
Examples of

        List<AuthenticationMechanism> mechs = new ArrayList<>();
        mechs.add(new BasicAuthenticationMechanism("Test Realm"));

        current = new AuthenticationMechanismsHandler(current, mechs);
        current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, Collections.<NotificationReceiver>singleton(auditReceiver));

        current = new SecurityInitialHandler(AuthenticationMode.PRO_ACTIVE, identityManager, current);

        path.addPrefixPath("/test1", current);
        current = new ResponseHandler();
        current = new AuthenticationCallHandler(current);
        current = new AuthenticationConstraintHandler(current);

        mechs = new ArrayList<>();
        mechs.add(new FormAuthenticationMechanism("form", "/login", "/error"));

        current = new AuthenticationMechanismsHandler(current, mechs);
        current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, Collections.<NotificationReceiver>singleton(auditReceiver));

        current = new SecurityInitialHandler(AuthenticationMode.PRO_ACTIVE, identityManager, current);

        path.addPrefixPath("/test2", current);
        path.addPrefixPath("/login", new ResponseCodeHandler(StatusCodes.UNAUTHORIZED));
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        current = new AuthenticationCallHandler(current);
        current = new AuthenticationConstraintHandler(current);

        current = new AuthenticationMechanismsHandler(current, getTestMechanisms());
        auditReceiver.takeNotifications(); // Ensure empty on initialisation.
        current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, Collections.<NotificationReceiver> singleton(auditReceiver));

        current = new SecurityInitialHandler(AuthenticationMode.PRO_ACTIVE, identityManager, current);

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        current = new CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(current, this.deployment.getServletContext());
        List<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = deploymentInfo.getNotificationReceivers();
        if (notificationReceivers.isEmpty() == false) {
            current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, notificationReceivers);

        // TODO - A switch to constraint driven could be configurable, however before we can support that with servlets we would
        // need additional tracking within sessions if a servlet has specifically requested that authentication occurs.
        current = new SecurityInitialHandler(AuthenticationMode.PRO_ACTIVE, deploymentInfo.getIdentityManager(), mechName, current);
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        current = new CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(current, this.deployment.getServletContext());
        List<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = deploymentInfo.getNotificationReceivers();
        if (notificationReceivers.isEmpty() == false) {
            current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, notificationReceivers);

        // TODO - A switch to constraint driven could be configurable, however before we can support that with servlets we would
        // need additional tracking within sessions if a servlet has specifically requested that authentication occurs.
        current = new SecurityInitialHandler(AuthenticationMode.PRO_ACTIVE, deploymentInfo.getIdentityManager(), mechName, current);
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        current = new CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(current, this.deployment.getServletContext());
        List<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = deploymentInfo.getNotificationReceivers();
        if (!notificationReceivers.isEmpty()) {
            current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, notificationReceivers);

        // TODO - A switch to constraint driven could be configurable, however before we can support that with servlets we would
        // need additional tracking within sessions if a servlet has specifically requested that authentication occurs.
        current = new SecurityInitialHandler(AuthenticationMode.PRO_ACTIVE, deploymentInfo.getIdentityManager(), mechName, current);
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        current = new CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(current, this.deployment.getServletContext());
        List<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = deploymentInfo.getNotificationReceivers();
        if (!notificationReceivers.isEmpty()) {
            current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, notificationReceivers);

        // TODO - A switch to constraint driven could be configurable, however before we can support that with servlets we would
        // need additional tracking within sessions if a servlet has specifically requested that authentication occurs.
        current = new SecurityInitialHandler(AuthenticationMode.PRO_ACTIVE, deploymentInfo.getIdentityManager(), mechName, current);
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        current = new CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(current, this.deployment.getServletContext());
        List<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = deploymentInfo.getNotificationReceivers();
        if (!notificationReceivers.isEmpty()) {
            current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, notificationReceivers);

        // TODO - A switch to constraint driven could be configurable, however before we can support that with servlets we would
        // need additional tracking within sessions if a servlet has specifically requested that authentication occurs.
        SecurityContextFactory contextFactory = deploymentInfo.getSecurityContextFactory();
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        current = new CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(current, this.deployment.getServletContext());
        List<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = deploymentInfo.getNotificationReceivers();
        if (!notificationReceivers.isEmpty()) {
            current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, notificationReceivers);

        // TODO - A switch to constraint driven could be configurable, however before we can support that with servlets we would
        // need additional tracking within sessions if a servlet has specifically requested that authentication occurs.
        SecurityContextFactory contextFactory = deploymentInfo.getSecurityContextFactory();
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        current = new CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(current, this.deployment.getServletContext());
        List<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = deploymentInfo.getNotificationReceivers();
        if (!notificationReceivers.isEmpty()) {
            current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, notificationReceivers);

        // TODO - A switch to constraint driven could be configurable, however before we can support that with servlets we would
        // need additional tracking within sessions if a servlet has specifically requested that authentication occurs.
        SecurityContextFactory contextFactory = deploymentInfo.getSecurityContextFactory();
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        current = new CachedAuthenticatedSessionHandler(current, this.deployment.getServletContext());
        List<NotificationReceiver> notificationReceivers = deploymentInfo.getNotificationReceivers();
        if (!notificationReceivers.isEmpty()) {
            current = new NotificationReceiverHandler(current, notificationReceivers);

        // TODO - A switch to constraint driven could be configurable, however before we can support that with servlets we would
        // need additional tracking within sessions if a servlet has specifically requested that authentication occurs.
        SecurityContextFactory contextFactory = deploymentInfo.getSecurityContextFactory();
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