(byte) 0x34 }, packager.pack(field));
public void testPackNoHintFail() throws Exception {
ISOMultiFieldPackager packager = new ISOMultiFieldPackager(
"Should be 041234", new ISOFieldPackager[] {
new IFB_LLNUM(10, "Should not be this", true),
new IFE_LLNUM(10, "Should be 041234"),
new IFB_LLNUM(10, "The one to pack", true) });
// packager.hint("The one to pack");
ISOField field = new ISOField(12, "1234");
try {
TestUtils.assertEquals(new byte[] { (byte) 0x04, (byte) 0x12,
(byte) 0x34 }, packager.pack(field));
fail("pack without hint should fail with ISOException!");
} catch (Exception expected) {
// Expected!