[] cus = new[openablesLength];
int unitsIndex = 0;
CompilationUnitDeclaration focusUnit = null;
ReferenceBinding focusBinaryBinding = null;
IType focus = this.builder.getType();
Openable focusOpenable = null;
if (focus != null) {
if (focus.isBinary()) {
focusOpenable = (Openable)focus.getClassFile();
} else {
focusOpenable = (Openable)focus.getCompilationUnit();
// build type bindings
Parser parser = new Parser(this.lookupEnvironment.problemReporter, true);
for (int i = 0; i < openablesLength; i++) {
Openable openable = openables[i];
if (openable instanceof { cu = (;
// contains a potential subtype as a local or anonymous type?
boolean containsLocalType = false;
if (localTypes == null) { // case of hierarchy on region
containsLocalType = true;
} else {
IPath path = cu.getPath();
containsLocalType = localTypes.contains(path.toString());
// build parsed unit
CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit = null;
if (cu.isOpen()) {
// create parsed unit from source element infos
CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult(((ICompilationUnit)cu).getFileName(), i, openablesLength, this.options.maxProblemsPerUnit);
SourceTypeElementInfo[] typeInfos = null;
try {
IType[] topLevelTypes = cu.getTypes();
int topLevelLength = topLevelTypes.length;
if (topLevelLength == 0) continue; // empty cu: no need to parse (see
typeInfos = new SourceTypeElementInfo[topLevelLength];
for (int j = 0; j < topLevelLength; j++) {
IType topLevelType = topLevelTypes[j];
typeInfos[j] = (SourceTypeElementInfo)((JavaElement)topLevelType).getElementInfo();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// types/cu exist since cu is opened
int flags = !containsLocalType
? SourceTypeConverter.MEMBER_TYPE
: SourceTypeConverter.FIELD_AND_METHOD | SourceTypeConverter.MEMBER_TYPE | SourceTypeConverter.LOCAL_TYPE;
parsedUnit =
if (containsLocalType) parsedUnit.bits |= ASTNode.HasAllMethodBodies;
} else {
// create parsed unit from file
IFile file = (IFile) cu.getResource();
ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = this.builder.createCompilationUnitFromPath(openable, file);
CompilationResult unitResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, i, openablesLength, this.options.maxProblemsPerUnit);
parsedUnit = parser.dietParse(sourceUnit, unitResult);
if (parsedUnit != null) {
hasLocalType[unitsIndex] = containsLocalType;
cus[unitsIndex] = cu;
parsedUnits[unitsIndex++] = parsedUnit;
try {
this.lookupEnvironment.buildTypeBindings(parsedUnit, null /*no access restriction*/);
if (openable.equals(focusOpenable)) {
focusUnit = parsedUnit;
} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
// classpath problem for this type: ignore
} else {
// cache binary type binding
ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile)openable;
IBinaryType binaryType = null;
if (classFile.isOpen()) {
// create binary type from info
IType type = classFile.getType();
try {
binaryType = (IBinaryType)((JavaElement)type).getElementInfo();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// type exists since class file is opened