logger.warn("parameterId is null");
Integer parId = new Integer(parIdStr);
// check if the parameter use is manual input
IParameterUseDAO parusedao = DAOFactory.getParameterUseDAO();
ParameterUse paruse = parusedao.loadByParameterIdandRole(parId, roleName);
//check if the parameter is a list or a check list
String selectionType = paruse.getSelectionType();
if (selectionType!= null && selectionType.equals("CHECK_LIST"))isChecklist = true;
Integer manInp = paruse.getManualInput();
if (manInp.intValue() == 1) {
String message = PortletUtilities.getMessage("scheduler.fillparmanually", "component_scheduler_messages");
response.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MESSAGE_INFO, message);
} else {
list = loadList(request, response, parId, roleName);