ProxyHandler is the java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler implementation. When a JAX-WS client calls the method on a proxy object, created by calling the ServiceDelegate.getPort(...) method, the inovke method on the ProxyHandler is called.
ProxyHandler uses EndpointInterfaceDescriptor and finds out if 1) The client call is Document Literal or Rpc Literal 2) The WSDL is wrapped or unWrapped.
ProxyHandler then reads OperationDescription using Method name called by Client From OperationDescription it does the following 1) if the wsdl isWrapped() reads RequestWrapper Class and responseWrapperClass 2) then reads the webParams for the Operation.
isWrapped() = true and DocLiteral then ProxyHandler then uses WrapperTool to create Request that is a Wrapped JAXBObject. Creates JAXBBlock using JAXBBlockFactory Creates MessageContext->Message and sets JAXBBlock to xmlPart as RequestMsgCtx in InvocationContext. Makes call to InvocationController. Reads ResponseMsgCtx ->MessageCtx->Message->XMLPart. Converts that to JAXBlock using JAXBBlockFactory and returns the BO from this JAXBBlock.
isWrapped() != true and DocLiteral then ProxyHandler creates the JAXBBlock for the input request creates a MessageContext that is then used by IbvocationController to invoke. Response is read and return object is derived using @Webresult annotation. A JAXBBlock is created from the Response and the BO from JAXBBlock is returned.