
Examples of

      SbiDomains engineTypeDom = (SbiDomains)session.load(SbiDomains.class, engine.getEngineTypeId());
      hibEngine.setUseDataSource(new Boolean(engine.getUseDataSource()));
      if (engine.getUseDataSource() && engine.getDataSourceId() != null) {
        SbiDataSource ds = (SbiDataSource) session.load(SbiDataSource.class, engine.getDataSourceId());
      hibEngine.setUseDataSet(new Boolean(engine.getUseDataSet()));;
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      Integer visFlagIn = biobj.getVisible();
      Short visFlagSh = new Short(visFlagIn.toString());
      Integer dataSourceId = biobj.getDataSourceId();
      if (dataSourceId != null) {
        SbiDataSource ds = (SbiDataSource) session.load(SbiDataSource.class, dataSourceId);
      Integer dataSetId = biobj.getDataSetId();

      if (dataSetId != null) {
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      if(!assDsIds.equals("")) {
        metaAss.insertCoupleDataSources(new Integer(expDsIdStr), new Integer(assDsIds));
        Object existingDSObj = impManager.getExistingObject(new Integer(assDsIds), SbiDataSource.class);
        Object exportedDSObj = impManager.getExportedObject(new Integer(expDsIdStr), SbiDataSource.class);
        if (existingDSObj != null && exportedDSObj != null) {
          SbiDataSource existingDataSource = (SbiDataSource)existingDSObj;
          SbiDataSource exportedDataSource = (SbiDataSource)exportedDSObj;
          impManager.getUserAssociation().recordDataSourceAssociation(exportedDataSource.getLabel(), existingDataSource.getLabel());
          impManager.getUserAssociation().recordDataSourceAssociation(Integer.valueOf(exportedDataSource.getDsId()), Integer.valueOf(existingDataSource.getDsId()));
//      else {
//        logger.error("Exported data source " +expConnName+" is not associated to a current " +
//                              "system data source");
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      return hibDs;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiDataSource) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiDataSource ds where ds.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiDataSource hibDs = (SbiDataSource) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibDs;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiGeoMaps) {
      String name = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiGeoMaps where name = '" + name + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
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            sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains());
        if (existBiobjectTypeDomain != null) {
        // check datasource link
        SbiDataSource expDs = engine.getDataSource();
        if (expDs != null) {
          Integer dsId = (Integer) metaAss.getDataSourceIDAssociation().get(new Integer(expDs.getDsId()));
          SbiDataSource localDS = (SbiDataSource) sessionCurrDB.load(SbiDataSource.class, dsId);
        metaLog.log("Inserted new engine " + engine.getName());
        Integer newId = newEng.getEngineId();
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  private void importDataSource(boolean overwrite) throws EMFUserError {
    SbiDataSource dataSource = null;
    try {
      List exportedDS = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiDataSource", null);
      Iterator iterSbiDataSource = exportedDS.iterator();

      while (iterSbiDataSource.hasNext()) {
        dataSource = (SbiDataSource);
        Integer oldId = new Integer(dataSource.getDsId());
        Integer existingDatasourceId = null;
        Map dsIdAss = metaAss.getDataSourceIDAssociation();
        Set engIdAssSet = dsIdAss.keySet();
        if (engIdAssSet.contains(oldId) && !overwrite) {
          metaLog.log("Exported dataSource " + dataSource.getLabel() + " not inserted"
              + " because exist dataSource with the same label ");
        } else {
          existingDatasourceId = (Integer) dsIdAss.get(oldId);

        // if association made by user do not update!
          if (existingDatasourceId != null) {
  "The data source with label:[" + dataSource.getLabel() + "] is just present. It will be updated.");
            metaLog.log("The data source with label = [" + dataSource.getLabel() + "] will be updated.");
            SbiDataSource existingDs = ImportUtilities.modifyExistingSbiDataSource(dataSource, sessionCurrDB, existingDatasourceId);
            ImportUtilities.associateWithExistingEntities(existingDs, dataSource, sessionCurrDB, importer, metaAss);
          } else {
            SbiDataSource newDS = ImportUtilities.makeNewSbiDataSource(dataSource);
            ImportUtilities.associateWithExistingEntities(newDS, dataSource, sessionCurrDB, importer, metaAss);
            Integer newId = (Integer);
            metaLog.log("Inserted new datasource " + newDS.getLabel());
            metaAss.insertCoupleDataSources(oldId, newId);
          metaLog.log("Not inserted data source with ID " + oldId);         
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    List datasources = new ArrayList();
    try {
      List exportedDS = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiDataSource", null);
      Iterator iterSbiDataSource = exportedDS.iterator();
      while (iterSbiDataSource.hasNext()) {
        SbiDataSource dataSource = (SbiDataSource);
        DataSource ds = new DataSource();
    } finally {
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      SbiEngines hibEngine = (SbiEngines) aSession.load(SbiEngines.class,  biObject.getEngine().getId());
      SbiDataSource dSource = null;
      if (biObject.getDataSourceId() != null) {
        dSource = (SbiDataSource) aSession.load(SbiDataSource.class, biObject.getDataSourceId());
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      SbiDomains hibObjectType = (SbiDomains) aSession.load(SbiDomains.class, obj.getBiObjectTypeID());
      SbiDataSource dSource = null;
      if (obj.getDataSourceId() != null) {
        dSource = (SbiDataSource) aSession.load(SbiDataSource.class, obj.getDataSourceId());
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    List exportedDs = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiDataSource", null);
    Iterator iterSbiDs = exportedDs.iterator();
    while (iterSbiDs.hasNext()) {
      SbiDataSource dsExp = (SbiDataSource);
      String label = dsExp.getLabel();
      if(metaAss.getDataSourceIDAssociation()!=null && metaAss.getDataSourceIDAssociation().get(dsExp.getDsId())==null){
        Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDataSource());
        if (existObj != null) {
          SbiDataSource dsCurr = (SbiDataSource) existObj;
          metaAss.insertCoupleDataSources(new Integer(dsExp.getDsId()), new Integer(dsCurr.getDsId()));
          metaLog.log("Found an existing data source " + dsCurr.getLabel() + " with "
              + "the same label of one exported data source");
        metaLog.log("User already defined association  for datasource with label" + dsExp.getLabel());       
    List exportedDataset = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiDataSetConfig", null);
    Iterator iterSbiDataset = exportedDataset.iterator();
    while (iterSbiDataset.hasNext()) {
      SbiDataSetConfig dsExp = (SbiDataSetConfig);
      String label = dsExp.getLabel();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiDataSetConfig());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiDataSetConfig dsCurr = (SbiDataSetConfig) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleDataSets(new Integer(dsExp.getDsId()), new Integer(dsCurr.getDsId()));
        metaLog.log("Found an existing dataset " + dsCurr.getLabel() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported dataset");

    List exportedThreshold = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiThreshold", null);
    Iterator iterSbiTh = exportedThreshold.iterator();
    while (iterSbiTh.hasNext()) {
      SbiThreshold dsExp = (SbiThreshold);
      String code = dsExp.getCode();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(code, sessionCurrDB, new SbiThreshold());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiThreshold dsCurr = (SbiThreshold) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleThreshold(new Integer(dsExp.getThresholdId()), new Integer(dsCurr.getThresholdId()));
        metaLog.log("Found an existing threshold " + dsCurr.getCode() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported Threshold");

    List exportedThresholdValues = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiThresholdValue", null);
    Iterator iterSbiThValue = exportedThresholdValues.iterator();
    while (iterSbiThValue.hasNext()) {
      SbiThresholdValue dsExp = (SbiThresholdValue);
      String label = dsExp.getLabel();
      Integer oldThresholdId=dsExp.getSbiThreshold().getThresholdId();
      Map map=metaAss.getTresholdIDAssociation();
      Object newThresholdIdOb=(Object)map.get(oldThresholdId);
      String newThresholdId=null;

      Object existObj = importer.checkExistenceThresholdValue(label, newThresholdId ,sessionCurrDB, new SbiThresholdValue());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiThresholdValue dsCurr = (SbiThresholdValue) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleThresholdValue(new Integer(dsExp.getIdThresholdValue()), new Integer(dsCurr.getIdThresholdValue()));
        metaLog.log("Found an existing thresholdValue " + dsCurr.getLabel() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported ThresholdValue");

    List exportedKpi = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpi", null);
    Iterator iterSbiKpi = exportedKpi.iterator();
    while (iterSbiKpi.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpi dsExp = (SbiKpi);
      String label = dsExp.getCode();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpi());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpi dsCurr = (SbiKpi) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleKpi(new Integer(dsExp.getKpiId()), new Integer(dsCurr.getKpiId()));
        metaLog.log("Found an existing kpi " + dsCurr.getCode() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported kpi");

    List exportedModel = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiModel", null);
    Iterator iterSbiModel = exportedModel.iterator();
    while (iterSbiModel.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiModel dsExp = (SbiKpiModel);
      String label = dsExp.getKpiModelLabel();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiModel());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpiModel dsCurr = (SbiKpiModel) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleModel(new Integer(dsExp.getKpiModelId()), new Integer(dsCurr.getKpiModelId()));
        metaLog.log("Found an existing model " + dsCurr.getKpiModelLabel() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported model");

    List exportedModelInst = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiModelInst", null);
    Iterator iterSbiModelInst = exportedModelInst.iterator();
    while (iterSbiModelInst.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiModelInst dsExp = (SbiKpiModelInst);
      String label = dsExp.getLabel();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiModelInst());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpiModelInst dsCurr = (SbiKpiModelInst) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleModelInstance(new Integer(dsExp.getKpiModelInst()), new Integer(dsCurr.getKpiModelInst()));
        metaLog.log("Found an existing model instance" + dsCurr.getLabel() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported model instance");

    // Kpi Instance 
    // for each model instance get the kpi instance id; then take the kpiInstance of the corresponding model instance; map them

    List exportedModelInst2 = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiModelInst", null);
    Iterator iterSbiModelInst2 = exportedModelInst.iterator();
    while (iterSbiModelInst2.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiModelInst dsExp = (SbiKpiModelInst);


        Integer idKpiInstance = dsExp.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance();
        String label = dsExp.getLabel();

        Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiModelInst());
        if (existObj != null) {
          SbiKpiModelInst dsCurr = (SbiKpiModelInst) existObj;
            Integer correspondingIdKpiInstance=dsCurr.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance();
            metaAss.insertCoupleKpiInstance(idKpiInstance, correspondingIdKpiInstance);
            metaLog.log("Found an existing kpi instance that, as one of the exported kpi instances, is referred by model instance " + dsCurr.getLabel());

    // Resource

    List exportedResource = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiResources", null);
    Iterator iterSbiResources = exportedResource.iterator();
    while (iterSbiResources.hasNext()) {
      SbiResources dsExp = (SbiResources);
      String code = dsExp.getResourceCode();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(code, sessionCurrDB, new SbiResources());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiResources dsCurr = (SbiResources) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleResources(dsExp.getResourceId(), dsCurr.getResourceId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing resource code " + dsCurr.getResourceCode() + " with "
            + "the same code of one exported resource");

    // Model Resources

    List exportedModResource = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiModelResources", null);
    Iterator iterSbiModResources = exportedModResource.iterator();
    while (iterSbiModResources.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiModelResources dsExp = (SbiKpiModelResources);
      String resourceCode = dsExp.getSbiResources().getResourceCode();
      String modelInstLabel=dsExp.getSbiKpiModelInst().getLabel();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistenceModelResource(modelInstLabel,resourceCode, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiModelResources());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpiModelResources dsCurr = (SbiKpiModelResources) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleModelResources(dsExp.getKpiModelResourcesId(), dsCurr.getKpiModelResourcesId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing model resource, with id "+dsCurr.getKpiModelResourcesId()+", referring to resource with name "+ dsCurr.getSbiResources().getResourceName() + " and model instance with label "+dsCurr.getSbiKpiModelInst().getLabel() +" ");

    // Periodicity

    List exportedPeriodicity = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiPeriodicity", null);
    Iterator iterSbiPeriodicity = exportedPeriodicity.iterator();
    while (iterSbiPeriodicity.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiPeriodicity dsPer = (SbiKpiPeriodicity);
      String name = dsPer.getName();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(name, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiPeriodicity());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpiPeriodicity dsCurr = (SbiKpiPeriodicity) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCouplePeriodicity(dsPer.getIdKpiPeriodicity(), dsCurr.getIdKpiPeriodicity());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing periodicity " + dsCurr.getName() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported periodicity");

    // kpi Instance Period

    List exportedKpiInstPeriod = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiInstPeriod", null);
    Iterator iterSbiKpiInstPeriod = exportedKpiInstPeriod.iterator();
    while (iterSbiKpiInstPeriod.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiInstPeriod dsInstPer = (SbiKpiInstPeriod);
      String periodicityName=dsInstPer.getSbiKpiPeriodicity().getName();
      SbiKpiInstance kpiInst=dsInstPer.getSbiKpiInstance();
      Map kpiInstanceIDMap=metaAss.getKpiInstanceIDAssociation();

      Integer newKpiInstanceId=null;
      Object newKpiInstanceIdO=kpiInstanceIDMap.get(kpiInst.getIdKpiInstance());
      Object existObj = null;
        existObj=importer.checkExistenceKpiInstPeriod(newKpiInstanceId,periodicityName, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiModelResources());

      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpiInstPeriod dsCurr = (SbiKpiInstPeriod) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleKpiInstPeriod(dsInstPer.getKpiInstPeriodId(), dsCurr.getKpiInstPeriodId());
        metaLog.log("Found a kpiInstPeriod, with id "+dsCurr.getKpiInstPeriodId()+" referring to periodicity " + dsCurr.getSbiKpiPeriodicity().getName() + " and kpi instance with id "+dsCurr.getSbiKpiInstance().getIdKpiInstance());     

    List exportedDomains = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiDomains", null);
    Iterator iterSbiDomains = exportedDomains.iterator();
    while (iterSbiDomains.hasNext()) {
      SbiDomains dsExp = (SbiDomains);
      String label = dsExp.getValueCd();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistenceDomain(label, dsExp.getDomainCd(), sessionCurrDB, new SbiDomains());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiDomains dsCurr = (SbiDomains) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleDomain(new Integer(dsExp.getValueId()), new Integer(dsCurr.getValueId()));
        metaLog.log("Found an existing domain" + dsCurr.getValueCd() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported domain");

    // Alarm

    List exportedAlarms = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiAlarm", null);
    Iterator iterSbiAlarm = exportedAlarms.iterator();
    while (iterSbiAlarm.hasNext()) {
      SbiAlarm dsExp = (SbiAlarm);
      String label = dsExp.getLabel();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiAlarm());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiAlarm dsCurr = (SbiAlarm) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleAlarm(dsExp.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing alarm " + dsCurr.getLabel() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported alarm");

    // Alarm Contact

    List exportedAlarmContacts = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiAlarmContact", null);
    Iterator iterSbiAlarmContacts = exportedAlarmContacts.iterator();
    while (iterSbiAlarmContacts.hasNext()) {
      SbiAlarmContact dsExp = (SbiAlarmContact);
      String name = dsExp.getName();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(name, sessionCurrDB, new SbiAlarmContact());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiAlarmContact dsCurr = (SbiAlarmContact) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleAlarmContact(dsExp.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing alarm contact " + dsCurr.getName() + " with "
            + "the same name of one exported alarm contact");

    // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues
    List exportedKpiModelAttrs = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiModelAttr", null);
    Iterator iterSbiKpiModelAttr = exportedKpiModelAttrs.iterator();
    while (iterSbiKpiModelAttr.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiModelAttr attrExp = (SbiKpiModelAttr);
      SbiDomains sbiDomain  = attrExp.getSbiDomains();
      String kpiModelAttrCd  = attrExp.getKpiModelAttrCd();
      // get new sbi Domain ID
      Integer newIdDomain = (Integer)metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation().get(sbiDomain.getValueId());
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistenceKpiModelAttr(newIdDomain, kpiModelAttrCd, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiModelAttr());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpiModelAttr attrCurr = (SbiKpiModelAttr) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleSbiKpiModelAttrID(attrExp.getKpiModelAttrId(), attrCurr.getKpiModelAttrId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing model attr with code " + attrCurr.getKpiModelAttrCd() + " " +
            " and referring to domain "+ sbiDomain.getDomainCd()+" - "+ sbiDomain.getValueCd() +" with "
            + "the same name of one exported kpi model attr");

    // Model Attr Val

    List exportedKpiModelAttrVals = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiModelAttrVal", null);
    Iterator iterSbiKpiModelAttrVal = exportedKpiModelAttrVals.iterator();
    while (iterSbiKpiModelAttrVal.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiModelAttrVal attrValExp = (SbiKpiModelAttrVal);
      Integer kpiModelId = attrValExp.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelId();
      Integer kpiModelAttrId = attrValExp.getSbiKpiModelAttr().getKpiModelAttrId();

      // get the new Ids
      Integer newModelId = (Integer)metaAss.getModelIDAssociation().get(kpiModelId);
      Integer newModelAttrId = (Integer)metaAss.getSbiKpiModelAttrIDAssociation().get(kpiModelAttrId);

      // get new sbi Domain ID
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistenceKpiModelAttrVal(newModelAttrId, newModelId, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiModelAttrVal());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpiModelAttrVal attrValCurr = (SbiKpiModelAttrVal) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleSbiKpiModelAttrValID(attrValExp.getKpiModelAttrValId(), attrValCurr.getKpiModelAttrValId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing model attribute value referring to model" + attrValCurr.getSbiKpiModel().getKpiModelNm()+ " " +
            " and referring to attribute "+ attrValCurr.getSbiKpiModelAttr().getKpiModelAttrCd()+" with "
            + "the same name of one exported kpi model attr");

    logger.debug("check existence of Object MetaContent, only for Objects!");
    List exportedMetaContent = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiObjMetacontents", null);
    Iterator iterSbiModMetaContent = exportedMetaContent.iterator();
    while (iterSbiModMetaContent.hasNext()) {
      SbiObjMetacontents contExp = (SbiObjMetacontents);
      String objectLabel = contExp.getSbiObjects().getLabel();
      // metacontent referring to subobjects not referred here because of a previous structure
      if( contExp.getSbiSubObjects() != null ){
        //        SbiSubObjects sub = contExp.getSbiSubObjects();
        //        subObjectName = sub.getName();
      Integer objMetaId = contExp.getObjmetaId();

      // I want metadata label
      String metaLabel = exportedMetadatasMap.get(objMetaId.toString());

      Object existObj = importer.checkExistenceObjMetacontent(objectLabel,metaLabel, sessionCurrDB, new SbiObjMetacontents());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiObjMetacontents contCurr = (SbiObjMetacontents) existObj;
        //metaAss.insertCoupleObjMeIDAssociation(metaExp.getKpiModelResourcesId(), metaCurr.getKpiModelResourcesId());       
        metaAss.insertCoupleObjMetacontentsIDAssociation(contExp.getObjMetacontentId(), contCurr.getObjMetacontentId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing metacontents with id " + contCurr.getObjMetacontentId()+ "" +
            "referring to the same object label "+contCurr.getSbiObjects().getLabel()+", " +
            "referring to meta with id "+ contCurr.getObjmetaId()
    // Kpi Relations
    List exportedKpiRelList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiKpiRel", null);
    Iterator iterKpiRel = exportedKpiRelList.iterator();
    while (iterKpiRel.hasNext()) {
      SbiKpiRel kpirel = (SbiKpiRel);
      // check if the association already exist
      Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
      Map kpiAss = metaAss.getKpiIDAssociation();
      if(kpirel.getSbiKpiByKpiFatherId() != null){
        Integer newFatherId = (Integer)kpiAss.get(kpirel.getSbiKpiByKpiFatherId().getKpiId());
        uniqueMap.put("fatherId", newFatherId);
        if(kpirel.getSbiKpiByKpiChildId()!= null){
          Integer newChildId = (Integer)kpiAss.get(kpirel.getSbiKpiByKpiChildId().getKpiId());
          uniqueMap.put("childId", newChildId);
          uniqueMap.put("parameter", kpirel.getParameter());
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiKpiRel());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiKpiRel dsCurr = (SbiKpiRel) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleKpiRelAssociation(kpirel.getKpiRelId(), dsCurr.getKpiRelId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing kpi Relation");
    // Udp

    List exportedUdpList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiUdp", null);
    Iterator iterUdp = exportedUdpList.iterator();
    while (iterUdp.hasNext()) {
      SbiUdp udp = (SbiUdp);

      //logical unique key but table just looks for label
/*      Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
      Map doaminAss = metaAss.getDomainIDAssociation();
      Integer newTypeId = (Integer)doaminAss.get(udp.getTypeId());
      uniqueMap.put("typeId", newTypeId);
      Integer newFamilyId = (Integer)doaminAss.get(udp.getFamilyId());
      uniqueMap.put("familyId", newFamilyId);
      uniqueMap.put("label", udp.getLabel());
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiUdp());*/
      String label = udp.getLabel();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiUdp());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiUdp dsCurr = (SbiUdp) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleUdpAssociation(udp.getUdpId(), dsCurr.getUdpId());
        metaLog.log("Exported association between type id " + udp.getTypeId() + " "
            + " and family id " + udp.getFamilyId() + " with label "
            + udp.getLabel() + " not inserted"
            + " because already existing into the current database");
    // Udp Value

    List exportedUdpValList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiUdpValue", null);
    Iterator iterUdpVal = exportedUdpValList.iterator();
    while (iterUdpVal.hasNext()) {
      SbiUdpValue udpVal = (SbiUdpValue);
      // check if the association already exist
      Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
      Map kpiAss = metaAss.getKpiIDAssociation();
      Map modelAss = metaAss.getModelIDAssociation();
      Map udpAss = metaAss.getUdpAssociation();
      if(udpVal.getSbiUdp() != null){
        Integer newUdpId = (Integer)udpAss.get(udpVal.getSbiUdp().getUdpId());
        uniqueMap.put("udpId", newUdpId);
        Integer newRefId = null;
          newRefId = (Integer)kpiAss.get(udpVal.getReferenceId());
          newRefId = (Integer)modelAss.get(udpVal.getReferenceId());
        uniqueMap.put("referenceId", newRefId);
        uniqueMap.put("family", udpVal.getFamily());
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiUdpValue());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiUdpValue dsCurr = (SbiUdpValue) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleUdpValueAssociation(udpVal.getUdpValueId(), dsCurr.getUdpValueId());
        metaLog.log("Exported association udp value between udp with label " + udpVal.getSbiUdp().getLabel() + " "
            + " and family " + udpVal.getFamily() + " with reference id "
            +  udpVal.getReferenceId() + " not inserted"
            + " because already existing into the current database");
    // OU  SbiOrgUnit
    List exportedSbiOrgUnitList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnit", null);
    Iterator iterOUVal = exportedSbiOrgUnitList.iterator();
    while (iterOUVal.hasNext()) {
      SbiOrgUnit ouVal = (SbiOrgUnit);
      Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
      String label = ouVal.getLabel();
      String name = ouVal.getName();
      uniqueMap.put("label", label);
      uniqueMap.put("name", name);
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnit());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiOrgUnit dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnit) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuAssociation(ouVal.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing ou " + dsCurr.getName() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported ou");
    }// OU hierarchy SbiOrgUnitHierarchies
    List exportedSbiOuHierList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnitHierarchies", null);
    Iterator iterOUHierVal = exportedSbiOuHierList.iterator();
    while (iterOUHierVal.hasNext()) {
      SbiOrgUnitHierarchies ouHierVal = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies);
      // check if the association already exist
      Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
      String label = ouHierVal.getLabel();
      String company = ouHierVal.getCompany();
      uniqueMap.put("label", label);
      uniqueMap.put("company", company);
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitHierarchies());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiOrgUnitHierarchies dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuHierarchyAssociation(ouHierVal.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing ou hierarchy " + dsCurr.getName() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported ou hierarchy");
      String label = ouHierVal.getLabel();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitHierarchies());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiOrgUnitHierarchies dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuHierarchyAssociation(ouHierVal.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing ou hierarchy " + dsCurr.getName() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported ou hierarchy");
    }// OU node  SbiOrgUnitNodes
    List exportedSbiOrgUnitNodeList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnitNodes", null);
    Iterator iterOUNodeVal = exportedSbiOrgUnitNodeList.iterator();
    while (iterOUNodeVal.hasNext()) {
      SbiOrgUnitNodes ouVal = (SbiOrgUnitNodes);
      // check if the association already exist
      Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();
      Map ouAss = metaAss.getOuAssociation();
      Map hierAss = metaAss.getOuHierarchiesAssociation();
      if(ouVal.getSbiOrgUnit() != null){
        Integer newOuId = (Integer)ouAss.get(ouVal.getSbiOrgUnit().getId());
        uniqueMap.put("ouId", newOuId);
        Integer newHierId = (Integer)hierAss.get(ouVal.getSbiOrgUnitHierarchies().getId());
        uniqueMap.put("hierarchyId", newHierId);
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitNodes());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiOrgUnitNodes dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuNodeAssociation(ouVal.getNodeId(), dsCurr.getNodeId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing ou node " + dsCurr.getNodeId() + " with "
            + "the same organizational unit and hierarchy of one exported ou node");
    }// OU grants  SbiOrgUnitGrant
    List exportedSbiOUGrantList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnitGrant", null);
    Iterator iterOUGrantVal = exportedSbiOUGrantList.iterator();
    while (iterOUGrantVal.hasNext()) {
      SbiOrgUnitGrant ouGrantVal = (SbiOrgUnitGrant);
      String label = ouGrantVal.getLabel();
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(label, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitGrant());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiOrgUnitGrant dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuGrantAssociation(ouGrantVal.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing ou grant " + dsCurr.getId() + " with "
            + "the same label of one exported ou grant");
    }// OU grant nodes  SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes
    List exportedSbiOUGrantNodeList = importer.getAllExportedSbiObjects(sessionExpDB, "SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes", null);
    Iterator iterOUGrantNodesVal = exportedSbiOUGrantNodeList.iterator();
    while (iterOUGrantNodesVal.hasNext()) {
      SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes ouGrantNode = (SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes);
      Map uniqueMap = new HashMap();   
      Map nodeAss = metaAss.getOuNodeAssociation();
      Map miAss = metaAss.getModelInstanceIDAssociation();
      Map grantAss = metaAss.getOuGrantAssociation();
      if(ouGrantNode.getId() != null){
        Integer newGrantId = (Integer)grantAss.get(ouGrantNode.getId().getGrantId());
        uniqueMap.put("grantId", newGrantId );
        Integer newNodeId = (Integer)nodeAss.get(ouGrantNode.getId().getNodeId());
        uniqueMap.put("nodeId", newNodeId);
        Integer newMiId = (Integer)miAss.get(ouGrantNode.getId().getKpiModelInstNodeId());
        uniqueMap.put("modelInstId", newMiId);
      Object existObj = importer.checkExistence(uniqueMap, sessionCurrDB, new SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes());
      if (existObj != null) {
        SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes dsCurr = (SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes) existObj;
        metaAss.insertCoupleIdOuGrantNodesAssociation(ouGrantNode.getId(), dsCurr.getId());
        metaLog.log("Found an existing ou grant node with grant id " + dsCurr.getId().getGrantId() + " with "
            + "the same id of one exported ou grant node");
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