Name | Meaning |
{@code maxInitialLineLength} | The maximum length of the initial line (e.g. {@code "GET / HTTP/1.0"}) If the length of the initial line exceeds this value, a {@link TooLongFrameException} will be raised. |
{@code maxHeaderSize} | The maximum length of all headers. If the sum of the length of each header exceeds this value, a {@link TooLongFrameException} will be raised. |
{@code maxChunkSize} | The maximum length of the content or each chunk. If the content length exceeds this value, the transfer encoding of the decoded request will be converted to 'chunked' and the content will be split into multiple {@link HttpContent}s. If the transfer encoding of the HTTP request is 'chunked' already, each chunk will be split into smaller chunks if the length of the chunk exceeds this value. If you prefer not to handle {@link HttpContent}s in your handler, insert {@link HttpObjectAggregator}after this decoder in the {@link ChannelPipeline}. |