An object implementing this interface and registered is executed to receive and process ItsNat servlet requests usually when a new page is being loaded.
This interface is the ItsNat version of the Servlet.service(ServletRequest,ServletResponse)
version. When a client request is received the ItsNat servlet converts and routes this request to the registered ItsNatServletRequestListener objects invoking {@link #processRequest(ItsNatServletRequest,ItsNatServletResponse)}, usually this request is a page load request. This method is not called for events.
A request listener is registered usually calling {@link org.itsnat.core.tmpl.ItsNatDocumentTemplate#addItsNatServletRequestListener(ItsNatServletRequestListener)}and optionally calling {@link org.itsnat.core.ItsNatServlet#addItsNatServletRequestListener(ItsNatServletRequestListener)}(for uses like filtering etc).
Another different use is as ItsNat referrer request listener if registered with {@link org.itsnat.core.ItsNatDocument#addReferrerItsNatServletRequestListener(ItsNatServletRequestListener)}. In this case the listener is called when the framework loads a new target document and the referrer document (the document where the listener was registered) is being unloaded and before the target request listeners are executed (referrer push). Request and response objects are the same objects being sent to the normal target request listeners, target document may be modified, new request attributes may be added etc before ItsNat delegates to the normal target loading process.
@author Jose Maria Arranz Santamaria