Examples of JarContent

Examples of org.netbeans.modules.jarpackager.JarContent

        // Crete an empty object output stream.
        ObjectOutputStream objectoutputstream = null;
        // Create an empty jar content.
        JarContent jarcontent =
        new JarContent();
//        // Create an empty filter.
//        REFilter refilter = null;
//        try {
//            // Create a new regular expression filter.
//            refilter =
//            new REFilter( "(\\.idl$)|(\\.urd$)|(\\.java$)|(\\.jar$)" );
//        }
//        catch( Exception exception ) {
//            // Show message.
//            TopManager.getDefault().notify(
//            new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
//            exception.toString() ) );
//        }
//        // Sets type of how regular expression should be treated.
//        refilter.setNegative( true );
//        // Set filter.
//        jarcontent.setFilter( refilter );
        // Set current list of contents of the jar.
        jarcontent.setContentList( contentmemberlist );
        // Set the manifest for the jar content.
        jarcontent.setManifest( manifest );
        // Set the manifest.
        //        jarcontent.restoreManifest(
        //        "RegistrationClassName: "
        //        + ooservicedata.getOuterClass().getName().getName() );
        // Save the manifest.
        //        jarcontent.saveManifest();
        try {
            // Create a file output stream for the jar content.
            objectoutputstream =
            new ObjectOutputStream( fileoutputstream );
            // Write the content to a system file.
            jarcontent.writeContent( ( ObjectOutput ) objectoutputstream );
        catch( IOException ioexception ) {
            // Show message.
            new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
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