first = false;
int firstInt = SpdyChannel.CONTROL_FRAME | (getChannel().getSpdyVersion() << 16) | 2;
SpdyProtocolUtils.putInt(buffer, firstInt);
SpdyProtocolUtils.putInt(buffer, 0); //we back fill the length
HeaderMap headers = this.headers;
SpdyProtocolUtils.putInt(buffer, getStreamId());
headers.remove(Headers.CONNECTION); //todo: should this be here?
SpdyProtocolUtils.putInt(inputBuffer, headers.size());
long fiCookie = headers.fastIterateNonEmpty();
while (fiCookie != -1) {
HeaderValues headerValues = headers.fiCurrent(fiCookie);
//TODO: for now it just fails if there are too many headers
SpdyProtocolUtils.putInt(inputBuffer, headerValues.getHeaderName().length());
for (int i = 0; i < headerValues.getHeaderName().length(); ++i) {
inputBuffer.put((byte) (Character.toLowerCase((char) headerValues.getHeaderName().byteAt(i))));
int pos = inputBuffer.position();
SpdyProtocolUtils.putInt(inputBuffer, 0); //size, back fill
int size = headerValues.size() - 1; //null between the characters
for (int i = 0; i < headerValues.size(); ++i) {
String val = headerValues.get(i);
size += val.length();
for (int j = 0; j < val.length(); ++j) {
inputBuffer.put((byte) val.charAt(j));
if (i != headerValues.size() - 1) {
inputBuffer.put((byte) 0);
SpdyProtocolUtils.putInt(inputBuffer, size, pos);
fiCookie = headers.fiNext(fiCookie);
deflater.setInput(inputBuffer.array(), inputBuffer.arrayOffset(), inputBuffer.position());
int deflated;