('.', '/');

        DescriptorInfo info = new DescriptorInfo(descs);

        Class superclass = determineSuperclass(info);

        Class c = tryClass(generatedClassName, desc1.getDeclaringClass(), superclass);
        if (c == null) {
            synchronized (syncObject) {
                // try again
                c = tryClass(generatedClassName, desc1.getDeclaringClass(), superclass);
                if (c == null) {
                    if (DEBUG) out.println("Generating " + generatedClassName + ", min: " + info.getMin() + ", max: " + info.getMax() + ", hasBlock: " + info.isBlock() + ", rest: " + info.isRest());

                    String superClassString = p(superclass);
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