name = isNullOrBlank(name) ? null : name;
description = isNullOrBlank(description) ? null : description;
File childDir = new File(target, directory);
ArchetypeHelper helper = new ArchetypeHelper(archetypeFile, childDir, groupId, artifactId, version, name, description);
Map<String, String> properties = helper.parseProperties();
// if we have fabric8.profile as a property then lets configured it now, as its mandatory
// and use artifactId as its default suggested value
String profile = null;
if (properties.containsKey("fabric8-profile")) {
profile = properties.remove("fabric8-profile");
String defaultProfile = isNullOrBlank(profile) ? artifactId : profile;
String p = ShellUtils.readLine(session, String.format("Define value for property 'fabric8.profile' (%s): ", defaultProfile), false);
profile = isNullOrBlank(p) ? defaultProfile : p;
// show additional properties and ask to use them as-is
boolean mustChoose = false;
if (!properties.isEmpty()) {
// check if we must choose if there is an empty value or a value that has a ${ } token so we dont have a default value
for (String value : properties.values()) {
if (isNullOrBlank(value) || value.contains("$")) {
mustChoose = true;
if (!mustChoose) {
System.out.println("----- Additional properties -----");
for (String key : properties.keySet()) {
System.out.println(String.format("Using property '%s' (%s): ", key, properties.get(key)));
boolean choosing = true;
while (mustChoose || choosing) {
String confirm = null;
if (!mustChoose) {
confirm = ShellUtils.readLine(session, "Confirm additional properties configuration: (Y): ", false);
confirm = isNullOrBlank(confirm) ? "Y" : confirm;
if (mustChoose || !"Y".equalsIgnoreCase(confirm)) {
// ask for replacement properties suggesting the defaults
if (!properties.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("----- Configure additional properties -----");
for (String key : properties.keySet()) {
String value = properties.get(key);
// if the value is empty or a token, then do not show any default value
if (isNullOrBlank(value) || value.contains("$")) {
value = "";
String p = ShellUtils.readLine(session, String.format("Define value for property '%s' (%s): ", key, value), false);
p = isNullOrBlank(p) ? value : p;
properties.put(key, p);
mustChoose = false;
} else {
choosing = false;
// remover to include the profile back into properties
if (profile != null) {
properties.put("fabric8-profile", profile);
if (!properties.isEmpty()) {
// set override properties
String confirm = ShellUtils.readLine(session, "Create project: (Y): ", false);
confirm = confirm == null || confirm.trim().equals("") ? "Y" : confirm;
if ("Y".equalsIgnoreCase(confirm)) {
System.out.println(String.format("Creating project in directory: %s", childDir.getCanonicalPath()));
System.out.println("Project created successfully");
} else {
System.out.println("Creating project aborted!");