Package it.unimi.dsi.util

Examples of it.unimi.dsi.util.Properties

    final double lowGlobFreq = globalFrequency * ( 1 - error / 100.0 );
    final double highGlobFreq = globalFrequency * ( 1 + error / 100.0 );
    final int lowQbl= (int)Math.round(quantumBitLength * ( 1 - error / 100.0 ));
    final int highQbl = (int)Math.round( quantumBitLength* ( 1 + error / 100.0 ) );

    final Properties properties = new Properties( basename + DiskBasedIndex.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION );
    final int numberOfTerms = properties.getInt( Index.PropertyKeys.TERMS );
    final long numberOfoccurrences = properties.getLong( Index.PropertyKeys.OCCURRENCES );
    final InputBitStream globCounts = new InputBitStream( basename + DiskBasedIndex.GLOBCOUNTS_EXTENSION );
    long gc[] = new long[ numberOfTerms ];
    for( int t = 0; t < numberOfTerms; t++ ) gc[ t ] = globCounts.readLongGamma();
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  public long writtenBits() {
    return bitsForFrequencies + bitsForPointers + bitsForPayloads + bitsForCounts + bitsForPositions;

  public Properties properties() {
    Properties result = new Properties();
    result.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.DOCUMENTS, numberOfDocuments );
    result.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.TERMS, currentTerm + 1 );
    result.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.POSTINGS, numberOfPostings );
    result.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.MAXCOUNT, maxCount );
    result.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.INDEXCLASS, FileIndex.class.getName() );
    // We save all flags, except for the PAYLOAD component, which is just used internally.
    for( Map.Entry<Component,Coding> e: flags.entrySet() )
      if ( e.getKey() != Component.PAYLOADS ) result.addProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.CODING, new MutableString().append( e.getKey() ).append( ':' ).append( e.getValue() ) );
    return result;
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   * @param property an array of strings specifying properties.
   * @return a metadata map.
  public Reference2ObjectMap<Enum<?>,Object> parseProperties( final String[] property ) throws ConfigurationException {
    final Reference2ObjectArrayMap<Enum<?>,Object> metadata = new Reference2ObjectArrayMap<Enum<?>,Object>();
    Properties properties;
    int pos;
    for( int i = 0; i < property.length; i++ ) {
      if ( ( pos = property[ i ].indexOf( '=' ) ) != - 1 ) {
        properties = new Properties();
        properties.addProperty( property[ i ].substring( 0, pos ), property[ i ].substring( pos + 1 ) );
      else properties =  new Properties( property[ i ] );
      metadata.putAll( parseProperties( properties ) );;
    return metadata;
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      File f1 = new File( basename1 + ext );
      assertEquals( ext, f0.exists(), f1.exists() );
      if ( ext != SIZES_EXTENSION && f0.exists() ) assertTrue( ext, IOUtils.contentEquals( new FileInputStream( f0 ), new FileInputStream( f1 ) ) );

    Properties properties0 = new Properties( basename0 + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION );
    Properties properties1 = new Properties( basename1 + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION );
    for ( String p : excludedProperty ) {
      properties0.setProperty( p, null );
      properties1.setProperty( p, null );

    assertEquals( properties0, properties1 );
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        interleaved, quantum != 0, Math.abs( quantum ), height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    new PartitionDocumentally( basename + "-virtual", basename + "-virtual-part", DocumentalStrategies.uniform( 3, NUMBER_OF_DOCUMENTS ), basename + "-strategy", 0, 1024, flags,
        interleaved, quantum != 0, Math.abs( quantum ), height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();

    // For the text part, we need term maps to call sameIndex()
    String[] localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-text-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    for ( String index : localIndex ) BinIO.storeObject( createMap(index + TERMS_EXTENSION ), index + TERMMAP_EXTENSION );

    sameContent( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-part", new FileLinesCollection( basename + "-text" + TERMS_EXTENSION, "UTF-8" ).iterator() );

    sameContent( basename + "-int", basename + "-int-part" );
    sameContent( basename + "-date", basename + "-date-part" );

    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-virtual-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    for ( String index : localIndex )
      BinIO.storeObject( createMap( index + TERMS_EXTENSION ), index + TERMMAP_EXTENSION );

    sameContent( basename + "-virtual", basename + "-virtual-part", new FileLinesCollection( basename + "-virtual" + TERMS_EXTENSION, "UTF-8" ).iterator() );

    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-text-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    new Concatenate( basename + "-text-merged", localIndex, false, 1024, flags, interleaved, quantum != 0, quantum, height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    if ( quantum >= 0 ) sameIndex( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged", "batches", flags.containsKey( Component.COUNTS ) ? "" : "occurrences" );
    sameContent( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged" );

    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-int-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    new Concatenate( basename + "-int-merged", localIndex, false, 1024, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_INDEX, interleaved, quantum != 0, quantum, height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    if ( quantum >= 0 ) sameIndex( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged", "batches", flags.containsKey( Component.COUNTS ) ? "" : "occurrences" );
    sameContent( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged" );

    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-date-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    new Concatenate( basename + "-date-merged", localIndex, false, 1024, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_INDEX, interleaved, quantum != 0, quantum, height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    if ( quantum >= 0 ) sameIndex( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged", "batches", flags.containsKey( Component.COUNTS ) ? "" : "occurrences" );
    sameContent( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged" );

    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-virtual-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    new Concatenate( basename + "-virtual-merged", localIndex, false, 1024, flags, interleaved, quantum != 0, quantum, height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    if ( quantum >= 0 ) sameIndex( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged", "batches", flags.containsKey( Component.COUNTS ) ? "" : "occurrences" );
    sameContent( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged" );
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    new PartitionDocumentally( basename + "-date", basename + "-date-part", modulo3, basename + "-strategy", 0, 1024, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_INDEX, interleaved, quantum != 0, Math.abs( quantum ), height,
        1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    new PartitionDocumentally( basename + "-virtual", basename + "-virtual-part", modulo3, basename + "-strategy", 0, 1024, flags, interleaved, quantum != 0, Math.abs( quantum ), height,
        1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();

    String[] localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-text-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    for ( String index : localIndex )
      BinIO.storeObject( createMap( index + TERMS_EXTENSION ), index + TERMMAP_EXTENSION );
    sameContent( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-part", new FileLinesCollection( basename + "-text" + TERMS_EXTENSION, "UTF-8" ).iterator() );

    sameContent( basename + "-int", basename + "-int-part" );
    sameContent( basename + "-date", basename + "-date-part" );

    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-virtual-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    for ( String index : localIndex )
      BinIO.storeObject( createMap( index + TERMS_EXTENSION ), index + TERMMAP_EXTENSION );
    sameContent( basename + "-virtual", basename + "-virtual-part", new FileLinesCollection( basename + "-virtual" + TERMS_EXTENSION, "UTF-8" ).iterator() );

    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-text-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );

    new Merge( basename + "-text-merged", localIndex, false, 1024, flags, interleaved, quantum != 0, quantum, height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    if ( ! interleaved && quantum >= 0 ) sameIndex( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged", "batches" );
    else sameContent( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-merged" );
    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-int-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    new Merge( basename + "-int-merged", localIndex, false, 1024, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_INDEX, interleaved, quantum != 0, quantum, height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    if ( ! interleaved && quantum >= 0 ) sameIndex( basename + "-int", basename + "-int-merged", "batches" );
    else sameContent( basename + "-int", basename + "-int-merged" );
    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-date-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    new Merge( basename + "-date-merged", localIndex, false, 1024, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_INDEX, interleaved, quantum != 0, quantum, height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    if ( ! interleaved && quantum >= 0 ) sameIndex( basename + "-date", basename + "-date-merged", "batches" );
    else sameContent( basename + "-date", basename + "-date-merged" );
    localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-virtual-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    new Merge( basename + "-virtual-merged", localIndex, false, 1024, flags, interleaved, quantum != 0, quantum, height, 1024 * 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    if ( ! interleaved && quantum >= 0 ) sameIndex( basename + "-virtual", basename + "-virtual-merged", "batches" );
    else sameContent( basename + "-virtual", basename + "-virtual-merged" );
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    BinIO.storeObject( uniform, basename + "-strategy" );

    new PartitionLexically( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-part", uniform, basename + "-strategy", 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();
    new PartitionLexically( basename + "-virtual", basename + "-virtual-part", uniform, basename + "-strategy", 1024, DEFAULT_LOG_INTERVAL ).run();

    String[] localIndex = new Properties( basename + "-text-part" + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
    for ( String index : localIndex )
      BinIO.storeObject( createMap( index + TERMS_EXTENSION ), index + TERMMAP_EXTENSION );
    sameContent( basename + "-text", basename + "-text-part", new FileLinesCollection( basename + "-text" + TERMS_EXTENSION, "UTF-8" ).iterator() );
    sameContent( basename + "-virtual", basename + "-virtual-part" );
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        String docType = conf.format;
        File metadataFile = new File(output.getAbsolutePath() + ".metadata");

        switch (docType) {
            case "trec":
                Properties properties = new Properties();
                properties.setProperty(PropertyBasedDocumentFactory.MetadataKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
                final TRECDocumentFactory documentFactory = new TRECDocumentFactory(properties);

                collection = new TRECDocumentCollection(files,
                            documentFactory, SegmentedDocumentCollection.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, compression, metadataFile);
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Related Classes of it.unimi.dsi.util.Properties

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