URI. {@linkplain java.net.URI#create create}(relativeName). {@linkplain java.net.URI#normalize normalize}(). {@linkplain java.net.URI#getPath getPath}().equals(relativeName)
All methods in this interface might throw a SecurityException.
An object of this interface is not required to support multi-threaded access, that is, be synchronized. However, it must support concurrent access to different file objects created by this object.
Implementation note: a consequence of this requirement is that a trivial implementation of output to a {@linkplain java.util.jar.JarOutputStream} is not a sufficient implementation.That is, rather than creating a JavaFileObject that returns the JarOutputStream directly, the contents must be cached until closed and then written to the JarOutputStream.
Unless explicitly allowed, all methods in this interface might throw a NullPointerException if given a {@code null} argument. @author Peter von der Ahé @author Jonathan Gibbons @see JavaFileObject @see FileObject @since 1.6