* @param name The name of the jar
* @param input The input from which to read the jar
* @return A class source pointing to the in memory jar
public static VirtualDirectoryClassSource createInMemoryJar (String repositoryName, String name, ZipInputStream input) {
IVirtualDirectory directory = getInMemoryRepository(repositoryName, true).getDirectory(name, true);
try {
ZipEntry entry = null;
do {
entry = input.getNextEntry();
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.getName().endsWith("/")) {
directory.createDirectory(new SimplePath(entry.getName()));
} else
directory.createFile(new SimplePath(entry.getName()), IOUtil.read(input, null, false));
} while (entry != null);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ThrowableManagerRegistry.caught(e);
} finally {