Examples of ISVNEditor

@version 1.3 @author TMate Software Ltd. @since 1.2 @see ISVNReporterBaton @see Examples

Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNEditor

            return new SVNCommitInfo[0];

        Collection tmpFiles = null;
        SVNCommitInfo info = null;
        ISVNEditor commitEditor = null;

        Collection infos = new ArrayList();
        boolean needsSleepForTimeStamp = false;
        for (int p = 0; p < commitPackets.length; p++) {
            SVNCommitPacket commitPacket = commitPackets[p].removeSkippedItems();
            if (commitPacket.getCommitItems().length == 0) {
            try {
                commitMessage = getCommitHandler().getCommitMessage(commitMessage, commitPacket.getCommitItems());               
                if (commitMessage == null) {
                commitMessage = SVNCommitUtil.validateCommitMessage(commitMessage);
                Map commitables = new TreeMap();
                SVNURL baseURL = SVNCommitUtil.translateCommitables(commitPacket.getCommitItems(), commitables);
                Map lockTokens = SVNCommitUtil.translateLockTokens(commitPacket.getLockTokens(), baseURL.toString());
                //TODO: we should pass wcAccess and path to check uuids
                SVNCommitItem firstItem = commitPacket.getCommitItems()[0];
                SVNRepository repository = createRepository(baseURL, firstItem.getFile(),
                        firstItem.getWCAccess(), true);
                SVNCommitMediator mediator = new SVNCommitMediator(commitables);
                tmpFiles = mediator.getTmpFiles();
                String repositoryRoot = repository.getRepositoryRoot(true).getPath();
                commitEditor = repository.getCommitEditor(commitMessage, lockTokens, keepLocks, revisionProperties, mediator);
                // commit.
                // set event handler for each wc access.
                for (int i = 0; i < commitPacket.getCommitItems().length; i++) {
                info = SVNCommitter.commit(mediator.getTmpFiles(), commitables, repositoryRoot, commitEditor);
                // update wc.
                Collection processedItems = new SVNHashSet();
                Collection explicitCommitPaths = new SVNHashSet();
                for (Iterator urls = commitables.keySet().iterator(); urls.hasNext();) {
                    String url = (String) urls.next();
                    SVNCommitItem item = (SVNCommitItem) commitables.get(url);
                for (Iterator urls = commitables.keySet().iterator(); urls.hasNext();) {
                    String url = (String) urls.next();
                    SVNCommitItem item = (SVNCommitItem) commitables.get(url);
                    SVNWCAccess wcAccess = item.getWCAccess();
                    String path = item.getPath();
                    SVNAdminArea dir = null;
                    String target = null;

                    try {
                        if (item.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
                            target = "";
                            dir = wcAccess.retrieve(item.getFile());
                        } else {
                            target = SVNPathUtil.tail(path);
                            dir = wcAccess.retrieve(item.getFile().getParentFile());
                    } catch (SVNException e) {
                        if (e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.WC_NOT_LOCKED) {
                            dir = null;
                    if (dir == null) {
                        if (hasProcessedParents(processedItems, path)) {
                        if (item.isDeleted() && item.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
                            File parentPath = "".equals(path) ? null : item.getFile().getParentFile();
                            String nameInParent = "".equals(path) ? null : SVNPathUtil.tail(path);
                            if (parentPath != null) {
                                SVNAdminArea parentDir = wcAccess.retrieve(parentPath);
                                if (parentDir != null) {
                                    SVNEntry entryInParent = parentDir.getEntry(nameInParent, true);
                                    if (entryInParent != null) {
                                        Map attributes = new SVNHashMap();
                                        attributes.put(SVNProperty.SCHEDULE, null);
                                        attributes.put(SVNProperty.DELETED, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
                                        parentDir.modifyEntry(nameInParent, attributes, true, true);
                    SVNEntry entry = dir.getEntry(target, true);
                    if (entry == null && hasProcessedParents(processedItems, path)) {
                    boolean recurse = false;
                    if (item.isAdded() && item.getCopyFromURL() != null && item.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
                        recurse = true;
                    boolean removeLock = !keepLocks && item.isLocked();
                    // update entry in dir.
                    SVNProperties wcPropChanges = mediator.getWCProperties(item);
                    dir.commit(target, info, wcPropChanges, removeLock, recurse, !keepChangelist, explicitCommitPaths, getCommitParameters());
                needsSleepForTimeStamp = true;
                // commit completed, include revision number.
                dispatchEvent(SVNEventFactory.createSVNEvent(null, SVNNodeKind.NONE, null, info.getNewRevision(), SVNEventAction.COMMIT_COMPLETED, null, null, null), ISVNEventHandler.UNKNOWN);
            } catch (SVNException e) {
                if (e instanceof SVNCancelException) {
                    throw e;
                SVNErrorMessage err = e.getErrorMessage().wrap("Commit failed (details follow):");
                infos.add(new SVNCommitInfo(-1, null, null, err));
                dispatchEvent(SVNEventFactory.createErrorEvent(err, SVNEventAction.COMMIT_COMPLETED), ISVNEventHandler.UNKNOWN);
            } finally {
                if (info == null && commitEditor != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (SVNException e) {
                if (tmpFiles != null) {
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