private static List<InterfaceHttpData> formPost(Bootstrap bootstrap, String host, int port, URI uriSimple,
File file, HttpDataFactory factory, List<Entry<String, String>> headers) throws Exception {
// Start the connection attempt
Channel channel = bootstrap.connect(host, port).sync().channel();
// Prepare the HTTP request.
FullHttpRequest request =
new DefaultFullHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.POST, uriSimple.toASCIIString());
// Use the PostBody encoder
HttpPostRequestEncoder bodyRequestEncoder = null;
try {
bodyRequestEncoder = new HttpPostRequestEncoder(factory, request, false); // false not multipart
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// should not be since args are not null
} catch (ErrorDataEncoderException e) {
// test if getMethod is a POST getMethod
// it is legal to add directly header or cookie into the request until finalize
for (Entry<String, String> entry : headers) {
request.headers().set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// add Form attribute
try {
bodyRequestEncoder.addBodyAttribute("getform", "POST");
bodyRequestEncoder.addBodyAttribute("info", "first value");
bodyRequestEncoder.addBodyAttribute("secondinfo", "secondvalue ���&");
bodyRequestEncoder.addBodyAttribute("thirdinfo", textArea);
bodyRequestEncoder.addBodyFileUpload("myfile", file, "application/x-zip-compressed", false);
bodyRequestEncoder.addBodyAttribute("Send", "Send");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// should not be since not null args
} catch (ErrorDataEncoderException e) {
// if an encoding error occurs
// finalize request
try {
request = bodyRequestEncoder.finalizeRequest();
} catch (ErrorDataEncoderException e) {
// if an encoding error occurs
// Create the bodylist to be reused on the last version with Multipart support
List<InterfaceHttpData> bodylist = bodyRequestEncoder.getBodyListAttributes();
// send request
// test if request was chunked and if so, finish the write
if (bodyRequestEncoder.isChunked()) {
// could do either request.isChunked()
// either do it through ChunkedWriteHandler
// Do not clear here since we will reuse the InterfaceHttpData on the
// next request
// for the example (limit action on client side). Take this as a
// broadcast of the same
// request on both Post actions.
// On standard program, it is clearly recommended to clean all files
// after each request
// bodyRequestEncoder.cleanFiles();
// Wait for the server to close the connection.
return bodylist;