{@code ApplicationContextInitializer} registering {@link ProcessRegistryPropertySource}.
After you add {@code process-spring-boot-registry} jar to the classpath of your application, {@link ProcessRegistry}will be used to resolve Spring properties.
{@literal @}Value("service.invoicing.url") String host;
{@link ProcessRegistry} will be attempted to be read before regular Spring property sources (for example before the{@code application.properties} file). If the desired value will not be found in the process registry, Spring will fallbackto the other property sources.
By default the following process registries are aggregated by the Spring Boot container:
{@link ZooKeeperProcessRegistry} (if {@code curator-framework} is present in the classpath) {@link ClassPathProcessRegistry} {@link InMemoryProcessRegistry} The above basically means that Spring Boot container attempts to read properties from the Fabric8 ZooKeeper registry, then from the system properties and finally from the files located in the classpath.