y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, s);
y += positions.lineHeight;
if (player.getSpouseData()!=null){
ISpouseData spouse = player.getSpouseData();
// Name
if (spouse.isMale()){
s = "Name of husband"; // TODO externalize
} else {
s = "Name of wife";
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, s);
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(spouse.getName()).append(" ").append(spouse.getLastName());
sb.append(", Age ").append(spouse.getAge(now));
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, sb.toString());
y += positions.lineHeight;
// Birth
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, "Born");
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("on ").append(data.getBirthDate().toDisplayString()).append(" in ").append(birthPlace.getName());
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, sb.toString());
y += positions.lineHeight;
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, "Children");
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, String.valueOf(spouse.getNumberOfChildren()));
y += positions.lineHeight;
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (city.getCity()==birthPlace){
// TODO consider the spouses popularity and relations
if (spouse.isMale()){
sb.append("Your husband is unknown to the citizens of ").append(city.getCity().getName());
} else {
sb.append("Your wife is unknown to the citizens of ").append(city.getCity().getName());
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, sb.toString());
sb = new StringBuilder();
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, sb.toString());
sb.append("and has no relations with the counsilmen.");
} else if (city.getCity()==player.getCompany().getHomeTown()){
// TODO consider the spouses popularity and relations
if (spouse.isMale()){
sb.append("Your husband is unknown to the citizens of ").append(city.getCity().getName());
} else {
sb.append("Your wife is unknown to the citizens of ").append(city.getCity().getName());
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, sb.toString());
sb = new StringBuilder();
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, sb.toString());
sb.append("and has no relations with the counsilmen.");
} else {
if (spouse.isMale()){
sb.append("Your husband is unknown to the citizens of ").append(city.getCity().getName());
} else {
sb.append("Your wife is unknown to the citizens of ").append(city.getCity().getName());
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, sb.toString());
sb = new StringBuilder();
y = drawRow(g2d, y, firstColumn, sb.toString());
sb.append("and has no relations with the counsilmen.");
if (spouse.getPortrait()!=null){
g2d.drawImage(spouse.getPortrait(), positions.xPortrait, positions.yPortrait, null);
// Footer buttons
y = bg.getHeight()-getInset().bottom-positions.lineHeight;