Query hibQueryPersonalFolder = aSession.createQuery("select f from SbiFunctions f where f.path like ? ");
hibQueryPersonalFolder.setString(0, "/"+username);
List hibListPersF = hibQueryPersonalFolder.list();
Iterator it = hibListPersF.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SbiFunctions tmpFunc = (SbiFunctions) it.next();
realResult.add(toLowFunctionality(tmpFunc, recoverBIObjects));
} else{
hibQuery = aSession.createQuery("select sfr.id.function from SbiFuncRole sfr where "
+ "sfr.id.function.functTypeCd = 'LOW_FUNCT' and sfr.id.function.parentFunct.functId = ? "
+ "and sfr.stateCd = ? and sfr.id.role.name in (:roles) "
+ "order by sfr.id.function.parentFunct.functId, sfr.id.function.prog");
hibQuery.setInteger(0, tmpParentId.intValue());
hibQuery.setParameterList("roles", roles);
List hibList = hibQuery.list();
Iterator it = hibList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SbiFunctions tmpFunc = (SbiFunctions) it.next();
realResult.add(toLowFunctionality(tmpFunc, recoverBIObjects));
} catch (HibernateException he) {
logger.error( "HibernateException",he );