if (elDesc != null) {
strDesc = elDesc.getTextTrim();
// generate new RSS item (link to article)
ItemIF rssItem = cBuilder.createItem(item, chnl, strTitle, strDesc,
// get subject element
Element elSubject = item.getChild("subject", defNS);
if (elSubject == null) {
// fallback mechanism: get dc:subject element
elSubject = item.getChild("subject", dcNS);
if (elSubject != null) {
// get category list
// get list of <category> elements
List listCategory = item.getChildren("category", defNS);
if (listCategory.size() < 1) {
// fallback mechanism: get dc:category element
listCategory = item.getChildren("category", dcNS);
if (listCategory.size() > 0) {
RecursiveHashtable<String> catTable = new RecursiveHashtable<String>();
// for each category, parse hierarchy
Iterator itCat = listCategory.iterator();
while (itCat.hasNext()) {
RecursiveHashtable<String> currTable = catTable;
Element elCategory = (Element) itCat.next();
// get contents of category element
String[] titles = elCategory.getTextNormalize().split("/");
for (int x = 0; x < titles.length; x++) {
// tokenize category string to extract out hierarchy
if (currTable.containsKey(titles[x]) == false) {
// if token does not exist in current map, add it with child Hashtable
currTable.put(titles[x], new RecursiveHashtable<String>());
// reset current Hashtable to child's Hashtable then iterate to next token
currTable = currTable.get(titles[x]);
ArrayList<CategoryIF> catList = new ArrayList<CategoryIF>();
// transform cat list & hierarchy into list of CategoryIF elements
Enumeration<String> enumCategories = catTable.keys();
while (enumCategories.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = enumCategories.nextElement();
// build category list: getCategoryList(parent, title, children)
CategoryIF cat = getCategoryList(null, key, catTable.get(key));
if (catList.size() > 0) {
// if categories were actually created, then add list to item node
// get publication date
Element elDate = item.getChild("pubDate", defNS);
if (elDate == null) {
// fallback mechanism: get dc:date element
elDate = item.getChild("date", dcNS);
if (elDate != null) {
// get Author element
Element elAuthor = item.getChild("author", defNS);
if (elAuthor == null) {
// fallback mechanism: get dc:creator element
elAuthor = item.getChild("creator", dcNS);
if (elAuthor != null)
// get Comments element
Element elComments = item.getChild("comments", defNS);
String strComments = "";
if (elComments != null) {
strComments = elComments.getTextTrim();
// get guid element
Element elGuid = item.getChild("guid", defNS);
if (elGuid != null) {
String guidUrl = elGuid.getTextTrim();
if (guidUrl != null) {
boolean permaLink = true;
Attribute permaLinkAttribute = elGuid.getAttribute("isPermaLink",
if (permaLinkAttribute != null) {
String permaLinkStr = permaLinkAttribute.getValue();
if (permaLinkStr != null) {
permaLink = Boolean.valueOf(permaLinkStr).booleanValue();
ItemGuidIF itemGuid = cBuilder.createItemGuid(rssItem, guidUrl,
// get source element
Element elSource = item.getChild("source", defNS);
if (elSource != null) {
String sourceName = elSource.getTextTrim();
Attribute sourceAttribute = elSource.getAttribute("url", defNS);
if (sourceAttribute != null) {
String sourceLocation = sourceAttribute.getValue().trim();
ItemSourceIF itemSource = cBuilder.createItemSource(rssItem,
sourceName, sourceLocation, null);
// get enclosure element
Element elEnclosure = item.getChild("enclosure", defNS);
if (elEnclosure != null) {
URL location = null;
String type = null;
int length = -1;
Attribute urlAttribute = elEnclosure.getAttribute("url", defNS);
if (urlAttribute != null) {
location = ParserUtils.getURL(urlAttribute.getValue().trim());
Attribute typeAttribute = elEnclosure.getAttribute("type", defNS);
if (typeAttribute != null) {
type = typeAttribute.getValue().trim();
Attribute lengthAttribute = elEnclosure.getAttribute("length", defNS);
if (lengthAttribute != null) {
try {
length = Integer.parseInt(lengthAttribute.getValue().trim());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
ItemEnclosureIF itemEnclosure = cBuilder.createItemEnclosure(rssItem,
location, type, length);
// 0..1 image element
Element image = channel.getChild("image", defNS);