* values will be already added to the FileOutput
* @throws ErrorDataDecoderException
* write IO error occurs with the FileUpload
private void readFileUploadByteMultipart(String delimiter) {
SeekAheadOptimize sao;
try {
sao = new SeekAheadOptimize(undecodedChunk);
} catch (SeekAheadNoBackArrayException ignored) {
int readerIndex = undecodedChunk.readerIndex();
// found the decoder limit
boolean newLine = true;
int index = 0;
int lastrealpos = sao.pos;
int lastPosition;
boolean found = false;
while (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
byte nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (newLine) {
// Check the delimiter
if (nextByte == delimiter.codePointAt(index)) {
if (delimiter.length() == index) {
found = true;
} else {
newLine = false;
index = 0;
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 2;
} else {
// unread next byte
// save last valid position
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 1;
} else {
// save last valid position
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else {
// continue until end of line
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.CR) {
if (sao.pos < sao.limit) {
nextByte = sao.bytes[sao.pos++];
if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 2;
} else {
// unread next byte
// save last valid position
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
} else if (nextByte == HttpConstants.LF) {
newLine = true;
index = 0;
lastrealpos = sao.pos - 1;
} else {
// save last valid position
lastrealpos = sao.pos;
lastPosition = sao.getReadPosition(lastrealpos);
ByteBuf buffer = undecodedChunk.copy(readerIndex, lastPosition - readerIndex);
if (found) {
// found so lastPosition is correct and final
try {
currentFileUpload.addContent(buffer, true);