For example: If this JaasAuthenticationProvider were configured in a Spring WebApplicationContext the xml to set the loginConfiguration could be as follows...
<property name="loginConfig"> <value>/WEB-INF/login.conf</value> </property>
The loginContextName should coincide with a given index in the loginConfig specifed. The loginConfig file used in the JUnit tests appears as the following...
JAASTest { required; };Using the example login configuration above, the loginContextName property would be set as JAASTest...
<property name="loginContextName"> <value>JAASTest</value> </property>
When using JAAS login modules as the authentication source, sometimes the LoginContext will require CallbackHandlers. The JaasAuthenticationProvider uses an internal CallbackHandler to wrap the {@link JaasAuthenticationCallbackHandler}s configured in the ApplicationContext. When the LoginContext calls the internal CallbackHandler, control is passed to each {@link JaasAuthenticationCallbackHandler} for each Callback passed.
{@link JaasAuthenticationCallbackHandler}s are passed to the JaasAuthenticationProvider through the {@link #setCallbackHandlers([]) callbackHandlers}property.
<property name="callbackHandlers"> <list> <bean class=""/> <bean class=" {@link JaasNameCallbackHandler}"/> <bean class=" {@link JaasPasswordCallbackHandler}"/> </list> </property>
After calling LoginContext.login(), the JaasAuthenticationProvider will retrieve the returned Principals from the Subject (LoginContext.getSubject().getPrincipals). Each returned principal is then passed to the configured {@link AuthorityGranter}s. An AuthorityGranter is a mapping between a returned Principal, and a role name. If an AuthorityGranter wishes to grant an Authorization a role, it returns that role name from it's {@link AuthorityGranter#grant(} method. The returned role will be applied to the Authorizationobject as a {@link GrantedAuthority}.
AuthorityGranters are configured in spring xml as follows...
<property name="authorityGranters"> <list> <bean class=""/> </list> </property>A configuration note: The JaasAuthenticationProvider uses the security properites "e;login.config.url.X"e; to configure jaas. If you would like to customize the way Jaas gets configured, create a subclass of this and override the {@link #configureJaas(Resource)} method. @author Ray Krueger @author Rob Winch